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 •  Luddites On-Line
Sci-Tech & Cultural Studies
Luddites And Neo-Luddism   Suggest a Link
King Ludd and the Resistance to Technology (online conference held 9/23/95 on U. Virginia IATH-MOO; this gopher archive of the conference includes pre-conference statements by well-known panelists and "tapes" of the proceedings)
Luddites On-Line
Homepage ("the only place in cyberspace devoted exclusively to luddites, technophobes and other refugees from the Information Revolution. Our usuer-friendly graphic interface allows you to discuss strategies for undermining the growing cybourgeoisie a
Luddite Links 
New Luddite Society 
Thomas Pynchon, "Is it O.K. to Be a Luddite?" (1984) (New York Times Book Review / Spermatikos Logos)
David Wright (KQED-FM / KRON-TV), "Technophobia: A Small Band of Hopefuls Battles the Giant of Progress" (1995) 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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