Major Web Sites Relevant To General Humanities |
Affirmative Action and Diversity: A Web Site for Research (large, well-organized set of pages with links and info designed to present "diverse opinions regarding Affirmative Action topics. The site also houses policy documents and an annotated bibliography of research and teaching materials") (U.California Santa Barbara) |
Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) ("national service funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK's Higher Education Funding Councils to collect, describe, and preserve the electronic resources which result from research and teaching in the humanities") |
Britannica.com (the Encyclopedia Britannica online; free) |
Brown U. Scholarly Technology Resources |
Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Homepage (U. S. Dept. of Labor) |
Occupational Outlook Handbook |
Homepage (detailed description of what various jobs involve and forecasts for employment opportunities through 2005) |
College and University Faculty |
Writers and Editors |
Tomorrow's Jobs (general forecast for 1994-2005) |
Center for Documentary Studies at Duke U. ("a new vision of documentary work is taking shape: one that connects the documentary process to education and community building. The Center directly supports the work of teachers and researchers, photographers, writers and filmmakers") |
Chorus - Exploring New Media in the Arts & Humanities |
Homepage of Chorus - Exploring New Media in the Arts & Humanities ("software reviews, original research, bibliographies, annotated link collections and Shockwave demonstrations" on the use of new media in the humanities; this is the reopened version of the site originally founded by Todd Blayone) |
CHUG: Brown U. Computing in the Humanities Users Group |
Electronic Research (includes info on bibliographical management programs) (John Norman, Ohio State U. / Chorus) |
Information Management (Sean Fosmire / Chorus) |
Mixed Reviews ("software reviews written for and by arts and humanities professionals") (Andrew Mactavish, U. Alberta /Chorus) |
CNAM: Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers (in French) |
Humanist Discussion Group ("an international electronic seminar on the application of computers to the humanities") |
Medical Humanities (New York U.) |
The Nobel Foundation |
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive (Almaz Enterprises) |
Palinurus: The Academy and the Corporation -- Teaching the Humanities in a Restructured World (site created to encourage critical thought about the corporatization of higher education and the relation between academic"knowledge" and postindustrial "knowledge work"; currently includes "Featured Controversies)(Alan Liu) |
PedagoNet: Learning Material and Resource Center ("Our service is similar to a newspaper's classified section. The focus of our classified information is to facilitate the exchange of educational resource material.") |
Philosophy is Everybody's Business: Great Ideas from the Great Books (Center for the Study of the Great Ideas) ("founded by Mortimer J. Adler and Max Weismann, the Center is dedicated to help awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to understand why philosophy is everybody's business") |
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Turning the Pages ("interactive program that allows museums and libraries to give members of the public access to precious books") (British Library) |
WayBack Machine (Internet Archive) (massive archive of Web sites launched on Oct. 24th, 2001, that is designed to provide access to Web pages as they existed in the past; searching for a site returns dated versions starting about fall 1996) |
Women Nobel Prize Laureates (Nobel Prize Internet Archive) |