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 •  Vadim Linetski
Jacques Derrida
Secondary Literature   Suggest a Link
Kip Canfield (U. Maryland), "The Microstructure of Logocentrism: Sign Models in Derrida and Smolensky" (1993) 
"Conversation with Geoffrey Bennington" (on the relation between deconstruction and hypertext, the Internet, and information technology) (Seulemonde)
Derrida: "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Steven Helmling (U. Delaware), "Historicizing Derrida" (1994) (Postmodern Culture)
Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem)
"The Natural Beauty of Deconstruction" (1996) (Perforations)
"The Promise of Expression to the 'Inexpressible Childe': Deleuze, Derrida and the Impossibility of Adult's Literature" (1997) (Perforations)
Notes on différance (John Lye, Brock U.)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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