Literature |
General Literature Resources |
Terry V. F. Brogan, Metrici and Rhythmici: A Chronological List of Ancient and Medieval Theories of Meter, with Secondary Apparatus (Versification) |
Didaskalia (Greek & Roman drama and performing arts) |
Didaskalia's Introduction to Ancient Theater (includes bibliography) (eds.Sallie Goetsch and C. W. Marshall, UC Berkeley) |
Internet Classics Archive (Daniel C. Stevenson) |
On-Line Literary Resources: Classical & Biblical (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.) |
Project Libellus ("an ongoing attempt to provide a library of classical Latin (and Greek) texts with minimal redistribution restrictions. . .") (U. of Washington) |
Aeschylus |
Aeschylus Bibliography (Victoria U. of Wellington, New Zealand) |
Agamemnon (Internet Classics Archive) |
Eumenides (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Persians (Internet Classics Archive) |
Prometheus Bound (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Seven Against Thebes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Suppliants |
Aristophanes |
The Acharnians (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Birds (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Clouds (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Ecclesiazusae (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Frogs (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Knights (Internet Classics Archive) |
Peace (Internet Classics Archive) |
Plutus (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Thesmophoriazusae (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Wasps (Internet Classics Archive) |
Cassiodorus |
James J. O'Donnell (U. Penn), Cassiodorus (hypertext "postprint" of book originally published in 1979) |
Cato |
"Cato's Monostichs" (with translations by James Marchand) |
Cicero |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Dr. Joseph Hughes, Southwest Missouri State U.) |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
Euripides |
Alcestis (Internet Classics Archive) |
Andromache (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Bacchantes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Cyclops (Internet Classics Archive) |
Electra (Internet Classics Archive) |
Hecuba (Internet Classics Archive) |
Helen (Internet Classics Archive) |
Heracles (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Heracleidae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Hippolytus (Internet Classics Archive) |
Ion (Internet Classics Archive) |
Iphigenia At Aulis (Internet Classics Archive) |
Iphigenia in Tauris (Internet Classics Archive) |
Medea (Internet Classics Archive) |
Orestes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Phoenissae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Rhesus (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Suppliants (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Trojan Women (Internet Classics Archive) |
Homer |
Homer and The Papyri ("lists of published papyri and related items for the Iliad and the Odyssey," with "a repertoire of the textual variants presented by this body of material") (Dana F. Sutton, U. California, Irvine) |
The Iliad (trans. by Samuel Butler) (Joel Jaeggli) |
The Iliad (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Odyssey (trans. Samuel Butler) (Joel Jaeggli) |
The Odyssey (Internet Classics Archive) |
Study Guide for Homer's Odyssey (Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Temple U.) |
Ovid |
Analytical Onomasticon Project (user-collaborative project "to produce a printed and electronic reference book to persons and places in the Metamorphoses of Ovid"; the book is "based on a densely tagged electronic text of the poem and is generated automatica |
The Ovid Project: Metamorphosing the Metamorphoses |
Homepage (Hope Greenberg, U. Vermont) |
The Ambrose Collection (" Z. Philip Ambrose, Professor of Classics at the U.of Vermont, has collected a number of slides for use with his students in Classics 42, Mythology...") |
Images from The Metamorphoses by Ovid. Engravings by Johannes Baur. 1703 |
Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished Mythologized and Represented in Figures. Translated by George Sandys (1640) |
Recent Ovidian Bibliography ("searchable and frequently updated database of publications relating to Ovid from 1990-present") (Sean Redmond, NYU) |
Pindar |
Commentaries on Individual Odes of Pindar (bibliography) (Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers U.) |
Isthmian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Nemean (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Olympian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Pythian (Perseus Project / Internet Classics Archive) |
Sappho |
Sappho (includes a long biographical introduction of Sappho, a collection of her lyrist lyrics, and a list of links devoted to scholarly work on Sappho) (Alexandria North, Sappho.com) |
Sappho Page |
Sophocles |
Ajax (Internet Classics Archive) |
Antigone (Internet Classics Archive) |
Electra (Internet Classics Archive) |
Philoctetes (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Trachiniae (Internet Classics Archive) |
Virgil |
General Resources |
The Vergil Project ("collaborative enterprise dedicated to collecting, creating, and disseminating resources for teaching and research about Vergil") |
Vergil's Home Page |
Virgil.org |
Homepage of Virgil.org ("online materials for the study of Virgil and his reception [maps, bibliography, discussion group, translations, search of Virgil's Latin text, etc.]") (David Wilson-Okamura) |
Selected Resources: |
Mantovano: An Online, Ongoing Discussion of Virgil and His Influence (Web page for the discussion list; includes archives and info on the list) |
Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance: An Online Bibliography |
Virgil Links |
Writings |
The Aeneid (Internet Classics Archive) |
The Aeneid |
The Georgics (Internet Classics Archive) |