Phone & E-Mail Address Directories |
411 Locate (Ultimate Technologies, Inc.) |
Ahoy! The Homepage Finder (Jonathan Shakes, Marc Langheinrich, Oren Etzioni) |
AT&T 800-Number Directory |
Bigfoot Global E-Mail Directory (Bigfoot Partners L. P.) |
FAQ: How to Find People's E-mail Addresses (Jonathan I. Kamens, David Lamb) |
Finding an E-Mail Address (good collection of links and info) (Masha Boitchouk, U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
Four11 White Page Directory (Four11 Corp.) |
GeoCities (search listings to "locate any business or location" the U. S.) |
International Dialing Codes |
Internet 800 Number Directory (searchable) |
Switchboard (find names, addresses, and phone numbers of people and businesses) (Switchboard, Inc.) |
WED - World E-Mail Directory (De Postel BV,WED) |
World Telephone Area Codes |
Yahoo! People Search (powerful means of searching for addresses, phones, e-mail addresses, and/or home pages of people in the U. S.; search can be initiated on the basis of as little information as a last name; includes a form for requesting that display of one's pers |