Classical Studies |
General Classics Resources |
American Classical League |
Ancient Greek and Roman Libraries (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Ancient Greek Sites on the World-Wide Web (a wide range of resources under the following four meta-topics: Authors & Texts; Art & Images; Resources & Topics; Maps & Geography) (Bob Fisher) |
The Ancient World on TV (David Meadows, McMaster U.) |
The Ancient World Web (Julia Hayden) |
Anglistik, Romanistik, Klassische Philologie (German-language metapage of resources for English, Romance-language, and classical language and literary studies) (Armin Fingerhut) |
Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (in French) |
Cambridge U. Faculty of Classics: Outbound Links Gateway |
Classical and Biblical Literature Research Tools (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.) |
Classical Backpacking in Greece ("designed for students of all ages who wish to visit the archaeological sites of Ancient Greece"; includes detailed site guides with illustrations and links) |
Classics at Oxford |
Classics On-Line Course Database (browse or search an extensive set of links to Classics courses; also, add your Classics course to the list) (Classics Teaching and Technology Subcommittee) |
The Classics Page at Ad Fontes Academy |
Homepage of the Classics Page at Ad Fontes Academy |
The Classics Page at Ad Fontes Academy |
The Latin Library at Ad Fontes Academy |
Classics Technology Center ("repository of practical tools, for educators and other classicists, to enhance the use of computer technology in Classics education") (AbleMedia) |
Cultural Map of Hellas (image-map interface to museums, archaeological sites or monuments; also has search engine) (Hellenic Ministry of Culture) |
CyberLatin |
Homepage (Chalice Yehling) |
Mythology |
Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World |
Dr. Shaw's Humanities and Classics Page (Edward A. Shaw, U. Central Florida) |
Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation (Maria C. Pantelia, U. New Hampshire) |
Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation (links arranged by topic) (Maria C. Pantelia, U. California, Irvine) |
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Greece (U. Evansville) |
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: The Roman Empire (U. Evansville) |
HUMBUL Gateway to Classics (Oxford U.) |
Internet Classics Archive (Daniel C. Stevenson) |
Latin Bookmarks (Dept. of Foreign Languages, U. Toledo) |
Library of Congress Greek and Latin Classics Internet Resources |
Homepage |
Classics Links of Broad Scope |
Links to Fields and to Resources by Type |
Texts |
Universities, Colleges, Schools |
Loeb Classical Library (publisher's abstracts and ordering info) (Harvard U. Press) |
Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome (photographs by Leo C. Curran, SUNY Buffalo; may be used for any non-commercial purpose) |
Medicina Antiqua / Ancient Medicine ("Greco-Roman medicine and medical thought from Mycenaean times until the fall of the Roman empire") (Jason Davies, U. College, London) |
Michigan Classics Server |
The On-Line Audio-Visual Resources for Classics Database (comprehensive hyperlinked survey of audio-visual resources available for the teacher of classics) (Janice Siegel, Hampden-Sydney C., VA) |
Perseus Project (multimedia library of ancient Greek texts and archaeology; includes online Greek texts in English or Greek, either for download or broken into small browsable chunks; also, info about the Perseus CD-ROM project) |
The Prima Luce Award ("The Prima Luce Award, sponsored by the Maryland Junior Classical League, is presented monthly to a website whose content is of educational and entertaining interest to students of the Classics [Latin & Greek]") |
Kurt A. Raaflaub, "Teaching the Classics Some Thoughts on Teaching Ancient History" |
Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo Studio dell'Antichità Classica (in Italian) (Alessandro Cristofori) |
Recursos del Mundo Clasico en Internet (RMCI) (gateway for classical studies on the Internet; in Spanish) (Cristobal Macias and Jose Luis Jimenez) |
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Classical Studies (U. Waterloo) |
RomanSites: A Catalog of Websites on Roman Antiquity (extensive site) (Bill Thayer) |
ROMARCH List Outbound Links |
Silver Mountain Software (software and fonts for classical and religious studies) |
U. Erlangen Resources For Classical Philology on the Internet (in German) |
U. Michigan Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Page (extensive metapage) |
VRoma: A Virtual Community for the Teaching of Classics (project funded by the NEH Teaching with Technologry grant program with two key elements: "1) a virtual forum ("VRoma"), a multi-user networked environment (MOO/web server) built upon a spatial and cultural metaphor of ancient Rome wh |
White Trash Scriptorium ("Salve, hospes! Gaudeo quod huc advenisti. Habe tibi libros qui subsunt"; info, links, and chat for the Latin-literate) |
WordHoard (an application for the "empirical and computer-assisted study of large bodies of written texts or transcribed speech"; "texts are annotated or tagged by morphological, lexical, prosodic, and narratological criteria [and] mediated through a 'digital page' or user interface that lets scholarly but non-technical users explore the greatly increased query potential of textual data kept in such a form"; "currently includes all of early Greek epic, all of Chaucer [via Larry Benson's Glossarial Concordance to the Riverside Chaucer], Spenser's Faerie Queene, and all of Shakespeare in a version derived from the Globe Shakespeare") (Northwestern U. Departments of Classics & English / Northwestern U. Academic Technologies) |
Language Resources |
Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, Table of Contents |
Classical Text Editor (for-sale Windows "word-processor designed specially for critical editions. Up to a dozen apparatus, supports building sigla for groups of text-witnesses") (Stefan Hagel) |
Computer Programs for Latin (Joke van de Plassche, Edwin Bos) |
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources (Royal Irish Academy) |
The Electronic Thesaurus Linguae Latinae ("the only dictionary to attempt to comprehend the entire Latin language. Its chronological termini reach from the third century B.C. to A.D. 600, including both literary texts and documentary evidence [inscriptions, etc.]") (Consortium for Latin Lexicography) |
Greek and Latin Language Resources (The Stele) |
Images of Orality and Literacy in Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth and Third Centuries BCE (James O'Donnell) |
Latin Bookmarks (Dept. of Foreign Languages, U. Toledo) |
Latin Dictionaries (bibliography of works in the Stanford U. Green Library; no links to online dictionaries) (John Rawlings, Stanford U.) |
Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis U. (Claude Pavur, Saint Louis U.) |
Lingua Latina (Latin grammar drill program) |
Wordbase Greek (shareware "program that helps you learn Greek, specially designed for New Testamental Greek"; for Windows 95/NT) (Dag Kihlman) |
Archaeology |
History & Culture |
Avesta: Zoroastrian Archives-- Homepage ("text of the extant Avesta, the most ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism, as well as many Pahlavi scriptures," plus linguistic information and other resources) ( | Ancient/Classical History (N.S. Gill) |
Ancient Roman Cooking: A Collection of Recipes (Micaela Pantke) |
The Ancient City of Athens ("a photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens) (Kevin T. GLowacki, Indiana U) |
The Ancient Greek World (virtual museum exhibition) (U. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) |
The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum (requires registration) (Fillia Makedon, Dartmouth C.) |
The Ancient World: Antiquity Online (subject-based articles from the STone Age to the Middle Ages) (Frank E. Smitha) |
Babylon ("It is the year 580BC and the city of Babylon is at its greatest. Under the rule of king Nebuchadnezzar the magnificent city is considered the mightiest and most beautiful in the known world. . . .") (Daniel Craig Walton) |
CEIPAC: Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigedad Clasica (site on economics of the classical age: "la produccion y comercializacion de alimentos en la antigedad clasica (José Remesal, U. Barcelona) |
Chronology: Rome (EAWC Internet Resources) |
De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors (articles, as well as images from coins and atlases) (Richard D. Weigel, Western Kentucky U.) |
De re militari: Assoc. for the Study of Classical and Medieval Military Matters (Monte Turner) |
Diotima ("an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world.. . . includes cours |
Forum Romanum ("Explore Forum Romanum to experience Rome's past through its culture, religion, language, and much more."; site offers a great many color photographs, in the form either of virtual (visual) tours or alongside mini-essays on a large variet |
Gateway to World History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilization (history with a labor focus) (Haines Brown, Central Connecticut S.) |
Herodotus, The History of Herodotus (Rawlinson translation into English) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
Hesiod |
Shield of Heracles (Internet Classics Archive) |
Theogony (Internet Classics Archive) |
Works and Days (Internet Classics Archive) |
Horses and Classical Culture : 58 Million B.C.-450 A.D. (International Museum of the Horse) |
Roman Empire: Imperium Romanorum (historical material on Roman censors, consuls, and emperors) (Clifton R. Fox , Tomball C., Texas) |
Late Antiquity Resources (Steven Muhlberger, Nipissing U., Canada) |
Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean: A Guide to Online Resources |
Overview of Late Antiquity |
Visual Tour through Late Antiquity (With an Emphasis on Gaul and the Time of Gregory of Tours) |
Plutarch |
Plutarch Works (links to texts in English translated by Dryden) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Roman Empire / Imperivm Romanorvm (site offers database-formatted information on the following topics: Censors of the Republic; Ordinary Consuls of the Republic and Empire, 300 BC -- 68 AD; House of the Caesares--a genealogical guide to the Julio Claudians; Roman Emperors) (Clifton R. Fox , Tomball C.) |
Roman Law Homepage ("These pages are dedicated to Roman Law: the legal system invented by the Romans more than 2000 years ago, which - having undergone the process of decay, revival, transformation and reinterpretation innumerable times - continues to influence l |
Roman Scotland: An Exhibition of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow |
Ships of the Ancient Greeks ("An Annotated Collection of Internet Resources: Archaeology Sites, History Sites, Classics Sites, Museum Sites,Bibliographies, Syllabi, Articles, Lectures, Book Reviews, and Images") (Bob Fisher) |
P. Cornelius Tacitus |
Tacitus The Annals (Church and Brodribb English translation) Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Tacitus Histories (Church and Brodribb English translation) Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Thucydides History of The Peloponnesian War (Crawley English translation) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity (online exhibition on "magic and its practitioners in the Mediterranean basin and the Near East from the 1st to the 7th centuries A.D.") (Gideon Bohak, U. of Michigan Library) |
The Virtual Gallery ("Each of these virtual exhibitions is a study in the art of the Greco-Roman world with a few excursions into other time periods and cultures. . .") (San Jose State U.) |
VÍTELIÚ The Languages of Ancient Italy (site includes links, reference tools, a language map; information structured around the following topic headings: The Languages of Ancient Italy; MAP Classification of the Languages; The Alphabets of Ancient Italy; Selected Inscriptions; Etruscan V |
Warfare in the Greco-Roman World (includes articles and links, arranged by geographical area) (James MacLean) |
Windows on Italy: the Early Italic Tribes (general overview of Italy's history, up tot he Classical period) (the Italic Institute of America) |
Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt: From Pre-History to Late Antiquity (virtual exhibit) (Terry G. Wilfon, Kelsey Museum, U. of Michigan) |
Women's Life in Greece and Rome (this site offers passages from primary texts relelvant to ten major categories: Women's Voices; Philosophers; Legal Status in the Roman World; Private Life; Medicine and Anatomy; Men's Opinions; Legal Status in the Greek World; Public Life; Occupat |
Literature |
General Literature Resources |
Terry V. F. Brogan, Metrici and Rhythmici: A Chronological List of Ancient and Medieval Theories of Meter, with Secondary Apparatus (Versification) |
Didaskalia (Greek & Roman drama and performing arts) |
Didaskalia's Introduction to Ancient Theater (includes bibliography) (eds.Sallie Goetsch and C. W. Marshall, UC Berkeley) |
Internet Classics Archive (Daniel C. Stevenson) |
On-Line Literary Resources: Classical & Biblical (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.) |
Project Libellus ("an ongoing attempt to provide a library of classical Latin (and Greek) texts with minimal redistribution restrictions. . .") (U. of Washington) |
Aeschylus |
Aeschylus Bibliography (Victoria U. of Wellington, New Zealand) |
Agamemnon (Internet Classics Archive) |
Eumenides (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Persians (Internet Classics Archive) |
Prometheus Bound (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Seven Against Thebes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Suppliants |
Aristophanes |
The Acharnians (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Birds (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Clouds (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Ecclesiazusae (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Frogs (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Knights (Internet Classics Archive) |
Peace (Internet Classics Archive) |
Plutus (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Thesmophoriazusae (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Wasps (Internet Classics Archive) |
Cassiodorus |
James J. O'Donnell (U. Penn), Cassiodorus (hypertext "postprint" of book originally published in 1979) |
Cato |
"Cato's Monostichs" (with translations by James Marchand) |
Cicero |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Dr. Joseph Hughes, Southwest Missouri State U.) |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Euripides |
Alcestis (Internet Classics Archive) |
Andromache (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Bacchantes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Cyclops (Internet Classics Archive) |
Electra (Internet Classics Archive) |
Hecuba (Internet Classics Archive) |
Helen (Internet Classics Archive) |
Heracles (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Heracleidae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Hippolytus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Ion (Internet Classics Archive) |
Iphigenia At Aulis (Internet Classics Archive) |
Iphigenia in Tauris (Internet Classics Archive) |
Medea (Internet Classics Archive) |
Orestes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Phoenissae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Rhesus (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Suppliants (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Trojan Women (Internet Classics Archive) |
Homer |
Homer and The Papyri ("lists of published papyri and related items for the Iliad and the Odyssey," with "a repertoire of the textual variants presented by this body of material") (Dana F. Sutton, U. California, Irvine) |
The Iliad (trans. by Samuel Butler) (Joel Jaeggli) |
The Iliad (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Odyssey (trans. Samuel Butler) (Joel Jaeggli) |
The Odyssey (Internet Classics Archive) |
Study Guide for Homer's Odyssey (Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Temple U.) |
Ovid |
Analytical Onomasticon Project (user-collaborative project "to produce a printed and electronic reference book to persons and places in the Metamorphoses of Ovid"; the book is "based on a densely tagged electronic text of the poem and is generated automatica |
The Ovid Project: Metamorphosing the Metamorphoses |
Homepage (Hope Greenberg, U. Vermont) |
The Ambrose Collection (" Z. Philip Ambrose, Professor of Classics at the U.of Vermont, has collected a number of slides for use with his students in Classics 42, Mythology...") |
Images from The Metamorphoses by Ovid. Engravings by Johannes Baur. 1703 |
Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished Mythologized and Represented in Figures. Translated by George Sandys (1640) |
Recent Ovidian Bibliography ("searchable and frequently updated database of publications relating to Ovid from 1990-present") (Sean Redmond, NYU) |
Pindar |
Commentaries on Individual Odes of Pindar (bibliography) (Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers U.) |
Isthmian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Nemean (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Olympian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Pythian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Sappho |
Sappho (includes a long biographical introduction of Sappho, a collection of her lyrist lyrics, and a list of links devoted to scholarly work on Sappho) (Alexandria North, |
Sappho Page |
Sophocles |
Ajax (Internet Classics Archive) |
Antigone (Internet Classics Archive) |
Electra (Internet Classics Archive) |
Philoctetes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Trachiniae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Virgil |
General Resources |
The Vergil Project ("collaborative enterprise dedicated to collecting, creating, and disseminating resources for teaching and research about Vergil") |
Vergil's Home Page | |
Writings |
The Aeneid (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Aeneid |
The Georgics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Mythology |
Bulfinch's Mythology (with annotation and links) (Bob Fisher) |
CyberLatin: Myth (Chalice Yehling) |
Philosophy |
General Resources |
Aenesidemus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Anaxagoras (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Anaxarchus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Anaximander (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Anaximenes (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Antisthenes (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Aristotle |
Aristotle (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Bjorn Christensson) |
Aristotle (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Aristotle (Tom Stone, |
The Athenian Constitution (Internet Classics Archive) |
Categories (Internet Classics Archive) |
History of Animals (Internet Classics Archive) |
Metaphysics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Nicomachean Ethics (Internet Classics Archive) |
On Dreams (Internet Classics Archive) |
On Generation and Corruption (Internet Classics Archive) |
On Interpretation (Internet Classics Archive) |
On Memory and Reminiscence (Internet Classics Archive) |
On Sophistical Refutations (trans. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge) |
On The Gait of Animals (Internet Classics Archive) |
On The Heavens (Internet Classics Archive) |
On The Motion of Animals (Internet Classics Archive) |
On The Soul (Internet Classics Archive) |
Physics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Poetics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Poetics (trans., S. H. Butcher, .pdf file) (Orange Street Press Classics) |
Politics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Posterior Analytics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Prior Analytics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Rhetoric (Internet Classics Archive) |
Topics (Internet Classics Archive) |
Boethius |
Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy (Latin text and English translation; ed. James J. O'Donnell, U.Penn) (U. Virginia) |
Boethius Internet Seminar |
Chrysippus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Cleanthes (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Democritus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Empedocles (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Epictetus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Epicurus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Gorgias (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Heraclitus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Hippias (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Lucretius (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Menippus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Parmenides (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Peripatetics (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Plato |
Apology (Internet Classics Archive) |
Charmides, Or Temperance (Internet Classics Archive) |
Cratylus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Critias (Internet Classics Archive) |
Crito (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Hypertext Crito (hypertext version of the translation by Benjamin Jowett, with additional commentary) (Tim Rohrer, U. Oregon) |
Euthydemus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Euthyphro (Internet Classics Archive) |
Gorgias |
Gorgias (Internet Classics Archive) |
Ion (Internet Classics Archive) |
Laches Or Courage (Internet Classics Archive) |
Laws (Internet Classics Archive) |
Lysis, Or Friendship (Internet Classics Archive) |
Meno (Internet Classics Archive) |
Parmenides (Internet Classics Archive) |
Phaedo (Internet Classics Archive) |
Phaedrus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Philebus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Plato (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Bjorn Christensson) |
Plato (Tom Stone, |
Protagoras (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Republic (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Seventh Letter (Internet Classics Archive) |
Sophist (Internet Classics Archive) |
Statesman (Internet Classics Archive) |
Symposium (Internet Classics Archive) |
Theaetetus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Timaeus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Plotinus |
Plotinus (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
The Six Enneads |
Protagoras (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Pythagoras |
Sophists (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Thales |
Thales (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Timon (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Xenophon (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Zeno of Elea (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Classical Studies Journals |
American Journal of Archaeology |
American Journal of Philology |
The Ancient History Bulletin ("The Ancient History Bulletin provides a forum for scholarly discussion in Ancient History and in the ancillary fields of Epigraphy, Papyrology and Numismatics, from the Near East to Late Antiquity. . .") (W. Heckel, B. Lavelle, and J. Va |
Arachne: A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web |
Arachnion: A Journal of Literature and Ancient History on the Web (Maurizio Lana and EmEmanuele Narducci) |
Arethusa |
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics (J. Carlevale & Susan Wimler) |
Bryn Mawr Classical Review |
Classics Ireland (Classical Association of Ireland) |
Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today (Greek & Roman drama and performing arts) |
Electronic Antiquity: Communicating The Classics |
Pomoerium ("Welcome to the online edition of the Pomoerium. Volume 1 is now available. Articles are available in HTML & PDF files.") |
Scholia: Natal Studies in Classical Antiquity |
Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (Jacques Poucet and Philippa Matheson) |
Traditio (antiquity and the middle ages; includes comprehensive index and online version of the introductory essay to the 50th-anniversary volume) |
Classics Depts., Programs & Associations |
Associations |
American Philological Association |
American Society of Papyrologists |
American Classical League |
Classical Associations (J. Ruebel, Iowa State U.) |
Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest |
Classics Depts. & Associations (Cambridge U. Classics Dept.) |
The Latin Liturgy Assoc. |
Departments & Programs |
American Academy in Rome |
Cambridge U. Faculty of Classics |
Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies |
Classics Depts. & Associations (Cambridge U. Classics Dept.) |
Classics Institutions or Depts. (J. Ruebel, Iowa State U.) |
The Classics Undergraduate and the Transition to Graduate School (R. Scott Garner; text file) |
Earlham C., Indiana, Classical Studies Program |
Kentucky Classics (U. Kentucky, Lexington, Classics Dept.) |
The Roman Italy Project (joint program in history and archaeology of Roman Italy run by the Universities of Newcastle and Manchester) |
Saint Louis U. Latin, Greek, and Classical Humanities Dept. |
St. Andrews University: School of Greek, Latin, and Ancient History (UK) |
Tufts U. Classics Dept. (Ellen Brundige) |
U. Buffalo Classics Dept. |
UC Berkeley Classics Dept. |
UCLA Classics Dept. |
UC Santa Barbara Classics Dept. |
U. Dublin, Trinity C. School of Classics |
U. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Classics Dept. |
U. Reading Classics Dept. |
U.S. Undergraduate Programs in Classics (American Classical League) |
U. Zurich Classics Dept. |
Victoria U. of Wellington, New Zealand, Classics Dept. |
Course Syllabi |
Hugh Elton (Florida International University) |
The Age of Alexander the Great (advanced undergraduate lecture course) |
An Introduction to Roman History (undergraduate survey) |
Building the City of Rome (undergraduate survey) |
The Byzantine, Arab and Turkish Near East AD 600-1453 (advanced undergraduate lecture course) |
The Classical City (advanced undergraduate lecture course) |
Daily Life in the Roman Empire (undergraduate survey) |
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (advanced undergraduate lecture course) |
East Meets West: The Art and Architecture of the Near East in the Roman Era (seminar) |
Homer and Herodotus (language course) |
The Provinces of the Roman Empire (advanced undergraduate lecture course) |
Roman Imperial Warfare, 31 BC - AD 476 (seminar) |
Roman National Literature (language course) |
Tacitus (language course) |
Western Civilization: Early Europe (undergraduate survey) |
John Gilbert (U. of Colorado, Boulder), Women in Antiquity: Greece (lower-division undergraduate course) |
Martin Irvine (Georgetown U.), "Intro to Medieval Latin" (course) |
Rob S. Rice (U. Penn) |
"Alexander and the Growth of Hellenism" |
Ancient History: Greece |
"Ancient History: Greece and Rome" |
"The Epic Tradition" |
Latin Poetry |
William Kemp (Mary Washington C., Virginia), MALS 511 Main Page (course exploring the "texts, images, and ideas associated with four cities: classical Athens, Jerusalem around the time of Jesus, medieval Paris, and renaissance Rome") |
U. Evansville, "World Cultures" (In the first of a three-part course, seven ancient cultures, western and eastern, are studied) |
Classical Studies Listservs & Newsgroups |
ANCIEN-L - Ancient History Discussion ("set up to provide a means whereby professionals and lay people could meet and discuss issues related to the history of Mediterranean civilizations ranging from Egypt to the fall of the Roman Empire. The discussion also includes the immediate |
Classics Mailing Lists (J. Ruebel, Iowa State U.) |
CLASSICS List (includes archives) |
ROMARCH List Home Page (Web gateway to the list for arts and archaelogy of Italy and the Roman provinces; includes Web-accessible archives of list discussions, a rich set of outbound links, and subscription info) |
Philip A. Harland (Concordia University, Montreal) Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations (study of religious groups in Roman Asia Minor, including Judaism, Christianity, and the mysteries) |
Classical Studies Conferences & Calls for Papers |
Ambiguous Bodies: Sex, Gender and Ovid: A Graduate Student Conference (U. Chicago, Feb. 21-22, 1997) (call for papers) Thanks for assistance in maintaining this page to |