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Jane Austen   Suggest a Link
General Resources
American Society of Jane Austen Scholars 
An Austen Chronology (Mitsuharu Matsuoka)
Austen-L (listserv archives) (Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Concordances for Austen's Novels (William A. Williams, Jr.)
The Jane Austen Info Page (Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Homepage of Jane Austen Info Page 
Biography: Life (1775-1817) and Family of Jane Austen 
Comments on Mansfield Park Collected by Austen 
Jane Austen's Art and Her Literary Reputation 
Jane Austen -- Selective Bibliography 
Notes on the Society of Jane Austen's Time 
Portraits of Jane Austen 
Singular "Their" in Jane Austen: Anti-Pedantry Page (not your usual literary page)
Guide to the Jane Austen Collection ("a guide to the Jane Austen collection of the Julia Rogers Library") (Gaucher College)
Jane Austen and Time: A Study of her Uses of the Almanac (Ellen Moody)
Jane Austen Center in Bath 
Jane Austen's England - A Literary Tour Guide 
JaneAusten.com (links to complete novels, biographical and historical information, sequels by modern authors, and audio and video adaptations)
Jane Austen Etexts, Etc. (Cathy Dean)
Jane Austen@Web English Teacher 
The Regency Era, 1812-1830 (information politics, religion, science, technology,fashions, etc. in the era of Austen's novels) (Eras of Elegance, Inc.)
The Republic of Pemberley (discussion groups and information pages related to Jane Austen)
Voices of Men in Praise of Jane Austen (Ashton Dennis)
Eric Johnson, "How Jane Austen's Characters Talk" (1994) (TEXT Technology)
Harold Child, "Jane Austen" (Cambridge History of English and American Literature)
Jane Austen Criticism & Biography (Jane Austen Etexts, Etc.)
William Galperin, ed., "Re-reading Box Hill: Reading the Practice of Reading Everyday Life" ("Readings of Jane Austen and Romanticism, and their influence on each other") (Romantic Circles)
Fran Sendbuehler, "The Art of Doing Nothing" (1995) (essay on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park)
Film & TV
Jane Austen on Film (Ellen Moody)
Jane Austen's novels: BBC and other Film/Video adaptations 
Homepage (links to online resources and an introductory note on each work by Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Allusions to Books and Authors in Jane Austen's Writings 
Lady Susan 
Letters (Brabourne Edition) 
Light Verse 
Mansfield Park 
Northanger Abbey 
Pride and Prejudice 
Sense and Sensibility 
The Watsons 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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