Judaism |
ALEPH: Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America |
Conversion To Judaism Page (Lawrence J. Epstein) |
The Dead Sea Scrolls |
Jewish Bulletin of Northern California (weekly newspaper) (Marc Klein) |
Jewishnet (Dov Winer, Hebrew U., Israel) (telnet) |
Jewish on the WELL (Ari Davidow) |
Jewish Resources (Benjamin Cohen) |
Judaism and Jewish Resources (Andrew Tannenbaum) |
Online Synagogue at MediaMOO with MOORabbi David Simon (connect as "guest"; then type "@go synagogue") |
Postmodern Jewish Philosophy |
Project Genesis: The Jewish Learning Network |
Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities |
Homepage (rich, sophisticated introduction to "the various discourses, disciplines, media and institutions that have produced significant critical and theoretical positions and discussions concerning the Nazi Genocide of the Jews of Europe, 1933-45" |
Film |
Informatics and Technology |
Literary Criticism and Theory |
Philosophy |
Selected Specific Exhibits From The Sourcebook: |
Art Spiegelman's Maus |
George Steiner's Language and Silence |
Jean Francois Lyotard's The Differend: Phrases in Dispute |
Spielberg's Schindler's List |
soc.culture.jewish Newsgroup |
The Torah from Dixie Plantation (newsletter discussing the weekly Torah portion from the perspective of the Atlanta Jewish community) (Benjamin Cohen) |