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 •  Amelia Opie
 •  Ann Radcliffe
 •  Ann Yearsley
 •  Anna Laetitia (Aikin) Barbauld
 •  Byron, Lord, George Gordon
 •  Charles Lamb
 •  Charlotte Smith
 •  Edmund Burke
 •  Emanuel Swedenborg
 •  Fanny Burney
 •  Felicia Hemans
 •  Hannah More
 •  Helen Maria Williams
 •  Jane Austen
 •  Jane Taylor
 •  Jeremy Bentham  
 •  Joanna Baillie
 •  John Clare
 •  John Keats
 •  John William Polidori
 •  Leigh Hunt
 •  Letitia Elizabeth Landon
 •  Mary Robinson
 •  Mary Shelley
 •  Mary Wollstonecraft
 •  Matthew Lewis
 •  Olaudah Equiano,
 •  Percy Bysshe Shelley
 •  Robert Burns
 •  Robert Southey
 •  Samuel Taylor Coleridge
 •  Sir Walter Scott
 •  The British Abolition Movement
 •  Thomas Campbell
 •  Thomas Hood
 •  Thomas Love Peacock
 •  Thomas Lovell Beddoes
 •  Thomas Malthus  
 •  Thomas Moore
 •  Thomas Paine
 •  William Blake
 •  William Cobbett
 •  William Godwin
 •  William Hazlitt
 •  William Hone
 •  William Lisle Bowles
 •  William Wordsworth
 •  Thomas Carlyle
 •  William Paley
 •  Anne Bannerman
 •  Ann Batten Cristall
Authors, Works, Projects   Suggest a Link
Eliza Acton, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
Mrs. R. Addison, Poetry on Different Subjects (British Women Romantic Poets)
Lucy Aikin, Epistles on Women (British Women Romantic Poets)
Anonymous, "The Sorrows of Yamba or The Negro Woman's Lamentation" (1795) (U. Virginia Library)
Jane Austen
General Resources
American Society of Jane Austen Scholars 
An Austen Chronology (Mitsuharu Matsuoka)
Austen-L (listserv archives) (Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Concordances for Austen's Novels (William A. Williams, Jr.)
The Jane Austen Info Page (Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Homepage of Jane Austen Info Page 
Biography: Life (1775-1817) and Family of Jane Austen 
Comments on Mansfield Park Collected by Austen 
Jane Austen's Art and Her Literary Reputation 
Jane Austen -- Selective Bibliography 
Notes on the Society of Jane Austen's Time 
Portraits of Jane Austen 
Singular "Their" in Jane Austen: Anti-Pedantry Page (not your usual literary page)
Guide to the Jane Austen Collection ("a guide to the Jane Austen collection of the Julia Rogers Library") (Gaucher College)
Jane Austen and Time: A Study of her Uses of the Almanac (Ellen Moody)
Jane Austen Center in Bath 
Jane Austen's England - A Literary Tour Guide 
JaneAusten.com (links to complete novels, biographical and historical information, sequels by modern authors, and audio and video adaptations)
Jane Austen Etexts, Etc. (Cathy Dean)
Jane Austen@Web English Teacher 
The Regency Era, 1812-1830 (information politics, religion, science, technology,fashions, etc. in the era of Austen's novels) (Eras of Elegance, Inc.)
The Republic of Pemberley (discussion groups and information pages related to Jane Austen)
Voices of Men in Praise of Jane Austen (Ashton Dennis)
Eric Johnson, "How Jane Austen's Characters Talk" (1994) (TEXT Technology)
Harold Child, "Jane Austen" (Cambridge History of English and American Literature)
Jane Austen Criticism & Biography (Jane Austen Etexts, Etc.)
William Galperin, ed., "Re-reading Box Hill: Reading the Practice of Reading Everyday Life" ("Readings of Jane Austen and Romanticism, and their influence on each other") (Romantic Circles)
Fran Sendbuehler, "The Art of Doing Nothing" (1995) (essay on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park)
Film & TV
Jane Austen on Film (Ellen Moody)
Jane Austen's novels: BBC and other Film/Video adaptations 
Homepage (links to online resources and an introductory note on each work by Henry Churchyard, U. Texas, Austin)
Allusions to Books and Authors in Jane Austen's Writings 
Lady Susan 
Letters (Brabourne Edition) 
Light Verse 
Mansfield Park 
Northanger Abbey 
Pride and Prejudice 
Sense and Sensibility 
The Watsons 
Joanna Baillie
General Resources
Joanna Baillie: An Annotated Bibliography (Ken A. Bugajski) (Romanticism On the Net)
Joanna Baillie (Cambridge History of English and American Literature) (Bartleby.com)
Joanna Baillie - 1762-1851 (Janice E. Patten)
Marjean D. Purinton, "Revising Romanticism by Inscripting Women Playwrights" (Romanticism on the Net)
De Monfort  
Maid of Llanwellyn (Frank Petersohn) (Folksongs of Various Countries)
The Outlaw's Song (Oxford Book of English Verse) (bartleby.com)
Poems by Joanna Baillie (eLook.org)
Anne Bannerman
Tales of Superstition and Chivalry (British Women Romantic Poets, U. Calif. Davis)
The Prophecy of Merlin (Camelot Project, U. Rochester)
Anna Laetitia (Aikin) Barbauld
General Resources
Barbauld Page (biography, selections, bibliography) (Celebration of Women Writers, U. Penn)
Barbauld Web Site ("The purpose of the project is to take a small number of Anna Barbauld's poems and to investigate how the medium of hypertext might be used to place a work within its literary, historical, cultural, and political contexts. Above all, we wish to tran
Anna Barbauld: A Brief Chronology  (Romantic Circles)
Selected Bibliography: Anna Letitia Barbauld (Daniel E. White, U. Toronto)
Barbauld Page (The Poetry Archives)
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, A Poem (British Women Romantic Poets)
Poems by Anna Lętitia Barbauld  (Poemhunter.com)
Poems (1773) by Anna Lętitia Aikin: A Hypertext Edition ("presents a faithful color facsimile of the first edition and text versions of the poems") (Romantic Circles)
Selected Poetry of Anna Lętitia Barbauld  (U. Toronto)
Selections (Digital Library, U. Penn)
Prose Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (Molly Beverstein and Laura Mandell, Miami U.)
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with a Memoir by Lucy Aikin (1825) (Barbara Smith, U. Virginia)
Ann Batten Cristall
Poetical Sketches (1795) (British Poetry Archive, U. Virginia)
Jerome McGann (U. Virginia), "Starting from Death: The Poetry of Ann Batten Cristall" 
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (Literary Gothic)
Poetry of Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Thomas Lovell Beddoes Archives)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Thomas Lovell Beddoes Page (San Antonio College)
Thomas Lovell Beddoes  (Poemhunter.com)
Jeremy Bentham [Show]
Matilda Betham, Elegies and Other Small Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
William Blake
General Resources
The William Blake Archive (Web site for state-of-the-art text and image encoding project that uses a combination of SGML, HTML, Java, and proprietary software tools to allow users to search, view, and manipulate images of the original copies of Blake's works) (Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, Joseph Viscomi / Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, U. Virginia)
Blake Digital Text Project (Nelson Hilton, U. Georgia)
The Blake Multimedia Project (info about Hypercard-based resource apparently available on diskettes) (Steven Marx, Cal Poly U.)
Blake's "The Four Zoas" Fetishized: An Experimental Hypertext (Ron Broglio, Georgia Tech)
Blake's Gothic Readings (Douglass H. Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
William Blake Online (Tate Britain)
John Tolva (Washington U.), "The 'bounding line': Verbal and Visual Linearity in Blake's 'Laocoön' and Book of Urizen" (hypertext essay with illustrations)
Brian Goldberg (U. Minnesota), "Byron, Blake, and Heaven" (2002) (Romanticism on the Net)
Coleridge's Comments on Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Letter to C. A. Tulk) (U. Virginia)
Ron S. Broglio (Georgia Tech) "Containment Undone: Blake's Early Prophecies Re-Radicalizing Paine's Rights " 
T.S. Eliot "Blake" (Bartleby Library)
Kari Kraus "Once, Only Imagined" (2003) ("interview with Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, and Joseph Viscomi, editors of The Blake Archive, on the 10th anniversary of its founding") (Romantic Circles)
David M. Baulch, "The Sublime of the Bible" (Romanticism on the Net)
David Lashmet (U. Florida), "Unfurling the Worm: Insecto-theology in William Blake's Thel"  
20/20 Blake (page for musical by George Coates with music by Adlai Alexander ad Todd Rundgren; "the audience wear 3D glasses to experience stereographic illusions created from digital manipulations of the paintings and engravings enabling live performers to appe
Writings & Images
America: A Prophecy (Blake Archive)
The Book of Thel (Blake Archive)
The Elohim Creating Adam (jpg picture) (Richard Record)
David E. Erdman
The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake (rev. ed., 1988) (complete text version put online by Nelson Hilton, U. Georgia; includes searchable
The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake (rev. ed., 1988) (searchable SGML-encoded version, minus Harold Bloom's commentary) (Blake Archive)
Europe: A Prophecy (Blake Archive)
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Blake Archive)
Nebuchadnezzar (jpg picture) (Richard Record)
On-Line Book Initiative Blake Texts (ftp)
Paradise Lost (Blake's 1808 illustrations to Milton's poem) (Don Ulin, U. Pittsburgh at Bradford)
Quotations from William Blake (Jorn Barger)
Satan Inflicting Boils Upon Job (jpg picture) (Richard Record)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (multiple-version presentation of the Songs using clickable imagemaps based for reasons of speed on black-and-white reproductions of Blake's plates; clicking on an image brings up an enlargement; clicking on part of the enlargement brings up commen
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Blake Archive)
The Tyger Page -- A Web Study of Blake's "The Tyger" (well-organized set of Blake and other romanticism links) (Randall Hughes, U. North Carolina, Pembroke)
The Urizen Books ("contains the texts of William Blake's Urizen books -- The [First] Book of Urizen, The Book of Ahania, and The Book of Los -- with links to the plates, notes, a glossary, and other materials useful for understanding the texts") (Joseph Hogan De
Visions of the Daughters of Albion (Blake Archive)
Visions of the Daughters of Albion (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Web Concordances: William Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Rob Watt, U. Dundee)
The Web of Religion (jpg picture) (Richard Record)
William Blake Page (The Poetry Archives)
William Lisle Bowles
Fourteen Sonnets, Elegiac and Descriptive. Written During a Tour (1789) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn.)
Selected Poetry of William Lisle Bowles (U. Toronto)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
The British Abolition Movement
Related Links 
Brontë Sisters (on Victorian page) 
Egerton Brydges, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Edmund Burke
"An Address to the King" (1777) (Patricia Craddock, U. Florida)
Brief Biography of Burke (American Revolution HTML Project)
Edmund Burke (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Björn Christensson)
"On Taste" (from Sublime and Beautiful) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful -- Selections (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Björn Christensson)
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Harvard Classics edition) (Bartleby.com)
Speech on Conciliation with America (American Revolution HTML Project)
Fanny Burney
Dr. Johnson and Fanny Burney (TEI-conformant, based on 1912 edition by Chauncy Brewster Tinker) (Jamie L. Spriggs/U. Virginia)
A Study Guide to Frances Burney's Cecilia (Cathy Decker)
Works by Fanny Burney (bibliography) (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
Robert Burns
Burns -- The National Bard 
"My Highland Lassie, O" (Matt Luce)
Robert Burns Page (The Poetry Archives)
Selected Poems (U. Toronto)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Sons of Ayrshire: James Boswell & Robert Burns (Tom Kinsella, Richard Stockton C.)
"To A Kiss" (Matt Luce)
Lady Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace (on English: Victorian page)
Byron, Lord, George Gordon
General Resources
Byron Page (The Poetry Archives)
Byron's Gothic Readings (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
Andrew M. Stauffer (U. Virginia), "Romantic Anger and Byron's Curse" (1998) (Romantic Circles)
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (Canto 3) (Ian Lancashire, U. Toronto)
Manfred (Jack G. Voller, Southern Illinois U.)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Selected Poems (U. Toronto)
Thomas Campbell
"The Last Man" (Steven E. Jones, Loyola U., Chicago / Romantic Circles)
Table of Contents for Specimens of the British Poets; With Biographical and Critical Notices, and An Essay on English Poetry (1819) (Laura Mandell, Miami U.)
Thomas Campbell (small selection of poetry) (The Poetry Archives)
Thomas Carlyle
General Resources
Thomas Carlyle page (Victorian Web)
Thomas Carlyle (works, biographies, and criticism) (Transcendentalists web site)
Carlyle and the Search for Authority (Chris R. Vanden Bossche, U. Notre Dame)
Emerson and Thomas Carlyle (Bryan Hileman, Virginia Commonwealth U.)
Online Literary Criticism Collection (Internet Public Library)
Thomas Carlyle –A Fundamentalist Thinker (Ionna Zura, U. Bucharest)
Latter-Day Pamphlets (Project Gutenberg)
"Characteristics" (Project Gutenberg)
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great (Project Gutenberg)
Life of John Sterling (Project Gutenberg)
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (Project Gutenberg)
The French Revolution (Project Gutenberg)
The French Revolution (Classic Reader)
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh (Project Gutenberg)
"September in Paris" (excerpt from The French Revolution, Part III: Bk. I: Ch. 4) (Alan Liu, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Thomas Chatterton (on 18th-Century English Literature page)
John Clare
General Resources
The John Clare Page
Homepage (includes primary texts, scholarly apparatus, and criticism) (Simon Kövesi, Oxford Brookes U.)
Poems by John Clare 
Prose by John Clare 
Articles & Essays 
Chronology of Clare's Life 
Critical Bibliography 
Indexes and Scholarly Resources 
John Clare Society 
John Clare Society Journal 
Tim Fulford (Nottingham Trent U.), "Cowper, Wordsworth, Clare: The Politics of Trees" (1995) 
John Goodridge (Nottingham Trent U.), "Pastoral and Popular Modes in Clare's 'Enclosure Elegies' " (Part 1) (1994) 
Bob Heyes (Birkbeck C., London), " 'Triumphs of Time': John Clare and the Uses of Antiquity" (1997) 
Bridget Keegan (Creighton U.), "Broadsides, Ballads and Books: The Landscape of Cultural Literacy in 'The Village Minstrel' " (1996) 
Leonora Nattrass (Nottingham Trent U.), "John Clare and William Cobbett: The Personal and the Political" (1994) 
"I Am" (Angus McIntyre)
"I Hid My Love" (Matt Luce)
Selected Poetry of John Clare (U. Toronto)
Selected Poems of John Clare (Simon Kövesi, Oxford Brookes U.)
Sonnets of John Clare (Sonnet Central)
John Clare: New Approaches & Voices (collection of essays based on conference of this title, July 18, 1998, Nottingham Trent U., UK) (editors, John Goodridge and Simon Kövesi)
William Cobbett
Kevin Gilmartin (California Institute of Technology), "William Cobbett and the Politics of System" (1996) (part of Ch. 5 of Gilmartin's Print Politics: The Press and Radical Opposition in Early Nineteenth-Century England (Romantic Praxis / Romantic Circles)
Hartley Coleridge, "Wordsworth Unvisited" (Angus McIntyre)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
General Resources
Coleridge Page (The Poetry Archives)
Coleridge Library, Cornwall House Annex (brief info about the library)
Coleridge's Gothic Readings (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
The Coleridge Archive (Marj Tiefert; on the UVA library server)
The Coleridge Family Genealogy (Keith Allan Wilson)
Friends of Coleridge (info about the association) (Romanticism on the Net)
Criticism & Secondary Literature
Gavin Drummond (Emory U.), "Coleridge and the Explosion of Voice" (Prometheus Unbound Conference / Carole Meyers, Emory U. & Georgia Tech)
John Spencer Hill (U. Ottawa)
A Coleridge Companion (1983) (includes plates)
Imagination in Coleridge (1978, updated) 
David S. Hogsette (New York Institute of Technology), "Eclipsed by the Pleasure Dome: Poetic Failure in Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan' " (1997) (Romanticism on the Net)
Chris Koenig-Woodyard (Oxford U.), "A Hypertext History of the Transmission of Coleridge's 'Christabel,' 1800-1816" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Walter Pater, "Coleridge" (1865/1880) (U. Toronto)
Seamus Perry (Oxford U.), "Coleridge, the Return to Nature, and the New Anti-Romanticism: An Essay in Polemic" (1996) (Romanticism on the Net)
Matthew Scott (Oxford U.), "The Circulation of Romantic Creativity: Coleridge, Drama, and the Question of Translation" (1996) (Romanticism on the Net)
Hypertext Poems From The Coleridge Archive (Marj Tiefert; On The Uva Library Server)
"AEolian Harp" 
"Dejection: An Ode" 
"The Dungeon" 
"Fears in Solitude" 
"Frost at Midnight" 
"Kubla Khan" 
Other Poems from the Coleridge Archive 
"The Pains of Sleep" 
"Recollections of Love" 
"Reflections on Having Left a Place of Retirement" 
"Rime of the Ancient Mariner 
Songs from Zapolya 
"To William Wordsworth" 
"Youth and Age" 
"Kubla Khan" (Crewe MS) (includes relevant passage from Purchas's Pilgrimage) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
"Kubla Khan" (includes introductory headnote from the Harper-Collins World Civilizations Reader)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Web Concordances: Coleridge - "The Ancyent Marinere" (requires Netscape 2.0+) (Rob Watt, U. Dundee)
Biographia Literaria, Vol. 1 (1817) (U. Toronto)
Biographia Literaria, Chap. XIV (1817) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Comments on Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Letter to C. A. Tulk) (U. Virginia)
Reviews of The Mysteries of Udolpho, The Monk, Hubert de Sevrac, and The Italian (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Visual Resources
Images Related to Coleridge (images of portraits, residences, and other Coleridgeana from John Spencer Hill's 1983 A Coleridge Companion)
Portrait of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (gif)
George Colman, the Younger, My Night-Gown and Slippers; or Tales in Verse (Michael Gamer, U. Penn.)
Josiah Conder, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
John Constable (painter) (on Art page) 
Sheffield Hallam Corvey Project (description of long-term research project designed to dessiminate information about the extensive holdings in English Romantic literature in the Library of Corvey Castle in Germany) (Cultural Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam U., UK)
Hannah Parkhouse Cowley, The Runaway (1776) (Bluestocking Archive)
George Crabbe, Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Charlotte Dacre, "Wine, I Say! I'll Drink to Madness!" (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
George Darley, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Dave Gross / Fitz Hugh Ludlow Hypertext Collection)
Dictionary of Sensibility (project developed in Jerome J. McGann and Patricia Meyer Spacks's U. Virginia course on
John Dovaston, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Ebenezer Elliot, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Olaudah Equiano, Excerpts From The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano . . . , 1789) (Steven Mintz, U. Houston)
Describes West African Religious Beliefs and Practices 
Describes the Horrors of the Middle Passage 
Remembers His Kidnapping 
Miss S. Evance, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
The Works of John Galt (Starn: Scots Teaching and Research Network, U. Glasgow)
Edmund Gardner, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
William Godwin
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Political Justice and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness (Dana Ward, Pitzer C., Claremont Colleges)
William Godwin Archive (Dana Ward, Pitzer C., Claremont Colleges / Anarchy Archives)
Homepage of William Godwin Archive 
Godwin Bibliography 
Biographical Information on Godwin 
Commentary on Godwin 
Images of Godwin 
Works of Godwin 
"Of History and Romance" (1797) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn.)
Thomas Pfau, "Bringing About the Past: Prophetic Memory in Kant, Godwin, and Blake" (1996) (Romantic Praxis / Romantic Circles)
William Godwin Page (Kim Woodbridge)
Mary Anne Browne Gray, Mont Blanc and Other Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
William Hazlitt
Charles Mahoney (U. Connecticut, Storrs), "Periodical Indigestion: Hazlitt's Unpalatable Politics" (1996) (Romantic Praxis / Romantic Circles)
Table of Contents for Select Poets of Great Britain (1825) (Laura Mandell, Miami U.)
Felicia Hemans
General Resources
Chronology for Felicia Hemans and Circle (Nanora Sweet, U. Missouri, St. Louis)
Felicia Hemans Page (bio, many links to poems, and bibliography) (Mary Mark Ockerbloom, A Celebration of Women Writers)
19th-Century Commentary
"Felicia Hemans," from The Female Poets of Great Britain by Frederic Rowton, 1853 (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Prefatory Notice" by W. M. Rossetti, in The Poetical Works of Mrs. Hemans (18__) (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
NASSR-L Discussion Thread on Felicia Hemans, Aesthetics, Sentiment, and the Canon (July 1997) (Romantic Circles)
Nanora Sweet (U. Missouri, St. Louis), "Hemans, Heber, and Superstition and Revelation" (1998) (Romantic Circles)
Portrait of Felicia Hemans (U. Texas, Austin)
Poetry (Selected)
"Arabella Stuart" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Better Land" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Casabianca" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Costanza" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Corinne at the Capitol" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"England and Spain; or, Valour and Patriotism" (British Women Romantic Poets)
"Evening Prayer at a Girl's School" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"A Farewell to Abbotsford" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Funeral Day of Sir Walter Scott" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Grave of a Poetess" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Homes of England" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Homes of England" (Bret Benjamin, U. Texas, Austin)
"Hymn by the Sick-Bed of a Mother" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Joan of Arc in Rheims" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Kindred Hearts" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Last Song of Sappho" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Lines Written in the Memoirs of Elizabeth Smith" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Memorial Pillar" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Mozart's Requiem" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Mozart's Requiem" 
"Properzia Rossi" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy" (1816) (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"The Rock of Cader Idris" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
Several Poems by Felicia Hemans (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
"Stanzas on the Late National Calamity, the Death of the Princess Charlotte" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Stanzas to the Memory of George the Third" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Thoughts During Sickness: I. Intellectual Powers" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"To the Eye" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"To the New-Born" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"To Wordsworth" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
"Woman on the Field of Battle" (Mary Mark Ockerbloom)
Poetry (Volumes)
The Domestic Affections and Other Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
Poems (1808) (British Women Romantic Poets)
Poems from Records of Woman (1828) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Anne Home (Mrs. John) Hunter, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
William Hone
William Hone (with engravings by George Cruikshank), The Political House that Jack Built (1819) (hypertext edition with critical apparatus) (Kyle Grimes / Romantic Circles)
William Hone, Bibliographies & Archives ("a prominent radical writer, parodist, antiquarian and publisher during the early decades of the nineteenth century") (Kyle Grimes, U. Alabama at Birmingham)
Thomas Hood
"The Last Man" (Steven E. Jones, Loyola U., Chicago / Romantic Circles)
Sonnets of Thomas Hood (Sonnet Central)
Anne Hunger, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
Leigh Hunt
"Jenny kiss'd Me" (The Poetry Archives)
Sonnets by Leigh Hunt (Sonnet Central)
John Johns, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Charles Johnston, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
John Keats
General Resources
British Library John Keats Exhibit (Oct. 18, 1995, to Jan. 7, 1996) (British Library in association with the Wordsworth Trust)
John Keats-A Guide for Readers (selective collection of Keats links) (Malcolm Davidson)
Keats' Gothic Readings (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
Keats Page (The Poetry Archives)
The Keats-Shelley House, Rome 
Keats's Literary Reputation (short info page in British Library Keats exhibit)
John Spencer Hill (U. Ottawa), editor, Keats: Narrative Poems (1983) 
Nelson Hilton (U. Georgia), "Keats, Teats, and the Fane of Poesy" (1995) (chapter from Hilton's book, Lexis Complexes: Literary Interventions)
Kris Steyaert (University College London), "Poetry as Enforcement: Conquering the Muse in Keats's 'Ode to Psyche'" (Romanticism On the Net)
Multimedia Resources
"Hyperion" (image and transcription of first page of manuscript) (British Library)
Keats House, Rome (photo by Colin Wright) (British Libary Keats exhibit)
"Ode to a Nightingale" (image from British Library Keats exhibit)
Joseph Severn, Portrait of Keats (British Library)
"When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be," read by Sally Brown (audio file) (British Library)
Poetical Works (1884) (Bartleby.com)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
"To Solitude" (British Library)
Web Concordances: John Keats - The Odes of 1819 (requires Netscape 2.0+) (Rob Watt, U. Dundee)
A Keats Letter (Sept. 10, 1817, to his sister Fanny) (image and transcription) (British Library)
A Rediscovered Letter by John Keats (Dearing Lewis / Romantic Circles)
Lady Morgan, Sydney Owenson Page (Karen C. Thigpen, Georgia Southern U.)
Charles Lamb
The Charles Lamb Bulletin (info and contents)
Sonnets of Charles Lamb (Sonnet Central)
Letitia Elizabeth Landon
From The Improvisatrice and Other Poems (Glenn Dibert-Himes)
L.E.L.'s "Verses" and "The Keepsake for 1829" (Frederic Mansel Reynolds / Terence Hoagwood, Kathryn Ledbetter & Martin M. Jacobsen for Romantic Circles)
Letitia Elizabeth Landon Page (Glenn Dibert-Himes)
"Revenge" (The Poetry Archives)
Walter Savage Landor, Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
C.V. Le Grice, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Matthew Lewis
The Castle Spectre (Diego Saglia, U. Parma, Italy)
Matthew Lewis's The Monk -- A Special Issue of Romanticism On the Net (1997) (guest editor: Fred Frank)
Isabella Lickbarrow, Poetical Effusions (British Women Romantic Poets)
Janet Little, "The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid" (British Women Romantic Poets)
Charles Lloyd, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Thomas Malthus [Show]
Marguerite, Countess of Blessington (brief bio and bibliography) (Callie Goble)
Mary Brunton (brief bio) (The Write Page)
Mary Russell Mitford, Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Thomas Moore
Poems on Economics ("satirical poems by Irish poet Thomas Moore on the subject of the Bullionist Controversy, Public Debt, the Corn Laws and other economic subjects of the day"; site includes headnotes on the particular economic controversies of the time) (Goncalo
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Hannah More
"The Bas Bleu, or Conversation" (1787) (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
"Sensibility: An Epistle to the Honourable Mrs. Boscawen" (1782) (Michael Gamer, U.Penn)
The New Child: British Art & the Origins of Modern Childhood, 1730-1830 (1995 exhibition at the U. Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, UC Berkeley; James Steward, Curator)
Amelia Opie
"Song: Yes, Mary Ann, I Freely Grant" (The Poetry Archives)
(Mrs.) Mary Hopkins Pilkington, Original Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
Thomas Paine
Age Of Reason (Secular Web)
The American Crisis (American Revolution HTML Project)
An Essay On Dream (Secular Web)
Answer to Bishop Llandaff (Secular Web)
Common Sense (American Revolution HTML Project)
Examination of the Prophecies (Secular Web)
The Existence of God (Secular Web)
Letters Concerning "The Age of Reason" 
Letter to Andrew Dean (Secular Web)
Origin of Free-Masonry (Secular Web)
Predestination (Secular Web)
Prospect Papers (Secular Web)
Rights Of Man (Secular Web)
Thomas Paine Page (J. Ward Regan, Philip A. Aromando)
Thomas Paine (article in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Thomas Paine National Historical Assoc. 
Worship and Church Bells (Secular Web)
William Paley
Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity (12th ed., 1809) (U. Michigan Humanities Text Initiative)
Paley's Formulation of the Teleological Argument (excerpts from Natural Theology, 1802) (Gary Varner, Texas A&M U.)
Eliza Parsons, The Castle of Wolfenbach (Gothic Library)
Thomas Love Peacock
General Resources
Biographers and Critics on Peacock (excerpts) (Peacock Scoeity)
Thomas Love Peacock Society (includes full text of works)
"The Four Ages of Poetry" (U. Toronto)
"The Four Ages of Poetry" (Peacock Society)
Headlong Hall (Peacock Society)
Maid Marian
The Misfortunes Of Elphin
Nightmare Abbey
1837 "Preface" to the Collected Novels (Peacock Society)
"The Four Ages of Poetry" (Peacock Society)
"The Four Ages of Poetry" (U. Toronto)
"The Last Day of Windsor Forest" (Peacock Society)
"Recollections of Childhood: The Abbey House" (Peacock Society)
Crotchet Castle  (Peacock Society)
"The Monks of St. Mark (Peacock Society)
Poems from Melincourt (Peacock Society)
The Round Table, Or King Arthur'S Feast
Shorter Poems (Peacock Society)
Sir Hornbook, Or Childe Launcelot'S Expedition: A Grammatico-Allegorical Ballad
The Penny Magazine ("the Penny Magazine, published every Saturday, was aimed at the working class. It was part of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge's program for liberal reform"; issues from 1832-35) (History Dept., U. Rochester)
Janetta Philipps, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
William Pitt, Speech on the Stamp Act, January 14, 1766 (American Revolution HTML Project)
John William Polidori
The Vampyre (Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald)
Richard Polwhele, The Unsex'd Females (1798) (UVA)
Sir Uvedale Price, Essays on the Picturesque (chaps. 4-5) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave, Related by Herself ("excerpts from the 1987 edition, ed. Moira Ferguson. . . . This page includes the legitimating preface by Thomas Pringle, with whom Mary Prince came to live after she left the Woods in London, and it also includes her petitition to Pa
Ann Radcliffe
Ann Radcliffe Resources (Jack G. Voller, Southern Illinois U.)
Brief Bio (WORP: Women of the Romantic Period)
Excerpt from The Mysteries of Udolpho, Vol. 2, Ch. 5 (Bluestocking Archive)
Excerpts from The Mysteries of Udolpho, Vol. 2, Ch. 7: (excerpt 1) 
Pictures from The Mysteries of Udolpho (WORP: Women of the Romantic Period)
Poems ("This electronic edition seeks to collect together all of the poems featured in her novels; the grouping, therefore, covers the 1816 edition [of The Poems of Mrs. Ann Radcliffe] and adds to it a few poems not featured in that edition") (
Clara Reeve (on 18th-Century page) 
Regency Fashions Page (Catherine Decker)
David Ricardo (see History: Economic History) 
Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson page (Celebration of Women Writers / Mary Ockerbloom)
"Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination" (Adriana Craciun, Anne Irmen Close, Megan Musgrave, Orianne Smith / Romantic Circles)
Lyric Tales (1800) (British Romantic Women Writers Project)
Sappho and Phaon (1796) (U. Virginia)
Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple (Project Gutenberg)
Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe: A Romance (TEI-conformant) (Anders Thulin/U. Virginia)
A Legend of Montrose (Anders Thulin)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Selected Poems (U. Toronto)
Waverly Novels of Sir Walter Scott ("selected novels from the text 'Waverley Novels - The Centenary Edition', volume 3, published by Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh, in 1870, [The Antiquary in 1871] and printed by R Clark, Edinburgh") (Starn: Scots Teaching and Research Netwo
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley General Resources
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Page
Homepage (includes biographical narratives and links related to M. Shelley and members of her circle) (Kim Woodbridge)
The Life of Mary Shelley 
Literary Resources of Frankenstein 
The Summer of 1816 
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Site
Homepage (Shanon Lawson, U. Delaware / Romantic Circles)
Contemporary Reviews of M. Shelley 
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Chronology 
Selected Bibliography 
Criticism on Mary Shelley
Betty T. Bennett (The American U.), "Radical Imaginings: Mary Shelley's The Last Man" (1995) 
Lidia Garbin (U. Liverpool), "The Fortunes of Perkin Warbec: Walter Scott in the Writings of Mary Shelley" (1997) (Romanticism on the Net)
Nelson Hilton (U. Georgia), "Mary Godwin's Remonstrance" (1995) (chapter from Hilton's book, Lexis Complexes: Literary Interventions)
Lisa Hopkins (Sheffield Hallam U.), "Memory at the End of History: Mary Shelley's The Last Man" (1997) (Romanticism on the Net)
Keats-Shelley Journal 
Jack Lynch (Rutgers U.), "Workshop of Filthy Creation, Cyberspace Division" 
Morton D. Paley, "Mary Shelley's The Last Man: Apocalypse Without Millennium" (1989) 
Daniel E. White (U. Pennsylvania), " 'The god undeified": Mary Shelley's Valperga, Italy, and the Aesthetic of Desire" (1997) (Romanticism on the Net)
Mary Shelley Filmography
All Movie Versions of Frankenstein (Internet Movie Database)
Mary Shelley Writings
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (downloadable .zip file of hypertext version of book; last half of book requires a small fee for a password to get past the "read lock") (Omnimedia Electronic Publishing)
Frankenstein on the Web (student project, Susquehanna U. English Dept.)
Frankenstein: The Immortality of Frankenstein -- Frankenstein from Gothic Novel to Multimedia Megastar ("dedicated to the enduring popularity of Frankenstein in literature, popular culture, theatre, film, and the new media") (Catherine Sellars)
Frankenstein (peter@www.literature.org)
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and Related Resources on the Web (Kim Woodbridge)
Resources for the Study of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Martin Irvine, Georgetown U.)
U. Penn Electronic Edition (Currently A Major Cd-Rom Project, Possible Future Web Version) [Show]
The Last Man: A Hypertext Edition (Steven E. Jones, Loyola U., Chicago / Romantic Circles)
Letters and Journals (excerpts) (Nelson Hilton, U. Georgia)
"The Mortal Immortal: A Hypertext Edition" (includes contextual material and critical apparatus) (Michael Laplace-Sinatra, Oxford U. / Romantic Circles)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
General Resources
Percy Bysshe Shelley Page (The Poetry Archives)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (Kim Woodbridge)
Percy Shelley's Gothic Readings (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
Web Concordances: P. Shelley - Selected Poems (requires Netscape 2.0+) (Rob Watt, U. Dundee)
Mathilde Blind (1841-1896), "Shelley's View of Nature Contrasted With Darwin's" (Victorian Women's Writers Project)
Robert M. Corbett (U. Washington), "The Violence of the Sacred: The Economy of Sacrifice in The Cenci" (1996) (Romanticism on the Net)
Early Shelley: Vulgarisms, Politics, and Fractals (essays originating in a session on the Early Shelley at the Dec. 1996 Modern Language Assoc. convention) (Romantic Praxis / Romantic Circles)
Keats-Shelley Journal 
Kim Wheatley (College of William and Mary), "Paranoid Politics: Shelley and the Quarterly Review" (1996) (Romantic Praxis / Romantic Circles)
"Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats" (U. Toronto)
Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude (U. Toronto)
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (forthcoming) (table of contents for the forthcoming print edition, edited by Donald H. Reiman and Neil Fraistat)
Complete Poetical Works, 1901 (Bartleby Library)
"The Devil's Walk": A Hypertext Edition (Donald E. Reiman and Neil Fraistat / Romantic Circles)
Notes to Queen Mab (Shelley's complete notes to his poem, minus Greek text) (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
"On The Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci" (Melissa J. Sites and Neil Fraistat / Romantic Circles)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
"Defence of Poetry" (1821) (U. Toronto)
"The Necessity of Atheism" (Secular Web)
Charlotte Smith
Beachy Head: With Other Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
The Emigrants (U. Penn)
"Saint Monica" (U. Penn)
Selected Poetry (UPenn gopher)
Sonnets by Gray, Bowles, Coleridge, Keats, Robinson, Smith, Williams, Wordsworth (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Laura Sophia Temple, Poems (British Women Romantic Poets)
Robert Southey
Bertram R. Davis (Southey) Collection (U. Waterloo)
Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Emanuel Swedenborg
Heaven and its Wonders and Hell (Primenet)
The Heavenly City: A Spiritual Guidebook (trans. Lee Woofenden) (mvdComm BBS)
The New Earth Swedenborg BBS (M.V. David)
Jane Taylor
More Selected Poetry (UPenn gopher)
Selected Poetry (UPenn gopher)
Mary Tighe, Psyche, with Other Poems (3rd ed.) (Harriet Kramer Linkin, New Mexico State U.)
Joseph Mallord William Turner (painter) (on Art page) 
Helen Maria Williams
"The Bastille, A Vision" (Adriana Craciun, U. Nottingham)
"To Sensibility" (pub. 1786) (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
Mary Wollstonecraft
General Resources
Mary Wollstonecraft (Kim Woodbridge)
Mary Wollstonecraft Page (Harriet Jump, Edge Hill University College, U.K)
Philosopher All-Stars Trading Cards: Wollstonecraft (Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick)
Heather E. Wallace, "Sophie: Woman's Educations According to Rousseau & Wollstonecraft" 
Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman (plain text) (Judith Boss/Wiretap)
Preface to The Female Reader (Rita Raley, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Chap. 4 (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (plain text) (based on the Everyman's Library edition, originally published in 1929, reprinted 1992) (Paula Gaber/Wiretap)
Dorothy Wordsworth and the Falls of Clyde (extract from Recollections of a Tour in Scotland, A.D. 1803 with a photo of the Cora Linn falls) (Scotland HolidayNet)
William Wordsworth
General Resources
From Goslar to Grasmere (Presents manuscript materials for Wordsworth's Home at Grasmere and early Prelude (JJ MS.) in order "to open up an understanding of the relationship between actual physical place . . . and imagined, textual space." Includes high-quality images of the manuscripts and transcriptions/reading texts (partial) from the Cornell Wordsworth editions. Also includes 'speculative' reading texts for hypothesized states of the poems; ancillary primary material [e.g., letters, maps]; and much explanatory material to orient the user to the manuscripts and their contexts [flowcharts of the manuscripts, timelines, overviews of the nature of manuscripts, etc.]. The site also includes lesson plans for educators) (Sally Bushell and Jeff Cowton, Lancaster U. & The Wordsworth Trust)
TCG's Wordsworth Page (Thomas C. Gannon)
Wordsworth's Gothic Readings (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U.)
Poetry: Complete Editions
Complete Poetical Works (1888) (Bartleby Library)
Lyrical Ballads: 1798-1998 -- Versions of Lyrical Ballads
Homepage of Lyrical Ballads Bicentenary Project (SGML/TEI-encoded scholarly edition based on specific copies of the work and designed for online presentation; includes parallel-frame views of the text and page-facsimiles) (Ronald Tetreault, Dalhousie U., and Bruce Graver, Providence C.)
The Bristol Versions 
Conferences and Exhibitions 
London 1798 Edition 
Selected Studies of Lyrical Ballads 
Lyrical Ballads (1798) ("the original version of Lyrical Ballads, taken from the first anonymous Bristol imprint of 1798. No attempt has been made to correct the text, with the exception that the corrections indicated on the original errata slip have been made") (Richard Bear, U. Oregon; TEI-conformant markup by U. Virginia Library Electronic Text Center)
Online Books Initiative Wordsworth FTP Directory 
The Poems of Lyrical Ballads: A Scholarly Electronic Edition (prototype pages for
Web Concordances: Lyrical Ballads (1798) (requires Netscape 2.0+) (Rob Watt, U. Dundee)
Wordsworth Variorum Archive ("archive of the various published versions of Wordsworth’s poetry arranged by published volume; texts based on first editions; includes volume-specific concordances") (James M. Garrett, California State U., Los Angeles)
Selected Poems
Ron S. Broglio & F. William Ruegg (U. Florida), Point Rash Judgment: the Exploration of a Wordsworth Text ("We have constructed a MOO space consisting of three rooms--Valley, Point Rash Judgment, and Cottage--as a translation/interpretation of the Wordsworth poem Point Rash Judgment")
Crossing the Alps Episode from The Prelude, Bk. 6 (Ron Broglio, U. Florida)
"Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg" (U. Virginia)
From Goslar to Grasmere (Presents manuscript materials for Wordsworth's Home at Grasmere and early Prelude (JJ MS.) in order "to open up an understanding of the relationship between actual physical place . . . and imagined, textual space." Includes high-quality images of the manuscripts and transcriptions/reading texts (partial) from the Cornell Wordsworth editions. Also includes 'speculative' reading texts for hypothesized states of the poems; ancillary primary material [e.g., letters, maps]; and much explanatory material to orient the user to the manuscripts and their contexts [flowcharts of the manuscripts, timelines, overviews of the nature of manuscripts, etc.]. The site also includes lesson plans for educators) (Sally Bushell and Jeff Cowton, Lancaster U. & The Wordsworth Trust)
Interacting with The Prelude (description of hypertextual, multimedia version of Book I of The Prelude in its various versions; the project included a 3D animation of the mountain rearing up in the Boat Stealing episode) (Mike Harrisson)
"Peter Bell - A Tale" (U. Virginia)
Salisbury Plain (1793-94) (Alan Liu, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Selected Poems (Richard Darsie, U. California, Davis)
Selected Poems (The Poetry Archives)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Some Poems from Bartleby.com
"Alice Fell; or, Poverty" 
The Borderers. A Tragedy 
"The Brothers" 
"Composed by the Sea-side, near Calais, August 1802" 
"Composed in the Valley near Dover, on the day of landing" 
"Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802" 
Descriptive Sketches 
"Elegiac Stanzas, suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle in a Storm, painted by Sir George Beaumont" 
"An Evening Walk. Addressed to a Young Lady" 
"Expostulation and Reply" 
"Goody Blake and Harry Gill. A true Story" 
"Great men have been among us" 
"Guilt and Sorrow; or, Incidents upon Salisbury Plain" 
"The Idiot Boy" 
"I grieved for Buonaparte" 
"It is a beauteous evening, calm and free" 
"It is not to be thought of that the Flood" 
"I travelled among unknown men" 
"I wandered lonely as a cloud" 
"The Last of the Flock" 
"Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey" 
"Lucy Gray; or, Solitude" 
"Michael. A Pastoral Poem" 
"Ode. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" 
"Ode to Duty" 
"The Old Cumberland Beggar" 
"On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic" 
"Peter Bell. A Tale" 
"Resolution and Independence" 
"The Reverie of Poor Susan" 
"She dwelt among the untrodden ways" 
"Simon Lee, the old Huntsman" 
"A slumber did my spirit seal" 
"The Solitary Reaper" 
"Strange fits of passion have I known" 
"Surprised by joy--impatient as the Wind" 
"The Tables Turned" 
"The Thorn" 
"Three years she grew in sun and shower" 
"The Two April Mornings" 
"We are Seven" 
The White Doe of Rylstone; or, The Fate of the Nortons 
"Sonnet on seeing Miss Helen Maria Williams Weep at a Tale of Distress" (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
Sonnets of William Wordsworth (Sonnet Central)
"Stanzas Written in My Pocket Copy of Thomson's 'Castle of Indolence' " (U. Virginia)
"The World Is Too Much with Us" (includes introductory headnote) (from the Harper-Collins
Lyrical Ballads Advertisement and Preface
Homepage (Michael Gamer, U. Penn)
Advertisement (1798) 
Appendix on Poetic Diction (1802) 
Preface (1802) 
Wordsworth's Notes to the Preface 
Tim Fulford (Nottingham Trent U.), "Cowper, Wordsworth, Clare: The Politics of Trees" (1995) 
Bruce Graver (Providence College), "Duncan Wu's Wordsworth's Reading: 1770-1799: A Supplementary List with Corrections" (Romanticism On the Net, 1996)
Keith Hanley (Lancaster U.), "Wordsworth's Revolution in Poetic Language" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Lyrical Ballads, 1798-1998 -- A Special Issue of Romanticism On the Net (1998) (guest editors: Nicola Trott and Seamus Perry)
Roger Meyenberg and Patrick Vincent , "Wordsworth's Route Over the Simplon in 1790: A Reconstruction" (includes photos) (Romantic Circles)
A New Historicist Reading of "Tintern Abbey" and One of Its Critics ("short extracts from a rich and complex set of arguments for and against a New Historicist reading"; excerpts from Marjorie Levinson and Thomas McFarland) (David S. Miall, U. Alberta)
Michael O'Neill (U. Durham), " 'The Words He Uttered': A Reading of Wordsworth" (1996) (Romanticism on the Net)
Joel Pace (Blackfriars, Oxford), "Emotion and Cognition in The Prelude" (Romanticism On the Net, 1996)
Joel Pace (Oxford U.), " 'Gems of a soft and permanent lustre': The Reception and Influence of the Lyrical Ballads in America" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Walter Pater, "Wordsworth" (1874) (U. Toronto)
Holger Schott (Harvard U.), " 'A true community ... of many into one incorporate': Wordsworth's Authoring of the Other" (1997) 
Christopher Smith (Open U.), "Robert Southey and the Emergence of Lyrical Ballads " (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Duncan Wu (U. Glasgow), "Tautology and Imaginative Vision in Wordsworth" (1996) (Romanticism On the Net)
Visual & Lake District Resources
Dove Cottage & The Wordsworth Museum
Homepage of Wordsworth Trust (Wordsworth Trust)
Collections of Wordsworth Trust 
Dove Cottage 
Wordsworth Museum 
Lakes Online 
National Trust Properties in Cumbria 
WWWeb-Guides Lake District Resources (Includes Images, Brief Historical And Biographical Summaries, Modern Tourist Info) (Peter & Donna Thomson)
A Brief History of William and Dorothy Wordsworth 
Dora's Field (near Rydal Mount; image and info)
England's Lake District; Writers, Artists, Towns, Villages, Wordsworth, Mountains 
A List of Walks that William and Dorothy Walked in the Lake District 
Photographs of Wordsworth's Lake District 
A Walk from Dove Cottage to Rydal Mount 
A Walk from Grasmere to Far Easdale Gill 
A Walk from Rydal Mount to Ambleside 
A Walk from the Old Stamp House in Ambleside to Dove Cottage 
Ann Yearsley
"Addressed to Sensibility" (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)
"To Indifference" (Stuart Curran, U. Penn)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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