General Humanities Resources |
Humanities Metapages & Portals |
British Academy PORTAL (the British Academy's directory of online resources in the humanities and social sciences; designed as an entry point to available resources for those working in higher education and research) |
Virtual Reference Desk (Christopher C. Brown, U. Denver) |
ABCentral (extensive educational resource links) (E. J. Inglis-Arkell) | Authors (extensive links to contemporary literature, arts, etc.) (About, Inc.) | (Encyclopedia Britannica online) |
BUBL Information Service (a national information service for the higher education community, funded by JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils of England, Scotland and Wales and the Department of Education for Northern Ireland) (Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University, Glasgow) |
Central Conference for History and the Humanities Online (Conferenza Centrale) ("permanent telematic forum dealing with the humanities. It is also a consultation centre for the development of any electronic initiative within broad subject areas including history, philosophy, literature, languages and the humanities") (Medioevo Italiano Project) |
CultureKiosque ("Europe's cultural news site" offers "news, features, criticism and interviews about art exhibitions, concerts, opera stars, jazz, dance, CDs & CD-Roms, international cuisine and technology in English, French and/or German"; editorial staff consists of "international journalists and critics from major dailies and specialist publications in Europe and the U.S.") |
EDSITEment (links to 20 "best" humanities sites selected by a NEH merit review process; site also includes "learning guides" and an excellent search engine) (National Endowment for the Humanities / Council of the Great City Schools / MCI Co |
Educator's Reference Desk (formerly AskERIC Service for Educators) (Information Institute of Syracuse) |
Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities: A Directory of Online References and Resources (Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, U. Maryland, College Park) |
Funk & Wagnalls Knowledge Center (complete text and some photos from the Funk & Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia, plus other resources, including Reuters News and Music Center; requires free registration) (the |
General Resources Jack Lynch,Rutgers U. |
Humanitas (National Humanities Institute) |
Humanities Lecture Series at U. Kansas (U. Kansas Hall Center for the Humanities) |
Humanities Web Sites in Japan (GOTOO Hitosi, Tohoku U.) |
Humanities & Social Sciences Services, Texas A&M U. Libraries (links to databases, e-journals, Internet resources, government documents, CDROMs, etc.) |
Humanities and Arts on the Information Highways (Getty AHIP/ACLS/Coalition of Networked Info) |
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections (U. California, Riverside) |
Internet Public Library (metapage organized according to a library metaphor) (U. Michigan) |
INTUTE: Humanities (descended from the HUMBUL gateway, this is a collection of annotated humanities resources kept by a consortium of educators in the United Kingdom) |
Library of Congress |
Literature Webliography (LSU) |
The Master Works of Western Civilization ("hypertext-annotated compilation of lists of major works recommended by Drs. Adler and Eliot, Charles Van Doren, Anthony Burgess, Clifton Fadiman, the Easton Press, and many others"; links to online texts) (Mason West) |
MediaMOO (telnet site created as a "professional online community for media researchers") (Amy Bruckman, Georgia Tech) |
Michigan State U. Vincent Voice Library__ ("largest academic voice library in the nation [with] taped utterances (speeches, performances, lectures, interviews, broadcasts, etc.) by over 50,000 persons from all walks of life recorded over 100 years"; this page contains sample sound |
Munich Found Online ("Bavaria's leading english-language, monthly Magazine dedicated to providing its international audience with a discerning mix of culture, history, commentary, art, and politics") |
New York Times Sunday Book Review Section (current and past reviews; free registration required) |
OpenHere! Literature ( |
Resources of Scholarly Societies - General & Interdisciplinary (U. Waterloo) |
SCAN: Scholarship from California on the Net (pilot project designed to facilitate broad scholarly access to humanities journals, books, and related materials through publication on the Internet) (U. California Press) |
Scholarly Sites (Michael L. Hall) |
Scholarly Societies Project (U of Waterloo) |
Daniel Sendecki, Arts & Literature Directory (directory of literary web sites composed of links from writers and artists from around the world; poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction, mixed genres, etc.) |
SGML: Academic Projects (links to projects and info at major centers of academic SGML development; describes each center) (Robin Cover) |
Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG (extensive, well-organized, annotated metapage of social science resources; some categories overlap with the humanities) |
Some Useful Sites on the Web (Michael Hancher, U. Minnesota) |
VADA Archieven "VADA Archieven Internet Site, waarmee wij u constant op de hoogte houden van ontwikkelingen en nieuws omtrent onze activiteiten |
ILT Digital Text Project ("online academic resources and navigational interfaces in support of academic scholarship)(Robert McClintock,Institure of Learning Technologies at Teachers College, Columbia U.) | (directory to the Web that includes editorial columns/articles on specific areas and descriptions of editorially-chosen "best" pages) (i5ive communications, Inc.) |
Texas Cultural & Arts Network |
Homepage (Texas Commission on the Arts) |
Humanities |
Top Arts Humanities (Web directory) |
UK Sensitive Map: Academic (clickable maps of academic Web sites in the U. K.) (Peter Burden, U. Wolverhampton) |
Peter Fiasco UnIXL Humanities News (provides updated news items in the area of humanities) |
UVA Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities |
Webliography: A Guide to Internet Resources (Louisiana State U.) |
Web Resources for Research (Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, U. Toronto) |
Wordtheque -- Word by Word Multilingual Library (very large database of "multilingual novels, technical literature and translated texts" accessed through a search form that can be set for word, language, author, and title; search results appear in unique, expandable "context windows) (Logos Group) |
World Civilizations Reader (headnotes and excerpts from the Harper-Collins reader; excellent general resource) (Paul Brians, et al.) |
World Cultures: An Internet Classroom and Anthology ("combines the reading and course materials of two World Cultures courses taught using web-based materials since fall of 1994. The site is now expanding into a larger resource for a larger population and distribution of students and will eventu |
Yahoo! Humanities Page |
Major Web Sites Relevant To General Humanities |
Affirmative Action and Diversity: A Web Site for Research (large, well-organized set of pages with links and info designed to present "diverse opinions regarding Affirmative Action topics. The site also houses policy documents and an annotated bibliography of research and teaching materials") (U.California Santa Barbara) |
Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) ("national service funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK's Higher Education Funding Councils to collect, describe, and preserve the electronic resources which result from research and teaching in the humanities") | (the Encyclopedia Britannica online; free) |
Brown U. Scholarly Technology Resources |
Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Homepage (U. S. Dept. of Labor) |
Occupational Outlook Handbook |
Homepage (detailed description of what various jobs involve and forecasts for employment opportunities through 2005) |
College and University Faculty |
Writers and Editors |
Tomorrow's Jobs (general forecast for 1994-2005) |
Center for Documentary Studies at Duke U. ("a new vision of documentary work is taking shape: one that connects the documentary process to education and community building. The Center directly supports the work of teachers and researchers, photographers, writers and filmmakers") |
Chorus - Exploring New Media in the Arts & Humanities |
Homepage of Chorus - Exploring New Media in the Arts & Humanities ("software reviews, original research, bibliographies, annotated link collections and Shockwave demonstrations" on the use of new media in the humanities; this is the reopened version of the site originally founded by Todd Blayone) |
CHUG: Brown U. Computing in the Humanities Users Group |
Electronic Research (includes info on bibliographical management programs) (John Norman, Ohio State U. / Chorus) |
Information Management (Sean Fosmire / Chorus) |
Mixed Reviews ("software reviews written for and by arts and humanities professionals") (Andrew Mactavish, U. Alberta /Chorus) |
CNAM: Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers (in French) |
Humanist Discussion Group ("an international electronic seminar on the application of computers to the humanities") |
Medical Humanities (New York U.) |
The Nobel Foundation |
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive (Almaz Enterprises) |
Palinurus: The Academy and the Corporation -- Teaching the Humanities in a Restructured World (site created to encourage critical thought about the corporatization of higher education and the relation between academic"knowledge" and postindustrial "knowledge work"; currently includes "Featured Controversies)(Alan Liu) |
PedagoNet: Learning Material and Resource Center ("Our service is similar to a newspaper's classified section. The focus of our classified information is to facilitate the exchange of educational resource material.") |
Philosophy is Everybody's Business: Great Ideas from the Great Books (Center for the Study of the Great Ideas) ("founded by Mortimer J. Adler and Max Weismann, the Center is dedicated to help awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to understand why philosophy is everybody's business") |
RAND Home Page |
Homepage |
Selected Links: |
Electronic Titles |
Featured Titles |
Issue Papers |
RAND Books Published by Other Presses |
Research Briefs |
Search RAND Abstracts |
Subject Bibliographies |
Turning the Pages ("interactive program that allows museums and libraries to give members of the public access to precious books") (British Library) |
WayBack Machine (Internet Archive) (massive archive of Web sites launched on Oct. 24th, 2001, that is designed to provide access to Web pages as they existed in the past; searching for a site returns dated versions starting about fall 1996) |
Women Nobel Prize Laureates (Nobel Prize Internet Archive) |
Humanities Text Archives |
Carrie: A Full-Text Electronic Library (Lynn Nelson, U. Kansas) |
CETH: Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Princeton U. / Rugers U.) |
Electronic Text Center Collections ("holdings include approximately 70,000 on- and off-line humanities texts in thirteen languages, with more than 350,000 related images") (U. Virginia) |
Major Electronic Text Projects (Project Runeberg) |
On-Line Books Page (John Mark Ockerbloom, U. Penn) |
Project Gutenberg |
U. Michigan Humanities Text Initiative |
Humanities Centers & Programs |
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, U. Toronto |
Centres Relevant to Humanities Computing (U. Toronto) |
Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes |
George Washington U. Program in Human Sciences |
National Association for Humanities Education (association founded to advance the teaching and understanding of the humanities; hosts a biennial conference and publishes the peer-reviewed journal Interdisciplinary Humanities) |
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (U.S.) |
National Humanities Center (U.S.) |
National Humanities Institute (U.S.) |
NEXA: The Science-Humanities Convergence Program at San Francisco State U. |
NY Public Library Center for the Humanities |
Stanford Humanities Center |
UC Berkeley Townsend Humanities Center |
U. Kansas Hall Center for the Humanities |
General Humanities Journals |
APERCU (monthly guide to new writing in the theoretical humanities and social sciences") |
Australian Humanities Review ("peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic archive published bi-monthly with weekly updates by La Trobe University," Victoria, Australia; ed. Cassandra Pybus) |
JSTOR - The Scholarly Journal Archive |
La République des Lettres (in French; includes online texts for articles since 1994) |
Prospect ("the intelligent monthly based in Britain" on political, intellectual, and cultural issues for "the intellectually curious general reader") |
Qui Parle (interdisciplinary humanities) (Mark Roberts, UC Berkeley) |
Representations (interdisciplinary journal in the humanities and social sciences) (U. California Press) |
(Re)Soundings (peer-reviewed "hypermedia periodical in the humanities") |
Slate (the canonical zine) (Michael Kinsley / Microsoft, Inc.) |
Stanford Electronic Humanities Review |
Humanities Discussion Lists & Newsgroups |
CasePoint Usenet Searcher (extremely powerful search-form that allows the user to submit a natural-language query and receive links to relevant newsgroups) |
E-Mail Discussion Groups and Lists - Resources (extensive info, resources, and how-to guide relating to lists) (Bob and Varda Novick) |
H-Net Discussion Networks (H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine) |
Liszt: Searchable Directory of E-Mail Discussion Groups (Scott Southwick) |
Literary & Other Listservers (UPenn listserv index) (see also TILE.NET below) |
Mailbase - National Academic Mailing List Service | (searchable directories of Usenet newsgroups, e-mail discussion lists, and Web discussion forums; advanced search features) (InReference, Inc.) |
Tile.Net Lists (index of discussion lists and Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.) |
Tile.Net News (searchable index of Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.) |
General Humanities Courses |
Paul Brians (Washington State U.), Humanities 303 (Reason, Romanticism & Revolution) Course Materials (includes well-developed set of "study guides" for a selection of canonical writers, philosophers, and musicians) |
California Virtual University: Courses in Humanities, Literature, Languages, General Education (part of "an Internet-based, interactive catalog that contains the online and technology mediated course offerings of 81 accredited California colleges and universities"; "also links to 60 campus online libraries and offers a free cou |
Development of Western Civilization (Providence C., Rhode Island) |
Harvard U. Core Curriculum: Spring 1996 (Harvard U. Instructional Computing Group) |
Richard Hooker (Washington State U.), World Cultures: An Internet Classroom and Anthology ("combines the reading and course materials of two World Cultures courses taught using web-based materials since fall of 1994. The site is now expanding into a larger resource for a larger population and distribution of students and will eventu |
Ellis L. Knox (Boise State U.), History of Western Civilization (illustrated, hypertext course) |
Malaspina University-College College Liberal Studies "Great Books" Program (Malaspina University-College, British Columbia) |
Shirley J. Schwarz (U. Evansville), "World Cultures: The Emergence of the West" |
General Humanities Conferences & Calls for Papers |
Crossing Boundaries: An International Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference (April 17-19, 1998, U. Sheffield, UK) |
Humanities West (info on lecture series featuring eminent humanities scholars at Humanities West in San Francisco; includes links to related resources) (Jetty & Dick Bullis) |
Intersections, George Washington U., Mar. 30, 1996 (interdisciplinary graduate student conference "to facilitate dialogue across traditional disciplinary boundaries"; John Guillory is the keynote speaker) |
Copyright & Intellectual Property: Issues, Law, & Services |
"The Amistad case: 'Outright Plagiarism' or 'Who Owns History?' " ("site devoted to the Amistad incident and Supreme Court case [1841] ['the first civil rights case in American jurisprudence'], as well as the new Spielberg movie on the same topic and the court controversy surrounding that film") (Michael |
Dan L. Burk (School of Law, Seton Hall U.), "Ownership of Electronic Course Materials in Higher Education" (1997) (Cause/Effect) |
Copyright Act of 1976, as Amended |
Copyright and Intellectual Property (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) |
Copyright: Documents, Statements, Reports & Other Links (Visual Resources Assoc.) |
Copyright and Image Management (extensive, detailed guide to copyright issues relevant to academic text and image work) (Georgia Harper, Office of General Counsel, U. Texas System) |
Copyright Clearance Center Online ("not-for-profit organization created at the suggestion of Congress to help organizations like yours comply with U.S. copyright law. Through its collective licensing programs, CCC provides authorized users with a lawful means for making photoco |
"Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age: Q&A with Peter Lyman" (Educom Review) |
The Copyright Website (P. J. Benedict O'Mahoney) |
Esther Dyson, "Intellectual Value" (1994) (HotWired) |
Educational Fair Use Guidelines for Digital Images (Georgia Harper, Office of General Counsel, U. Texas System) |
John S. Erickson (Darmouth U.) |
"Can Fair Use Survive our Information-based Future?" |
"A Copyright Management System for Networked Interactive Multimedia" |
"Fair Use in the Electronic Age: Serving the Public Interest" (Working Document) (Amer. Assoc. of Law Libraries, Amer. Library Assoc., Assoc. of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors, Assoc. of Research Libraries, Medical Library Assoc, Special Libraries Assoc.) |
Intellectual Property Issues (Assoc. for Research Libraries) |
Intellectual Property: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.) |
Intellectual Property (Web site for the Society for Critical Exchange project on this topic; includes info on the conference, related publications, and links) |
Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure (requires the freeware |
Intellectual Property Magazine |
Ann Okerson (Sterling Library, Yale U. / Office Of Scientific And Academic Publishing At The Assoc. Of Research Libraries) |
"Whose Article Is It Anyway? Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues for Researchers in the 90s" (1996) |
"With Feathers: Effects of Ownership on Scholarly Publishing" (1991) (Yale U. Library) |
P. J. Benedict O'Mahoney, "Fair Use Test" |
TeleRead ("TeleRead is a nonpartisan plan to get electronic books into American homes--through a national digital library and small, sharp-screened computers--in an era of declining literacy"; emphasis on copyright-law barriers to e-literacy) |
Bibliographic, Translation, & Typesetting Services |
Bibliographic & Research Services |
Bibliographical Society of America |
C.I.R.T. International Center for Retrieval of New, Ancient, and Rare Books from Italy (lists of newly published books) (Franco A. Volta searching service) |
Translation Services |
AltaVista's Automated Translation Service (Supply a URL and the site will return a machine-translation of all text on the target-page from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish to English, or vice versa; will also directly translate any text you supply. Results are adequate only f |
Aquarius Directory of Translators and Interpreters |
Benemann Translation Center (commercial translation services) |
Language Partners International (commercial translation services, software, and other resources) |
The Language Solution (translation service) |
Spanish Language Characteristics (Trusted Translations, Inc.) |
Typesetting Services |
Academic Typesetting Service (Oxford U. Computing Services) |
Text-Analysis, Bibliographic, &Amp; Writers' Software |
Bibliographical Software (Willard McCarty / Chorus) |
Bibliography Software (Dana Jacobsen / Chorus) |
"Compare" (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.; source code for C program designed to compare two text files using fuzzy logic to track down allusions) |
Dramatica (storywriting software and theory) (Screenplay Systems) |
Electronic Research (includes info on bibliographical management programs) (John Norman, Ohio State U. / Chorus) |
"Fsconcordance" (Meng Weng Wong, U Penn; program for textual analysis; builds concordance from text file) |
Summar of Text Analysis Tools (Michael Fraser, CTI Textual Studies, Oxford U.) |
Oxford U. Centre for Humanities Computing Software Archive (software for humanities research) |
Software for Writers (plain-text list of downloadable software) (Ngaire Genge) |
Survey of Bibliographic Tools (Dana Jacobsen) |
TACT (Text Analysis Computing Tools) (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, U. of Toronto) |
Guides To Critical Thinking & Argument |
Guides To Evaluating Internet Resources |
Search The Web |
About Searching The Web |
Richard A. Lawhern, Quick Search the Internet (guide to net-search resources written for VoS by a former professional data "miner"; Dr. Lawhern is also available by email to help beginners learn the Internet medium) |
"Giving Something Back" Search Help (Richard "Red" Lawhern's page with resources to assist in using the net as an information source) |
Homepage of "Red" Lawhern's Internet Search Help |
Finding People On Line and Off |
Personalized Search Help (ask an expert) |
Guide to Searching the Internet (info on net searching; includes forms for submitting requests to multiple search engines) (Anadas Software & Internet Development) |
Internet Searching Services (annotated guide to major search engines and indexes) (Palimpsest / Western Civilization) |
Search Engine Watch (authoritative, deep resource on search engine submission tips, web searching tips, search engine ratings and reviews, and other related resources; designed as a guide both for users and Web professionals) (Danny Sullivan) |
Understanding and Comparing Web Search Tools (Karen Campbell / Bush Library, Hamline U.) |
Web Robots Database (info and resources related to automated Web searchers, including info on how to exclude robots from your site) (Martijn Koster) |
Announcement Services For New Web Sites |
Comp.Infosystems.Www.* Newsgroups |
comp.infosystems.www.announce Archive (c.i.w.a is the main Usenet forum for announcing new Web pages; this archive of the newsgroup includes a search form) (Gerald Oskoboiny) |
Recently Announced WWW Sites (gigantic archive of links mentioned in comp.infosystems.www.announce and related newsgroups) (Doc Dick Botting, Calif. State Univ., San Bernardino) |
Net-Happenings (searchable HTML archive of the Net-Happenings list; includes form for submitting announcement of net resources to the list) |
What's New Too! (Manifest Information Services) |
"Best" Web Site Lists & Reviews |
100Hot Sites (weekly ranked list of most frequently visited sites on the Web, excluding many academic sites) (Web21, Inc.) |
Global Information Infrastructure U.S. Awards (to recognize "innovation and excellence in use of the 'Information Highway' ") |
Internet Rank Engine ("the most popular, best quality web sites . . . relevant to your query") |
JumpCity: The Best of the Web |
Links2Go (a portal or meta-page that uses machine-learning and intelligent-agent technology to generate a selective list of links "most representative" of each of thousands of topics) |
Linkstar Top Sites (HotOffice Technologies, Inc.) |
Lycos Top 5% |
Platinum 100 -- The Best Sites (Kevin Struck) |
Point Communications Top Sites (metapage that rates pages on the Web according to various categories) | (Web directory that includes editorial columns/articles on specific areas and descriptions of editorially-chosen "best" pages) (i5ive communications, Inc.) |
Tom Vassos' Web Diamonds (Brand X Internet Services, Inc.) |
WWW Associates Top 10 Sites |
Your Personal Net (Wolff New Media LLC.) |
Major Commercial Web Search Engines & Indexes |
Alta Vista |
Homepage (major search engine) (AltaVista, Inc.) |
Additional Feature: AltaVista's Automated Translation Service (Supply a URL and the site will return a machine-translation of all text on the target-page from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish to English, or vice versa; will also directly translate any text you supply. Results are adequate only |
Ditto (search engine that specializes in finding images by keyphrase or by category; advanced option allows for searching by image type, file size, color depth, and picture dimension; results include details about images) ( |
Excite |
Homepage (Excite, Inc.) |
ExciteSeeing Tours ("tours" of online resources guided by Excite staff plus some guest-authorities or -celebrities) |
FAST Search (a parallel-architecture based search engine that aims to exceed the coverage of other major search engines; has announced plans "to catalog the entire Internet – and then to keep up with the growth of the Web from that point forward") ( |
Google (the new-generation fast engine that became popular in 1999-2000; features high relevancy of results and an interface designed for speed; ranks a result based on how many other pages on the Web link to it) (Google, Inc.) |
HotBot (especially known for its simple interface to customized searching) (Wired Digital, Inc.) |
InfoSeek (Infoseek Corp.) |
LookSmart (Reader's Digest, Inc.) |
Lycos |
Homepage (Lycos, Inc.) |
Lycos Top 5% |
Magellan Guide (McKinley Group, Inc., a subsidiary of Excite, Inc..) |
Northern Light (includes a supplemental database of proprietary resources accessible for a fee) (Northern Light Technology LLC) |
Raging Search (a new-generation search engine introduced by AltaVista in 2000 to compete with Google; features fast engine with minimal graphics and new ranking algorithms) (AltaVista, Inc.) |
Webcrawler (Excite, Inc.) |
Yahoo (the best-known general-purpose index or "portal" to Web resources; not a search engine per se) (Yahoo! Inc.) |
Multi-Search Sites (For Querying Multiple Search Engines) |
All-in-One Search Page (100+ Internet search engines) (William Cross) |
CUSI Multiple Web Search Indexes |
Cyber 411 (Cyber Networks, Inc.) |
Dogpile: A Multi-Engine Search Tool (Siprelle & Associates) |
Guide to Searching the Internet (Anadas Software & Internet Development) |
Highway 61 (The Virtual Mirror) |
The Internet Sleuth (Internet Business Connection) |
LincOn! (portal site; "the largest collection of search utilities on the Internet and the only site that uses icon's and logo's as its guide to Websites") (David F. Broer, Inc.) |
MetaCrawler (go2net, Inc.) |
Needle in a Cyberstack: The InfoFinder (John Albee) |
SavvySearch (Daniel Dreilinger) |
W3 Search Engines (U. Geneva) |
Other Web Search Engines & Indexes |
Aliweb (Nexor, Ltd.) |
Badger SoftWerks Reference Desk (Badger SoftWerks) | ("the search engine for college students") |
CyberDewey (David A. Mundie) |
Encyberpedia: A Living Encyclopedia (Monte Cristo Network) |
Find-It! (iTools) |
Galaxy (TradeWave Corp.) |
Green Eggs Report (a powerful way to search a topical or social "context" on the web for relevant sites; this is the front end of an automated URL collector that picks up URLs mentioned on Usenet newsgroups; choose a newsgroup and see a live page of the l |
LinkStar |
OpenText (search form is at bottom of page; has become a business-centered search site) (Open Text Corp.) | (InReference, Inc.) |
Starting Point (Starting Point L.L.C.) |
Search For Personal Home Pages |
Ahoy! The Homepage Finder (Jonathan Shakes, Marc Langheinrich, Oren Etzioni) |
Search! Personal Home Pages (Farfan) |
Search For Web Discussion Forums |
Forum One | (InReference, Inc.) |
Search The Internet (Beyond The Web) |
About Searching The Internet |
Richard A. Lawhern, Quick Search the Internet (guide to net-search resources written for VoS by a former professional data "miner"; Dr. Lawhern is also available by email to help beginners learn the Internet medium) |
"Giving Something Back" Search Help (Richard "Red" Lawhern's page with resources to assist in using the net as an information source) |
Homepage of "Red" Lawhern's Internet Search Help |
Finding People On Line and Off |
Personalized Search Help (ask an expert) |
Internet Searching Services (annotated guide to major search engines and indexes) (Palimpsest / Western Civilization) |
Search Engine Watch (extensive information, technical discussion, and reviews of Internet search engines) (Danny Sullivan) |
Searching (New Mexico Highlands U.) |
Multi-Search Sites (For Querying Multiple Search Engines) (see under Web Search above) |
Search Discussion Lists |
Lizst, The Mailing List Directory (searchable database of e-mail discussion list names and addresses) (Scott Southwick / Topica, Inc.) | (searchable directories of Usenet newsgroups, e-mail discussion lists, and Web discussion forums; advanced search features) (InReference, Inc.) |
Tile.Net Lists (index of discussion lists and Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.) |
Topica (free service that allows users to subscribe to and manage all their e-mail discussions lists; also allows users to create their own lists) (Topica, Inc.) |
Search For E-Mail Addresses |
Finger And Whois Services |
IntelliNet WHOIS Query Web Server (IntelliNet ISP) |
WWW Finger Gateway (Doug Stevenson) |
The WWW to Finger Gateway (Indiana U.) |
Guides To Searching For People On The Net |
Finding an E-Mail Address (good collection of links and info) (Masha Boitchouk, U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
Multipurpose Search Sites (Many Of The Following Sites Assist In Finding Such Other Information As Phone Number, Mailing Address, Company Name, Etc.; Also See |
411 Locate (Ultimate Technologies, Inc.) |
Ahoy! The Homepage Finder (Jonathan Shakes, Marc Langheinrich, Oren Etzioni) |
Bigfoot Global E-Mail Directory (Bigfoot Partners L. P.) |
Four11 White Page Directory (Four11 Corp.) |
Switchboard (Switchboard, Inc.) |
WED - World E-Mail Directory (De Postel BV,WED) |
Yahoo! People Search (Yahoo!) |
Search For Internet Servers By Domain Name, Industry, Or Location |
Internet.Org! (also offers statistical and historical info about the net organizations) (Imperative!) |
Search For Telnet Sites |
Hytelnet (Peter Scott) |
Hytelnet on WWW (Web gateway to Hytelnet database of telnet sites, especially library catalogues around the world) (Peter Scott) |
Search Ftp Servers |
Dogpile: A Multi-Engine Search Tool (Siprelle & Associates) |
FTP Search v3.6 (Tor Egge) |
MetaCrawler (use "search for files" option) (go2net, Inc.) | (InReference, Inc.) |
Search For Files On Anonymous Ftp Sites Using Archie: |
Archie Services (large list of Archie sites, including sites searchable through Web forms) (Nexor, Ltd.) |
Tile.Net FTP (searchable index of anonymous FTP servers; shows file lists on public directories on the servers) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.) |
Search Gopher Menus |
Gopher Search |
Search Usenet Newsgroups |
Alta Vista (Digital Equipment Corp.) |
Dogpile: A Multi-Engine Search Tool (Siprelle & Associates) |
Excite NetSearch (search engine for large database of Web pages and Usenet newsgroups; also includes many |
Find-It! (iTools) |
Google Groups (archived Usenet messages) (previously Deja News) |
HotBot (Wired Digital, Inc.) |
MetaCrawler (go2net, Inc.) | (searchable directories of Usenet newsgroups, e-mail discussion lists, and Web discussion forums; advanced search features) (InReference, Inc.) |
Search Usenet FAQs |
Tile.Net News (searchable index of Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.) |
Usenet Newstand (search Usenet) (Critical Mass Communications) |
| (e-text archive of canonical English and American literature) |
Homepage of (e-text archive of canonical English and American literature) |
Bartleby Verse |
Homepage of Verse (Bartleby Library) |
The Golden Treasury (1875) (ed., Francis T. Palgrave) |
Modern British Poetry (1920) (ed., Louis Untermeyer) |
The Oxford Book of English Verse (1919) (ed., Arthur Quiller-Couch) |
Yale Book of American Verse (1912) (ed., Thomas R. Lounsbury) |
Library of Congress Online Catalogs |
National Coalition of Independent Scholars (emphasizes scholarly and non-profit meta-sites/resources of interest to working scholars and researchers in all areas) |
Smithsonian Institution |
Homepage of Tile.Net (interactive database of FTP servers, Usenet newsgroups, and listservs) |
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FTP Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of FTP servers) |
Newsgroup Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of Usenet newsgroups) |