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 •  Anthologies Page
General Resources in Romanticism
Romantic Circles   Suggest a Link
("a refereed scholarly Website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture") (General Editors: Neil Fraistat & Steven E. Jones)
Homepage of Romantic Circles 
Bibliographies ("offers the Tables of Contents to recent editions of selected Romantics journals, and . . . offers an annual listing of books that are likely to be of interest to students of Romanticism") (ed. Kyle Grimes)
Electronic Editions ("a searchable archive of texts of the Romantic era, enhanced by technology made possible in an online environment")
Features & Events 
Pedagogies ("offers resources for teachers and professors of Romantic Studies to help them design and use online materials for teaching") (ed. Ron Broglio, Laura Mandell, Tilar Mazzeo)
Romantic Circles Reviews (ed. Jeffrey N. Cox & Charles Snodgrass; assoc. ed. Jeffrey J. Ritchie)
Romantic Praxis Series (uses "computer technologies to investigate critically the languages, cultures, histories, and theories of Romanticism") (ed. Orrin N.C. Wang)
Scholarly Resources 
Romantic Circles High School (NEH-funded outreach project that uses innovative MOO technology to create an "online educational network built by and for a national community of teachers and students")
Romantic Circles MOO: Villa Diodati (takes its name from the house in the Swiss village of Cologny that Lord Byron rented in the summer of 1816; an integrated web-MOOspace that combines the live-time interactivity of MOOing and chatting with the graphical and text possibilities of the World Wide Web)
Anthologies Page (provides "comprehensive list of all the major anthologies currently available for the study of Romantic literature, tables of content for those anthologies, supplementary anthologies that assist the study of Romantic literature, and errata for various anthologies") (Harriet Linkin, Laura Mandell, Rita Raley)
Homepage of the Anthologies Page 
Major Anthologies of the Romantic Period 
Twentieth-Century Anthologies 
Recent Single Author Editions 
Related Web Sites and Discussions 
Discussion of Anthologies\Canon Reform 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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