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Teaching Resources
Syllabus Archives & Paradigms   Suggest a Link
(For Syllabi On Particular Subjects, See The Relevant Vos Subject Pages)
California Virtual University (catalog of online and technology mediated course offerings of accredited California colleges and universities)
Georgetown U. Faculty Projects and Teaching Resources 
Society for Literature & Science On-Line Syllabi Database (searchable archive of syllabi; site includes a form that allows instructors to submit their syllabus) (Wayne Miller, UCLA)
Teacher Guide to the Professional Cartoonists Index (well-developed "lesson plans for using the editorial cartoons as a teaching tool in social sciences, art, journalism and English" at elementary, middle-school, and high-school levels; includes "the largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web--all . . . presented with the permission and participation of the cartoonists") (Peg Cagle, Lawrence Middle School, Los Angeles / Daryl Cagle, National Cartoonists Society)
U. California Course.Net (directory for course websites in the nine-campus UC system)
Virtual Media Lab (course syllabi and online teaching resources at U. Penn) (Educational Testing Service, SAS Computing, U. Penn)
The World Lecture Hall (metapage of online course syllabi and other instructional resources by faculty worldwide) (U Texas, Austin)
The World Wide Web as an Academic Forum: A Case Study of the Hellenistic Greek Linguistic Pages (James T. Tauber, U. Western Australia)
WW I Poetry Hypermedia Tutorial (innovative hypermedia lesson in the texts and contexts of WW I era poetry organized around Isaac Rosenberg's "Break of Day in the Trenches"; a form asks for the user's impression of the poem upon entering and exiting the archive) (Stuart

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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