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General Teaching Resources
Annenberg/Corp. for Public Broadcasting Projects: Learner Online (helps "colleges, universities, high schools and community organizations use telecommunications technologies to improve learning for all students, including the growing number of older and part-time students, and informal learners in their home
ArtsEdge Network (major online arts & education initiative) (JFK Center for the Performing Arts & NEH)
Arts Education 
AskERIC (the major K-12 teaching site; includes lesson plans and many other resources)
Blue Web'n Learning Applications (essentially an educator's interface to the Internet: searchable links to many online projects, reference sites, etc. of use to teachers) (Pacific Bell Education First Initiative)
Brain Connection: The Brain and Learning (Scientific Learning Corporation)
CAUSE: Assoc. for Managing and Using Information Resources in Higher Education 
Chorus - Exploring New Media in the Arts & Humanities ("software reviews, original research, bibliographies, annotated link collections and Shockwave demonstrations" on the use of new media in the humanities; this is the reopened version of the site originally founded by Todd Blayone)
CoolSchool: The Best Sites on the Web for Teens & Teachers (well-designed directory of educational resources for high-school students and instructors) (Julia Posner, Vassar C.)
CTI Textual Studies (Oxford U. Computing Services)
EDSITEment (links to 20 "best" humanities sites selected by a NEH merit review process; site also includes "learning guides" and an excellent search engine) (National Endowment for the Humanities / National Trust for the Humanities / and the MarcoPolo Education Foundation)
Education Week on the Web 
Education Central (Richard Lamb)
Education Hot Links (Maricop Center for Learning and Instruction)
Education Place (K-12 education resources) (Houghton Mifflin)
Educational Resources Online (Sara Lingafelter, Class IV Publications)
The Education Arcade: The Future of Video Games in Education 
English Teaching in the United Kingdom (Harry Dodds, Gosford Hill School, Kidlington, Oxford, UK)
The English Pages (resources and material for users of Addison Wesley Longman English texts "in the fields of composition, literature, developmental skills, and technical writing")
The English Teachers' Web Site (Australian site "designed specifically for teachers of secondary school English")(Mark Dobbins)
EText: The Electronic & Custom Textbook Publisher (produces custom electronic books or course-packets to order)
Feminist Pedagogy Resources and Tools (Women's Studies 702, Ohio State U.)
Funk & Wagnalls Knowledge Center (complete online edition of Funk & Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia plus other resources, including Reuters News and Music Center; also includes pedagogical resources; requires annual paid membership)
Georgetown U. Faculty Projects and Teaching Resources 
History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers (Dennis Boals)
IMPACT II--The Teachers Network (non-profit organization page with info on grants and "500 of the best teacher-designed, student-centered award-winning classroom projects that work and are available to all teachers to use immediately in their classrooms")
Internet World List of Educational Resources 
The Internet Information Desk: Library & K-12 Resources on the Net (Groton Public Schools, Connecticut)
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators 
Robert McClintock (Columbia U.), "Toward a Place for Study in a World of Instruction" (1971) 
Media Literacy Project
Homepage (extensive gopher site focused on the influence of media on youth and children) (U. Oregon)
Articles on File Related to Media Literacy 
Defining Media Literacy: Summary of Harverd Institute on Media Ed. 
New Tools for Teaching (James J. O'Donnell, U. Penn.)
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Teachers, Librarians, and Counselors (detailed description of what various jobs in the field involve and forecasts for employment opportunities through 2005) (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
PedagoNet: Learning Material and Resource Center ("Our service is similar to a newspaper's classified section. The focus of our classified information is to facilitate the exchange of educational resource material. Our classified database contains resources posted by professionals and resourc
Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 
Rescol Canadien (Canada's SchoolNet) (SchoolNet Support Group)
Resources for Teachers of English for Science and Technology 
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Education (U. Waterloo)
rhetcomp.com (portal for rhetoric and composition professionals) (Matthew Levy, U. Texas, at Arlington)
StudyWeb (pedagogically-oriented metapage of "over 20,000 focused academic sites, with 1000+ new sites added weekly by our 100+ researchers. All sites are human selected and reviewed for academic content, approximate grade level, and for visual content&
TeacherNet Home Page (U.K.)
TELUS Learning Connection (links to curricular resources, pedagogical background, collaborative learning projects, etc. by an alliance of K-12 teachers and education organizations in Alberta, Canada)
The Text Project (hypertext textbooks)
Times Higher Education Supplement Internet Service (requires free registration) (Times of London)
UCSB English Department Knowledge Base [Show]
WWW Sites for Education & Training and Management of Education & Training (Dell Campbell, U. Southern Queensland, Australia)
Technology Of Teaching (Including Teaching Software)
Annenberg/Corp. for Public Broadcasting Projects: Learner Online (helps "colleges, universities, high schools and community organizations use telecommunications technologies to improve learning for all students, including the growing number of older and part-time students, and informal learners in their home
Apple Higher Education Learning Community 
Warren J. Baker and Arthur S. Gloster II (California Polytechnic State U.), "Moving Toward the Virtual University: A Vision of Technology in Higher Education" (1994) (Cause/Effect)
CAUSE: The Assoc. for Managing and Using Information Resources in Higher Education
CAUSE Current Issues Committee, "Current Issues for Higher Education Information Resources Management" (1997) (Cause/Effect)
Cause/Effect ("a practitioner's journal for college and university managers and users of information resources)
Change, Especially Technological Change, and Its Impact on Education & Training (Dell Campbell, U. Southern Queensland, Australia)
John F. Chizmar and David B. Williams (Illinois State U.), "Altering Time and Space through Network Technologies to Enhance Learning" (1996) 
Columbia U. Institute for Learning Technology 
Curriculum Connections: Integrating Internet Resources into the Curriculum (American Library Assoc.)
The Digital Links: A Technology Newsletter for Art Educators (Bettie Lake)
Educational Renaissance Planners (resources and services for "the effective use of information and communication technologies that support and enhance learning for children and communities") (Alan November)
Educational Software FTP Site Listing (Curriculum Video)
Educational Technology Resources (E.J. Inglis-Arkell)
The Electronic Pedagogy Page of Slippery Rock U. (Nancy A. Barta-Smith / Raylene Thompson)
ERes (commercial software system for forms-based creation of course Web pages and course materials archives; "ERes is a distributed system: it can be managed from a central location, for example, a college library, or instructors can enter documents
EText: Custom Electronic Text Publisher (produces custom electronic books or course-packets to order)
From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal (Jamie McKenzie)
Georgetown U. Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable 
HEIRAlliance: The Higher Education Information Resources Alliance 
Higher Education and Technology (programs, organizations, companies, services, etc.) (Dan Knauft)
Innova Multimedia Ltd.: The Educational Software Developers (commercial "high quality, interactive, curriculum-specific, educational, computer software")
Intelligent Tutoring Media (technology of teaching)
Interactive Bibliography of Writings on Cyberculture, Hypertext, and Hypermedia (annotated bibliography with links to publishers' information on the works) (Chris Grooms, Collin County Community C., Texas)
Just in Time Learning on the Internet Project (Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford U.)
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum U. Maryland, College Park) "Once Upon a Time in ENWR: The World-Wide Web as a Publication Medium for Student Essays" 
Marilyn's JITT (Just In Time Training) Resources (Oregon Public Education Network)
MOO: The Virtual Classroom (James J. O'Donnell, U. Penn.)
Multimedia for College-Level Writing (good collection of links to educational software resources) (Chris Coleman, Humber C.)
New Horizons in Scholarly Communication
Homepage of New Horizons in Scholarly Communication (guide with resources that "highlights trends affecting the process of creating, disseminating, retrieving, and using information for instruction and research at the university level") (Librarians Assoc. of U. California System)
Teaching (New Horizons in Scholarly Communication) 
Copyright & Intellectual Property 
Building & Organizing Collections 
Technology & Infrastructure 
New Media Literacies: Redefinitions of Literacy and Technology Through Graduate Student Teaching (Darren Cambridge, U. Texas, Austin)
Open Windows Education And Utility Programs 
The Paperless Classroom Project (Gerald L. Smith, U. of the South, Tennessee)
Pitsco Guide to Technology Education (Pitsco Technology Education)
R & D Center for Information Technology in Education (TOTY) (U. Joensuu, Finland)
Scholê: Teaching Culture in a Non-Linear Environment (theory and resources for rethinking pedagogy in a post-canonical and hypertextual environment; includes a well-selected set of online essays on teaching, culture, and digital media) (Rob van Kranenburg, Teacher Training Dept. in Gent [DLO])
Smart Valley, Inc. (consortium of Silicon Valley companies planning to wire California K-12 schools)
Karen L. Smith (U. Central Florida), "Preparing Faculty for Instructional Technology: From Education to Development to Creative Independence" (1997) (Cause/Effect)
Syllabus Magazine (technology and teaching)
Teachers and Technology: Making the Connection (Office of Technology Assessment)
Teaching with Electronic Technology (Michael L. Hall)
Technology & Education in the Social Sciences (TESS) Conference, Sept. 5-7, 1995 
"A Transformation of Learning: Use of the NII (U.S. National Information Infrastructure) for Education and Lifelong Learning" (U.S. Government)
Trends in the Delivery of Education -- Just In Time Education & Training Open & Distance Learning Life Long Learning (Dell Campbell, U. Southern Queensland, Australia)
John Unsworth (U. Virginia), "Constructing the Virtual Campus" -1994
Ellen D. Wagner (U. Northern Colorado), "The Technology Aside: Building a Strategic Plan to Strengthen Academic Programs" (1994) (Cause/Effect)
WebMark (Instructors can fill out a form at this site and receive by e-mail a Perl-script cgi-bin program that allows them to administer forms-based multiple-choice tests on the Web) (James Attree)
WWW Sites for Education & Training and Management of Education & Training (Dell Campbell, U. Southern Queensland, Australia)
Yale U. Center for Advanced Instructional Media 
Online, Distance, & Virtual Learning Centers (on Academe page)
Syllabus Archives & Paradigms (For Syllabi On Particular Subjects, See The Relevant Vos Subject Pages)
California Virtual University (catalog of online and technology mediated course offerings of accredited California colleges and universities)
Georgetown U. Faculty Projects and Teaching Resources 
Society for Literature & Science On-Line Syllabi Database (searchable archive of syllabi; site includes a form that allows instructors to submit their syllabus) (Wayne Miller, UCLA)
Teacher Guide to the Professional Cartoonists Index (well-developed "lesson plans for using the editorial cartoons as a teaching tool in social sciences, art, journalism and English" at elementary, middle-school, and high-school levels; includes "the largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web--all . . . presented with the permission and participation of the cartoonists") (Peg Cagle, Lawrence Middle School, Los Angeles / Daryl Cagle, National Cartoonists Society)
U. California Course.Net (directory for course websites in the nine-campus UC system)
Virtual Media Lab (course syllabi and online teaching resources at U. Penn) (Educational Testing Service, SAS Computing, U. Penn)
The World Lecture Hall (metapage of online course syllabi and other instructional resources by faculty worldwide) (U Texas, Austin)
The World Wide Web as an Academic Forum: A Case Study of the Hellenistic Greek Linguistic Pages (James T. Tauber, U. Western Australia)
WW I Poetry Hypermedia Tutorial (innovative hypermedia lesson in the texts and contexts of WW I era poetry organized around Isaac Rosenberg's "Break of Day in the Trenches"; a form asks for the user's impression of the poem upon entering and exiting the archive) (Stuart
Centers, Institutes & Organizations
Centers for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (links to the Center for Faculty Development, the Center for Electronic Learning, and the Center for Assessment and Evaluation) (Louisiana State U.)
Educause Quarterly (formerly Cause/Effect) ("journal for college and university managers and users of information resources--information, technology, and services")
The Digital Links: A Technology Newsletter for Art Educators (Bettie Lake)
Education Journals (annotated list of current education journals; focus on K-12 education)
From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal (Jamie McKenzie)
Humanizing Language Teaching (online journal on "humanistic" language teaching; includes articles, lesson plans)
Intelligent Tutoring Media (technology of teaching)
Syllabus Magazine (technology and teaching)
Teacher Magazine (Education Week on the Web)
AAHE Convenings (American Association for Higher Education)
All Conferences > Education 
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education - Annual Meetings and Exhibits 
Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning (U. Wisconsin, Madison)
ASQ: Training: Conferences: National Quality Education Conference (NQEC) (American Society for Quality)
Center on Education and Work (CEW) - Conferences and Workshops 
Cultural Diversity and Language Education Conference (U. Hawaii, Manoa)
DEC - Distance Education Conference (Center for Distance Learning Research, Texas A&M U.)
ED-MEDIA: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
Education Conference Listings Service (U. Leeds)
Education Resources on the Internet - Education Events (EduFind)
E-Learn Conference (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
Florida Educational Technology Conference 
Frontiers in Education Conferences 
Hawaii International Conference on Education 
ICTE -- International Conference on Technology and Education Home Page 
Improving University Teaching (IUT) International Conference 
International Conference on College Teaching and Learning 
International Technology Education Association 
Learning Brain Expo (applied brain research used to create new paradigms for teaching)
Lilly Conference on College Teaching (Miami U., Oxford, Ohio)
NABE - National Association for Bilingual Education Conferences 
NAME Conferences and Events (National Association for Multicultural Education)
NEA Higher Education - Annual Conference (National Education Association)
Regional Conference Schedule (National Teaching and Learning Forum)
SALT - Society for Applied Learning Technology 
SITE Conference, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
Syllabus: Education Technology for Higher Education 
The Teaching Professor Conference 
T.H.E. Journal Online: T.H.E. Conference Calendar 
UD PBL: Problem-Based Learning (U. Delaware)
UNESCO: Education - Reform and Innovation (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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