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Media Studies
Telecom Issues   Suggest a Link
Activist Issues- Telecommunications (FreePress.net)
"Cartoon Guide to Federal Spectrum Policy" (2004) (New America Foundation)
"The Citizen's Guide to the Airwaves" (2003) (New America Foundation)
Columbia Institute for Tele-Information 
Columbia U. Center for Telecom Research 
Community Telecom Toolkit ("Ten Steps to Building a More Diverse, Responsive, and Participatory Media System at the Local Level") (Center for Digital Democracy)
Federal Communications Commission homepage 
Free Press: media reform through outreach, activism, lobbying, and networking ("a non-profit organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for a more democratic media system.") (includes beginner's guide to media reform, media ownership charts, action alerts, daily newsstories)
Sean Siochru et al. Global Media Governance: A Beginner's Guide (2002) 
Reed Hundt "The Telecom Act, the Internet, and Higher Education" (2000) (Educause)
Jones Media Information and Technology Encyclopedia  
"No Bargain: Comcast and the Future of Workers' Rights in Telecommunications" (American Rights at Work report) (pdf)
Ben Scott (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) "The Politics and Policy of Media Ownership" (2004) (pdf)
McChesney, Robert (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) The Problem of the Media: US Communications Politics in the Twenty-first Century (2004) (Preface)
Telecommunications Readings and Articles (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales)
Telecommunications Industry Organizations and Associations (about.com)
Telecom Digest (Patrick A. Townson)
The Telecom History Page (Webb & Assocs.)
Telecommunications Industry News 
Telecom Information Resources on the Internet (Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, U. Michigan)
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FCC)
Telecommunications Industry Assoc. -- Communications Online 
Telecommunications Magazine  
Telecoms Virtual Library (a free index of telecommunications companies and currently holds 8343 links . . .part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library and has been hosted by Analysys, one of the world's leading telecommunications consulting and research firms, since 1994")
Telephone history page (Chuck Eby)
Web History of Telecommunications (created by students of Communications Engineering at Fachhochschule für Technik Esslingen, Germany)
Well Connected- Tracking the Broadcast, Cable, and Telecommunications Industries (includes searchable database of ownership of all radio and tv stations in the U.S.) (The Center for Public Integrity)
Wireless Unleashed ("advocates freeing up low-frequency spectrum globally for wireless broadband and unlicensed applications")

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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