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Philosophy Journals   Suggest a Link
Aesthetics Ideas 
Animus: A Philosophical Journal for Our Time ("aimed at contributing toward a restored comprehension of the chief works and arguments of the Western tradition, considered on their own terms. . . . especially encourages reflection on the relation of the authentic historical
ASA/JAAC: American Society for Aesthetics & Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 
Basileus: The Digital Edition (An International Interdisciplinary Journal for the Philosophy of Law) 
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie: Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung ("the leading journal from Germany for international philosophical discourse [authors and board: Habermas, Benhabib, Lyotard, MacIntyre, Nussbaum, Putnam, Ricoeur, Rorty, Taylor and others]")
Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 
Ends and Means: Journal of the University of Aberdeen Centre for Philosophy Technology and Society 
Ethics: An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy (tables of contents only)
Husserl Studies 
The International Philosophical Preprint Exchange (Chiba U.)
International Kierkegaard Newsletter (Julia Watkin)
Journal of Buddhist Ethics 
Journal of Nietzsche Studies 
Journal of Société canadienne d'esthétique / Canadian Society for Aesthetics (full-text articles)
Journal of the History of Philosophy (tables of contents)
Missing Link: Cyberspace, Philosophie, Kultur (in German) (Claudia Klinger)
Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic (Philosophy Dept., U. Oslo)
The Owl of Minerva (journal for Hegel studies)
Philosophers' Web Magazine 
Philosophia Perennis (U. Bamberger, Germany)
Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition 
Philosophy Journals (Tom Stone)
Philosophy Journals and Newsletters (Peter Suber, Earlham C., Indiana)
Philosophy and Literature 
Philosophy & Theology 
Philosophy in Japan 
Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 
Postmodern Jewish Philosophy 
Radical Philosophy 
Society for Philosophy and Technology: A Quarterly Electronic Journal (available in both HTML and Adobe Acrobat formats)
Sorites: Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 
Soundsite: The Online Journal of Sound Theory, Philosophy of Sound and Sound Art 
SubStance (Sydney Lévy, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Techne: Society for Philosophy & Technology -- A Quarterly Electronic Journal 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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