Media Studies |
General Resources- Media Studies |
MCS: Media & Communications Studies Site ("an award-winning portal or 'meta-index' to internet-based resources useful in the academic study of media and communication . . . originally established by Daniel Chandler in Spring 1995 and is hosted by the U. of Wales, Aberystwyth") |
Advertising |
Film Studies |
Gender, Ethnicity, & Class |
General Reference |
General Issues |
IT & Telecoms |
Media Education |
Media Influence |
News Media |
Pop Music/Youth |
Textual Analysis |
TV & Radio |
Visual Image |
Written/Spoken |
Communications, Culture, and Media Studies Infobase (encylopedic collection of articles on major media/cultural studies theories, communications studies schools of thought, and studies; initially aimed at British A-level students) (Mick Underwood) |
Communications Studies, Culture & Media homepage |
Glossary of Media Studies Terms |
Marxist Approaches to Media |
Meaning |
Media Effects |
Postmodernism |
Semiotics |
Social Influence | Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center (extensive site comprising links to media and cutlural studies articles; guides to theorists; calls for papers; academic programs; newsgroups) (Sarah Zupko, Tribune Media) | homepage |
Media/Culture/Theory Bibliographies |
Articles and Papers |
Pop Matters: The Magazine of Global Culture ("sister site to") |
Theorists and Critics |
Communication Studies Resources (links to resources on a wide variety of media, communications, and cultural studies topics) (Dept. of Communications, U. Iowa) |
Communication Studies Links to Resources- Homepage (U. Iowa) |
Cultural Studies Resources (U. Iowa) |
Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Media |
Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs & Virtual Realities (articles and resources) (U. Iowa) |
Popular Culture Resources (Dept. of Communication, U. of Iowa) |
Academic Communications Sites Around the World ("This list compiles Communications, Journalism and Media sites in universities around the world. The sites are sorted by region and country...")(Gary Ritzenthaler and Ana Camargos) |
American Communication Assoc. ("a not-for-profit organization, a virtual professional association with actual presence in the world of scholars and practitioners alike. ACA was created to promote academic and professional research, criticism, teaching, practical use, and exchange of principles and theories of human communication...") |
Bibliography for Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication ("The bibliography now contains citations for over 7,600 articles and books dealing with issues related to rhetoric, composition, professional communication, and associated topics, such as linguistics, psychology, and philosophy..."-- Brow |
Critical Approaches to Culture, Communication, and Hypermedia (Ron Burnett, Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design) |
Feminist Media- Links to Resources (U. of Iowa) |
Frameline Home ("mission is to support, develop, and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer visibility through media arts") |
GLAAD: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ("dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation") |
Interface Archive Transfer Service ("access to the millions of feet of film at the National Archives, Library of Congress, and National Air and Space Museum plus private library collections") |
International Women's Media Foundation |
Internet Resources for the Study of Communications (Paul Starr; Princeton U.) |
Homepage (resources compiled for a course entitled "Communications, Culture, and Society")(Paul Starr, Princeton U.) |
Communications Policy: Government | Private |
Media Criticism and Journalism Reviews |
Virtual Libraries and Professional Associations |
Journalism and Mass Communications Resources ("Over 40 annotated pages of resources compiled for support of academic journalism departments and professional journalists") (U. Iowa) |
MANAA: Media Action Network for Asian Americans ("dedicated to monitoring the media and advocating balanced, sensitive, and positive coverage and portrayals of Asian Americans") |
MediaRights ("nonprofit organization, helps media makers, educators, librarians, nonprofits, and activists use documentaries to encourage action and inspire dialogue on contemporary social issues") | ("to help advance research and education in media studies and critical thinking . . .serves as a hub - providing links to international news, media studies sites and other resources for media educators, students, researchers, and the wider community") (Peter Clayton) |
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies |
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies Homepage (David Silver, U. Washington) |
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington) |
Cylberculture Studies Book Reviews (monthly review) |
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography (David Silver, U. Washington) |
Featured Links- Cyberculture Studies |
Internet Interviews |
Screen Site ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students") (U. Alabama) |
Society for Cinema and Media Studies ("professional organization of college and university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image . . Film Studies, Cinema Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies") |
SXSW (South by Southwest) ("dedicated to building and delivering conference and festival events for entertainment and related media industry professionals"; produces internationally recognized SXSW Music and Media Conference & Festival, among others) |
Third World Newsreel ("one of the oldest alternative media arts organizations in the US"; "committed to the creation and appreciation of independent and social issue media by and about people of color, and the peoples of developing countries around the world") |
"Women and Media- Internet Resources" (U. of Ottawa) |
Women in Film & Television: Bibliography (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley) |
Media Theory and Theorists | ("social theory for fans of popular culture; popular culture for fans of social theory") (David Gauntlett, Bournemouth Media School, UK) |
Daniel Chandler (U. Wales, Aberystwyth), (extensive resource and links guide, including overview essays written by Chandler) |
Advertising |
Film Studies |
Gender, Ethnicity, & Class |
General Reference |
General Issues |
IT & Telecoms |
Media Education |
Media Influence |
News Media |
Pop Music/Youth |
Textual Analysis |
TV & Radio |
Visual Image |
Written/Spoken |
Essays By Daniel Chandler |
"Cultivation Theory" (media theory regarding effects of TV-watching) |
"The 'Grammar' of Television and Film" (overview and glossary) |
"Marxist Approaches to Mass Media" (hypertext guide) |
"Processes of Mediation" |
"Semiotics for Beginners" |
"Technological or Media Determinism" |
"Texts and the Construction of Meaning" |
"Transmission Model of Communication" |
Uses and Gratifications: Why do People Watch Television? |
"Using the Telephone" |
Noam Chomsky |
"The Official Noam Chomsky Website" |
Noam Chomsky Resources (Patrick Jennings) |
Noam Chomsky Archive (articles, books, interviews, audio by Chomsky) ( Z Magazine ) |
Sean Cubitt (Liverpool John Moores U., UK), Digital Aesthetics ("the first full-length study to investigate the aesthetic nature and purposes of computer culture in the contemporary world...") (companion site, including illustrations, related links, "outtakes") |
Marc Davis, "Media Streams: An Iconic Visual Language for Video Annotation" ("In order to enable the search and retrieval of video from large archives, we need a representation of video content. . . .") |
Guy Debord |
Guy Debord (bibliography of Debord, links to many of his texts) (Not Bored"an anarchist, situationist-inspired, low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal") |
Guy Dubord Society of the Spectacle ( |
Guy Dubord ( |
Pierre Guillaume remembers Guy Debord |
Guy Debord (resources to biographical links and links to/about Debord's work) |
Gianfranco Marelli Obituary: Last Curtain Call for Guy Debord ( |
Gilles Deleuze And Félix Guattari |
General Resources |
Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction (David Arnason, U. Manitoba) |
Deleuze and Guattari Internet Resources (Jon Beasley-Murray) |
Deleuze & Guattari on the Web (primary and secondary works) (Alan Taylor, U. Texas, Arlington) |
The Deleuze & Guattari Page (Spoon Collective; Jon Beasley-Murray & Jim Castonguay) ("This website accompanies the deleuze-guattari email list . . . forum for discussion and experimentation rooted in both the separate and joint works of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari . . . since 1994) |
Giles Deleuze & Felix Guattari Page (Campus Community, Southern Oregon U.) |
Other Relevant Pages |
Deleuze and Guattari Rhiz-O-Mat ("The first version of the Rhiz-o-Mat was created on the 'm.e.s.s.i.a.h.' site circa May 1995. A Thousand Plateaus recommended a record-album style of reading -- what if it skipped? . . . A series of meta-tags. A simple quote feeder. "Push Media" . . . BlebNet has now reformatted this arcane textual artifact with an all new post-apocalyptic shell with a client-based back-end squiggle.") |
Jacques Derrida, "I Have to Wander All Alone" (words on the death of Gilles Deleuze) (trans. David Kammerman, Tympanum) |
Smooth/Striated Cyberspace (assemblage of comments and links relating the web to Deleuze and Guattari's notion of "smooth space") |
Secondary Literature |
Ian Buchahan (U. Tasmania), "Deleuze and Pop Music" (1997) (Australian Humanities Review) |
Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem), "The Promise of Expression to the 'Inexpressible Childe': Deleuze, Derrida and the Impossibility of Adult's Literature" (1997) (Other Voices: The e-Journal of Cultural Criticism) |
David N. Rodowick (Cornell U.), Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine (Chapter One) (1997) |
Writings & Interviews |
Gilles Deleuze, "Desire & Pleasure" (1994) (1997 trans. by Melissa McMahon) (Globe E-Journal) |
D+G Bibliography (Lorri Nandrea) |
Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State U.), "Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Félix Guattari (19 March 1985) |
Frederick J. Fletcher,York University, "Media, Elections, and Democracy" (Canadian Journal of Communication) |
Frankfurt School |
Frankfurt School- General |
Douglas Kellner (UCLA) "The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed Articulation" ( Illuminations ) |
"The Frankfurt School" ( |
Theodor Adorno |
Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" ( |
Adorno Page (David Gauntlett, U. Leeds) |
Adorno Resources (Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy; Scott H. Moore) |
Theodor Adorno Biography (Petri Liukkonen) |
Theodor Adorno (biography and selected links) ( |
Theodor Adorno Resources and Texts ( |
Walter Benjamin |
General Resources on Walter Benjamin |
Works |
Secondary Literature |
Max Horkheimer |
Horkheimer Resources (Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy) |
Herbert Marcuse |
Herbert Marcuse One Dimensional Man (1964) ( |
Herbert Marcuse Eros and Civilization (1966) ( |
Douglas Kellner (UCLA) "Herbert Marcuse" (Illuminations) |
Marcuse Resources (Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy) |
Ellen Hume (U. Mass. Boston) "Tabloids, Talk Radio, and the Future of News: Technology's Impact on Journalism" |
Henry Jenkins (Mass. Instititute of Technology) |
Henry Jenkins homepage |
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Complete Freedom of Movement: Video Games as Gendered Playspace" |
Henry Jenkins and David Thornburn (MIT) "he Digital Revolution, The Informed Citizen, and the Culture of Democracy" (2003) (pdf) (Introduction to Democracy and New Media) |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Challenging the Consensus: A Response to 'The Daily We'" |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) Media Theory and Methods (course) |
Henry Jenkins (MIT), ("this is the story of how a mild mannered MIT Professor ended up being called before Congress to testify about 'selling violence to our children' and what it is like to testify") |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars?: Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture" |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Voices from the Combat Zone: Game Grrlz Talk Back" |
Douglas Kellner (UCLA) |
Douglas Kellner (UCLA) "The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed Articulation" ( Illuminations ) |
John Harms, Southwest Missouri State U., and Douglas Kellner, Towards a Critical Theory of Advertising (Illuminations) |
Douglas Kellner (UCLA) "Herbert Marcuse" (Illuminations) |
Steven Best and Douglas Kellner Preface to The Postmodern Turn: Paradigm Shifts in Theory, Culture, and Science |
k.i.s.s. of the Panopticon: Critical Theory / Cultural Theory / New Media Literacy / Visual Literacy (plain-speaking site that gives "people a quick, user-friendly, one-stop shopping guide to new media literacy, as well as cultural/critical theory and its relationship with communications and new media, including the Internet") (Doug Bicket, SUNY Geneseo) |
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) |
Lawrence Lessig homepage |
Lawrence Lessig "Code is Law: On Liberty in Cyberspace" (2000) |
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) "The Laws of Cyberspace" (1998) |
Lawrence Lessig blog |
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lockdown Culture and Control Creativity (2004) (resources related to the book and link to full text of the book) |
John Lye (Brock U.), Communications Theory and Literary Theory |
Oleg Manaev, Belorussian State University and Independent Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies, "Rethinking the Social Role of the Media in a Society in Transition" (Canadian Journal of Communication) |
Marxist Media Theory (Daniel Chandler) |
Marhall Mcluhan |
McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology (U. of Toronto) |
Media Influence: Marshall McLuhan (links to articles about McLuhan) (MCS: Media & Comm. Studies Site; U. Wales) |
McLuhan Global Research Network ("a not for profit knowledge media design and public policy think tank that supports collaborations among scholars, researchers and practitioners whose work extends the insights of Marshall McLuhan") ("Incubated at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, U. Toronto") |
Marshall McLuhan (McLuhan quotes, biography, and links) (estate of Marshall McLuhan) |
Bernard Hibbitts (U. Pittsburgh) Marshall McLuhan links (links to articles and books about McLuhan) |
Audio Quotes of Marshall McLuhan (WebCorp) |
Gordon Cow (London School of Econ.) "Thawing Out Media: Hot and Cool" |
Purely McLuhan (bio/bibliography and McLuhan links) (Valeria Buitron, U. Chicago) |
The McLuhan Probes (monthly publication on media theorist McLuhan; visually oriented site) (Nova Scotia College of Art & Design) |
Media Ecology |
Media Ecology Association (The Media Ecology Association (MEA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the study, research, criticism, and application of media ecology in educational, industry, political, civic, social, cultural, and artistic contexts, and the open exchange of ideas, information, and research among the Association’s members and the larger community.) |
Media Ecology Program (New York U.) |
Media Ecology (links to resources about media ecology, from media literacy perspective) (Susan Rogers) |
Explorations in Media Ecology (journal) |
Marhall Mcluhan |
Neil Postman |
Neil Postman- writing on the web (The Preservation Institute) |
Neil Postman (links to articles by and about Postman) (Daniel Chandler, MCS- U. of Wales) |
Benning, Jim "Remembering Neil Postman" ( |
Neil Postman "Informing Ourselves to Death" (1990) (speech delivered at the German Infomatics Society)) |
Jonathan Druy "Neil Postman, 1931-2003" (tributes and obituaries) |
Media Effects |
Daniel Chandler (U. Aberswyth) "Cultivation Theory" (Media and Communications Studies Site) |
David Gauntlett (Bournemouth Media School, UK) "10 Things Wrong with the Effects Model" |
Henry Jenkins (MIT), ("this is the story of how a mild mannered MIT Professor ended up being called before Congress to testify about 'selling violence to our children' and what it is like to testify") |
Mick Underwood "Mass Media Effects: Introduction" (Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Infobase) |
Media Literacy |
Media Literacy Review (e-journal) (U. of Oregon) |
Center for Media Literacy ("a nonprofit educational organization that provides leadership, public education, professional development and educational resources nationally.") (resources for teachers) |
Media & Values (journal archives) |
Media Awareness Network ("resources and support for everyone interested in media and information literacy for young people") |
Action Coalition for Media Education ("ACME is committed to promoting media education, independent media production, and reform . . .") |
Media Education Foundation ("produces and distributes video documentaries to encourage critical thinking and debate about the relationship between media ownership, commercial media content, and the democratic demand for free flows of information, diverse representations of ideas and people, and informed citizen participation.") |
Free Press: media reform through outreach, activism, lobbying, and networking ("a non-profit organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for a more democratic media system.") (includes beginner's guide to media reform, media ownership charts, action alerts, daily newsstories) |
The Media Literacy Online Project (focused on the influence of media on youth and children) (School of Ed., U. of Oregon) |
Neil Postman |
Neil Postman- writing on the web (The Preservation Institute) |
Neil Postman (links to articles by and about Postman) (Daniel Chandler, MCS- U. of Wales) |
Benning, Jim "Remembering Neil Postman" ( |
Neil Postman "Informing Ourselves to Death" (1990) (speech delivered at the German Infomatics Society)) |
Jonathan Druy "Neil Postman, 1931-2003" (tributes and obituaries) |
Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities (rich, sophisticated introduction to "the various discourses, disciplines, media and institutions that have produced significant critical and theoretical positions and discussions concerning the Nazi Genocide of the Jews of Europe, 1933-45") (Robert S. Leventhal, U. Virginia) |
David N. Rodowick (King's College, London) |
David Rodowick Homepage |
"Audiovisual Culture and Interdisciplinary Knowledge" (1995) |
David Rodowick "Dr. Strange Media or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Film Theory" (2002) (lecture) |
Preface to The Difficulty of Difference: Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference, and Film Theory (1991) |
Preface to The Crisis of Political Modernism: Criticism and Ideology in Contemporary Film Theory (2nd ed., 1994) |
David N. Rodowick (Cornell U.), Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine (Chapter One) (1997) |
Herbert Schiller |
"Links to Information about Herbert Schiller" |
Mark Hudson "Understanding Information Media in the Age of Neoliberalism: The Contributions of Herbert Schiller" (Progressive Librarian) |
Information Superhighway: Interview with Herbert Schiller (Open Magazine) |
Geert Lovink (U. of Queensland) "Information Inequality: An Interview with Herbert Schiller" |
Herbert I. Schiller, "Media, Technology, and the Market: the Interacting Dynamic" |
Thomas Sebeok "Communication" |
Robert M. Young (U. Sheffield), "A Place for Critique in the Mass Media" (1995) |
Media Histories |
Dead Media Project (Bruce Gabor) |
History of Computers and Communications: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.) |
History of Language Technology (print & other language techs as reseen from the vantage of the computer age) |
History of Electronic Publishing (David Carlson, U. of Florida) |
History of Electronic Music |
History Of Computing & Computer Museums |
The Media History Project ("promoting the study of media history from petroglyphs to pixels") (School of Journalism and Mass Comm., U. of Minnesota) |
Media History Project Homepage |
Advertising and Material Culture History |
Comics |
Computing |
Film |
General Historical Reference |
Journalism |
Keywords, Concepts, & Theorists |
Oral & Scribal Culture |
Photography |
Printing & Print Culture |
Radio |
Sound Recording & Video Games |
Telegraphy |
Telephony |
Television |
Time Line/Media History |
Radio Program Archive ("Over 35 years ago I began this radio collection from original transcriptions, private collectors and other institutional collections to preserve for research and scholarship what people had once heard over American radio. It was decided not to attempt to collect every program of every series which exists, but a representative sampling of most series and shows") (Marvin R. Bensman, U. of Memphis) |
Recording Technology History: A Chronology (Steve Schoenherr, U. of San Diego) |
Telecommunications History |
Telemuseum (history of telecommunications) (Telecommunications Museum, Stockholm; with major links to "History" and "Exhibitions"; available in English or Swedish language) |
TV |
General Resources (Television Studies) |
Television articles/papers (links to television studies articles available online) ( |
Vanderbilt Television News Archive ("the Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt Universitythe world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989. These special reports and periodic news broadcasts cover presidential press conferences and political campaign coverage, and national and international events such as the Watergate hearings, the plight of American hostages in Iran, the Persian Gulf war, and the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.") |
TV Week (television industry trade publication; formerly titled Electronic Media) |
Asian Americans in Film and TV- Bibliography and Videography (Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley) |
Banff Television Festival |
Chicanos/Latinos in Film and Television (bibliography) (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley) |
Ireland Film and Television Network "gateway to the Irish film and television industry . . .Ireland's premier film information service . . . up-dated daily, providing information about all aspects of the audio-visual industry" |
Journal of Popular Film and Television ("Offers sociocultural perspectives on commercial films and television. Essays discuss networks, genres and audiences, as well as studios, directors and stars") |
Media in Transition 3: Television in Transition (archive of 2003 MIT conference, including links to many of the papers given and recordings of keynotes) (Mass. Inst. of Technology) |
Memorable TV ("contains details of thousands of TV shows from around the world, from the golden age of Television to today's hit shows") (UK, US, and British) |
Museum of Broadcast Communications |
Museum of Television and Radio |
Nielsen TV Ratings |
New Review of Film and Television Studies |
Science Fiction Page (this site offers a number of guides to Science Fiction television series) (Duncan White and Bevis King) |
Screen Site ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students") (U. Alabama) |
Sitcoms Online |
Television Links (a variety of resources about television) (Sarah Sharpe at Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center) |
Television: Critical Methods and Applications (companion site to textbook) (Jeremy Butler, U. Alabama) |
Television Without Pity (recaps, criticism, and forums related to a number of current television shows) |
TV Barn (television news, reviews, and resources for and about television critics) (Aaron Barnhart) |
TV Newser ("blogging about television news") (Brian Stelter) |
TV Tattle ("a weblog of TV news and criticism") |
TV Turnoff Network (sponsors of TV Turnoff Week) |
TV Tome ("has over 2,100 complete guides covering almost all the current shows and many of your favorite classics. There's also an additional 3,000+ guides that are partially complete or under development") |
Women in Film & Television: Bibliography (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley) | ("guide to what's onscreen - TV, movies, Internet") ( / Tribune Media Services) |
Articles, Essays, and Theory (Television Studies) |
Ellen Hume (U. Massachussets) "Talk Show Culture" |
Marnie Carrol "American Television in Europe: Problematizing the Notion of Pop Cultural Hegemony" (2001) ( Bad Subjects) |
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" |
Eserver: Film and Television (links to online academic articles about film and television) (Iowa State) |
E. Ann Kaplan (SUNY Stonybrook) "Feminist Criticism and Television" |
Josh Gamson (U. San Francisco) "Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity") |
"The 'Grammar' of Television and Film" (overview and glossary) |
Media in Transition 3: Television in Transition (archive of 2003 MIT conference, including links to many of the papers given and recordings of keynotes) (Mass. Inst. of Technology) |
Reality TV |
Hugh Curnutt "The Me Genre: Confessional Reflexivity in Reality TV" (2003) |
Laura Grindstaff (U. California, Davis) "Trashy or Trangressive?: Reality TV and the Politics of Social Control" (T:vc) |
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press) |
Soap Operas |
Mary Ellen Brown "'Fables and endless genealogies: soap opera and women's culture" (1987) (Continuum) |
Mick Underwood Reception Studies: Soap Opera (overview of soap opera reception studies by Ang, Liebes and Katz, and Livingstone) |
Nick Couldry (London School of Econ.) "Television and the Myth of the Mediated Centre: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Television Studies?" (2003) |
Television: Critical Methods and Applications (companion site to textbook) (Jeremy Butler, U. Alabama) |
Television Series and Shows |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Derek Badman The Academic Buffy Bibliography |
Buffy Studies by Discipline- Bibliography ("This under-construction and admittedly arbitrary (and incomplete) classification scheme includes published essays in print and online journals and published and forthcoming collections, essays submitted for consideration to Slayage, a few theses and dissertations, books on BtVS, proposals received for the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and papers given at conferences such as Blood, Text and Fears") (Slayage) |
The Buffyverse Dialogue Database |
Slayage ("The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies") |
No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed (Ken Knisely's Socratic Philosophy Television) (Web support page for the No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed TV shows) |
Simpsons Archive ("the Internet's clearinghouse of Simpsons guides, news, and information, voluntarily maintained by members of and other fans around the world") |
Star Trek |
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" |
Bevis and Duncan's guide to Star Trek (UK) |
Klingon Language Institute |
The Prisoner |
Megan Prelinger "How I was Politically Educated by the Prisoner" (2001) (Bad Subjects) |
The Prisoner - Number 6 (a wealth of information about the cult 1960s TV show) (Larry Hall) |
Xena: Warrior Princess |
Melissa Meister "Xena: Warrior Princess through the Lens of Feminism" |
X-Files Resources Page |
Television Networks |
BBC Schedules |
Discovery Channel Online |
PBS Home Page |
Radio-Canada (radio and TV; in French) (CBC) |
Sci-Fi Channel (Sci-Fi channel online) |
Film/Video |
General Film/Video Resources |
All Movie Guide (movie database) |
1001 bandes-annonces (page containing trailers, mainly of American and French films; French language site) | |
The Guardian Unlimited Film Page (film section of the online version of the British newspaper The Guardian) |
Film Studies Resources (American Communications Association Studies Center) |
The American Film Institute ("the nation's preeminent arts organization dedicated to advancing and preserving the art of the moving image. Since 1967, AFI has served as America's voice for film, television, video, and the digital arts, with innovative programs in education, training |
Asian Americans in Film and TV- Bibliography and Videography (Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley) |
Association of European Film and Media Journals ("This online index offers English abstracts of essays and articles recently published in eleven film journals all over Europe...")(Audio-Visual Euro-Net) |
Black Film Center Archive ("repository of films and related materials by and about African Americans") (Indiana U.) |
California Newsreel (non-profit documentary film and video production and distribution center with extensive "collections of African American video, African video, video on the workplace, and . . . media and society") |
Chicanos/Latinos in Film and Television (bibliography) (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley) |
Cinema Sites (metapage) (David Augsburger) |
CineWEB ("web service designed exclusively for film and video industry professionals"; includes "specialized databases for location scouting, crewing up, and more," also "trade magazines and journals online") (Dave Gardner) |
Cyber Film School (site "dedicated to the process of making movies") |
Film Articles/Papers (Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center) |
Film and Destroy ("presents, supports and encourages independent and experimental work by, for and about women") (Bridget Irish) |
Film Bibliographies ("bibliographies on miscellaneous film topics and themes (e.g., food in the movies; disabilities in the movies; the movies, race and ethnicity; women in film and TV; and others)") (Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley) | (offers links to festivals around the world and to film reviews, as well as to resources for film "professionals") |
Film Philosophy Electronic Salon (web gateway to the list; includes archives, bibliographies, and links to online writings and auteur pages) |
Film Studies (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales, Aberystwyth) |
Frameline Home ("mission is to support, develop, and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer visibility through media arts") |
The Hollywood Reporter (daily trade paper for the entertainment industry) |
Internet Movie Database |
Ireland Film and Television Network "gateway to the Irish film and television industry . . .Ireland's premier film information service . . . up-dated daily, providing information about all aspects of the audio-visual industry" |
Kinema: A Journal of Film and Audiovisual Media (Jan Uhde, U. Waterloo, Ontario) |
MediaRights ("nonprofit organization, helps media makers, educators, librarians, nonprofits, and activists use documentaries to encourage action and inspire dialogue on contemporary social issues") |
Moviefone (movie theater schedules in select cities and neighborhoods; searchable; requires graphical browser) (MovieFone/AOL) |
Movienet (theater showtimes, by city) (Goldwyn/Landmark Theatres) |
National Center for Jewish Film (Brandeis U.) |
New Review of Film and Television Studies |
OnVideo ("hot video news and information about home video and film, including cool sell-through titles, the latest non-theatrical releases, "B" films, promotions, collections, price reductions, special interest videos, made-for-video releases, music videos") |
Premiere Magazine |
Real Movies (movie trailers, reviews, box office reports) |
Rotten Tomatoes (movie reviews, previews, guides, and news) |
Scary Women: Female Monsters & Fiends in American Film ("brings together renowned feminist film scholars to address the cultural, historical and social significance of women in horror films") (UCLA Film and Television Archive) |
Screen Site ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students") (U. Alabama) |
Screenwriters Online (Cinemedia) |
Society for Cinema and Media Studies ("professional organization of college and university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image . . Film Studies, Cinema Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies") |
Syllabi on the Web for Women- and Gender-Related Courses: Film (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland) |
Women in Film & Television: Bibliography (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley) |
Women in Cinema: A Reference Guide (Philip F. McEldowney, U. Virginia) |
Writers Guild of America |
Film History |
Anna May Wong Homepage |
Arthurian Film and TV Listing (Kevin J. Harty, U. Rochester) |
Audrey Hepburn: The Official Website |
Bernardo Bertolucci |
Bertolucci Core ("biography, filmography, criticism, links") (Dept. of Italian, Vassar College) |
Blade Runner Page: 2019 Off-World ("...a growing archive...with information unique to this site as well as links to other Internet resources.")(UnderWorld Industries) |
Citizen Kane's Borrowings ("...For all the lavish praise heaped upon Citizen Kane for its originality, there are too many attributions to it that "scholars" have made that the film doesn't deserve. Herein is my list of techniques employed in "Citizen Kane" . . .) (David Hayes) |
Dermatology in the Cinema ("As a dermatologist and a film buff, I've found a series of skin conditions featured in movies. . . ") |
Early Motion Pictures from the Library of Congress, 1897-1916 |
Ed Wood Home Page (Leisa Flynn) |
Film-Historia ("FILM-HISTORIA Online is a tri-lingual (Spanish, English, and Catalan) journal dedicated to the study of the relationship between history and cinema studies modeled on the British journals Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television and Film and History.") |
Film Noir ( |
Film Noir: A Pathfinder (U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
François Truffaut Page (French) |
Dan Georgakas, "Hollywood Blacklist" (informational article from Buhle, Buhle, and Georgakas, ed., Encyclopedia of the American Left, 1992) (Al Fireis, U. Penn) |
Jean-Luc Godard |
Cinema=Jean-Luc Godard=Cinema (filmography, essays, onterviews, and other resources) (Glen W. Norton) |
Jean-Luc Godard Interview (excerpts by Henri Behar; "On the role of the filmmaker in a world where bombs exploding are a daily occurrence") |
Alfred Hitchcock |
"Alfred Hitchcock Scholars Meet Here: MacGuffin Webpage" ("an extension of our Alfred Hitchcock journal called 'The MacGuffin', which is indexed by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) in Brussels, and by 'Film Literature Index', New York") |
Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense (Patricio Lopez-Guzman) |
Stanley Kubrick |
2001: A Space Odyssey Internet Resource Archive (George DeMet) |
Kubrick on the Web (Stanley Kubrick films: info and links) (Barry Krusch) |
Kubrick Multimedia Film Guide (Patrick Larkin) |
Akira Kurosawa |
Akira Kurosawa's "Dreams" (Doug DeJulio) |
Nobuji's Unofficial Akira Kurosawa Fan Page / Akira Kurosawa Database (offers a |
Fritz Lang |
Fritz Lang Biography (Jeffrey Scheuer) |
Fritz Lang's Metropolis (Augusto Cesar B. Areal, Brazil) |
The Magic Works of Ingmar Bergman (English/Swedish; links built around major areas of Biography, Career, Gallery, and News & FAQ)(V. Lesslar and S. Härdh) |
Michelangelo Antonioni Page (filmography, bibliography, other resources) (James Brown, Flinders U., South Australia) |
ModernTimes: Classic Film Pages (includes articles, images, audio clips, bibliography, links, etc.; sections on classic films, B-films, early Black Hollywood, screwball comedies, Edward G. Robinson, and Barbara Stanwyck) (Michael Mill |
Orson Welles: The Man and His Genius |
Satyajit Ray |
Satyajit Ray (includes biography and filmography, and much more) (S. K. Singh, Bombay) |
Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities (rich, sophisticated introduction to "the various discourses, disciplines, media and institutions that have produced significant critical and theoretical positions and discussions concerning the Nazi Genocide of the Jews of Europe, 1933-45") (Robert Leventhal, U. Virginia) |
Leni Riefenstahl |
Internet Resources- Leni Riefenstahl (Bill Barrett, Webster U.) |
Sergio Leone Home Page (Andrew Hyatt) |
Silent Movies Page (Glen Pringle, Monash U.) |
Silent Star of the Month (Glen Pringle, Monash U.) |
Contemporary Film |
Pedro Almodovar: |
Almodovarlandia (links to resources about Almodovar; in English. German and Spanish) (Karl Erber) |
David Cronenberg |
David Cronenberg filmography and www resources (Kevin Bishop) | (Reviews, Film Festivals, Screening Room, movie news, and more) |
Flicker Home Page: Alternative Film and Video (Scott Stark) |
Peter Greenaway |
Peter Greenaway: The Internet Version (Bruno Bollaert) |
"Pillow Talk: Human Graffiti in Peter Greenaway's Sexy Film" (Richard Corliss, Time, July 7, 1997) |
Mike Tanner "The Auteur, the Hype, His Aide, Her Skepticism" (May 1997) ("On tour in North America to promote his new film, The Pillow Book, director Peter Greenaway gave much Q&A time to his next film, which he says will be released as a movie, on CD-ROM, and over the Internet...") (Wired) |
Hal Hartley |
Hal Hartley Homepage |
Hong Kong Cinema |
Electric Shadows Journal ("...a mailing list devoted to Asian Arthouse Movies...; links to discussions on a great many topics such as "Films," "Directors," "Group Reviews," and "Essays,") |
The Martial Artist's Guide to Hong Kong Films |
The Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) Film Top Ten Box Office Home Page |
Krzysztof Kieslowski and His Films (Zbigniew J. Pasek) |
Notes on Luc Besson Films (Stuart Fernie) |
David Lynch |
Official David Lynch Site ("This is a membership and pay-per-series site. There are a number of experiences waiting for you if you choose to become a member . . .") |
Hartmann, Mike The City of Absurdity: The Mysterious World of David Lynch Well designed site with a great depth of resources |
Lynchnet: The David Lynch Resource |
MGM/United Artists Lion's Den |
Miramax Films |
Christopher Nolan |
Klein, Andy Everything you wanted to know about Memento ( |
Jonathan Nolan Memento Mori (Story that inspired the film Memento(Esquire Magazine) |
Martin Scorsese |
Travis 76: A Taxi Driver Page (nice tribute to Taxi Driver, includes information and visual images as well as commentary on the film) |
ScreenSite ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students . . .first emerged in 1994 during the Paleolithic era of the Web. In 2003 we mounted a major renovation) (U. Alabama) |
Robert Leventhal (U. Virginia) "Romancing the Holocaust: Spielberg's Schindler's List" (Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities) |
Alan Stone (Boston Review), "Jane Campion's Piano" |
Quentin Tarantino |
Wayne Wang |
Wim Wenders |
Visual Taste, Rediscovered (site with a great deal of information and commentary; Italian and German only) (Fabrizio Gabrielli) |
Wim Wenders Official Site |
Film Theory |
Leo Braudy (USC), Seminar in Genre Theory (2001) (course on genre in film and fiction) |
Cinema Journal (journal of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies) |
Drive-Through Film Theory ("film semiotics 101") (Anatoly Antohin, U. Alaska, Fairbanks) |
Eserver: Film and Television (links to online academic articles about film and television) (Iowa State) |
Jah Sonic "Film Theory" |
Film Theory List ("This list is a forum for the discussion of the theory of film, cinema, video and related media in all their aspects: aesthetic, artistic, cultural, social, philosophical and political...") (The Spoon Collective) |
Feminist Film Theory |
Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (journal) |
Cynthia Freeland (U. Houston) "Feminist Film Theory" |
Linda Lopez McCalister (U. Maryland) Women's Studies Database: Film Reviews |
Anneke Smelik (U. Nijmegen, Netherlands) "Feminist Film Theory" |
The Movies, Race, and Ethnicity: African Americans (links to bibliographies, outside links to related sites, and articles with full-text available) |
David N. Rodowick (King's College, London) |
David Rodowick Homepage |
"Audiovisual Culture and Interdisciplinary Knowledge" (1995) |
David Rodowick "Dr. Strange Media or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Film Theory" (2002) (lecture) |
Preface to The Difficulty of Difference: Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference, and Film Theory (1991) |
Preface to The Crisis of Political Modernism: Criticism and Ideology in Contemporary Film Theory (2nd ed., 1994) |
David N. Rodowick (Cornell U.), Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine (Chapter One) (1997) |
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press) |
Sol Worth Page (Tobia Worth) |
Movie Studios, Film & Production Companies |
MGM Studios |
Paramount Pictures |
Rhythm and Hues Studios ("an Academy Award® winning film production studio specializing in visual effects for feature films, television commercials, theme park rides, music videos and interactive games...") |
Twentieth Century Fox |
Universal Studios Florida |
Festivals |
Cannes Film Festival (official home page) | (offers links to festivals around the world and to film reviews, as well as to resources for film "professionals") |
Frameline Home ("mission is to support, develop, and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer visibility through media arts") |
Hollywood Black Film Festival ("festival aims to enhance the careers of emerging and established black filmmakers through a public exhibition and competition program") |
The International Jamerican Film and Music Festival |
OutFest (Gay & Lesbian Film festivals) |
Pan African Film & Arts Festival |
Santa Barbara International Film Festival |
Slamdance Film Festival |
Sundance Film Festival |
SXSW (South by Southwest) ("dedicated to building and delivering conference and festival events for entertainment and related media industry professionals"; produces internationally recognized SXSW Music and Media Conference & Festival, among others) |
Telluride Film Festival |
TriBeCa Film Festival |
Urbanworld Film Festival |
Film Studies Depts. & Programs |
Johns Hopkins U. Film and Media Studies Program |
New York Film Academy - Acting and Film School |
Dept. of Radio, Television, and Film, Northwestern U. |
U. California, Santa Barbara, Film Studies Dept. |
University of Barcelona Cinema Studies (home of Film-Historia Center for Cinematic Research) |
USC School of Cinema-Television |
New Media |
New Media- General |
Convergence ("the journal of research into new media technologies") |
Henry Jenkins and David Thornburn (MIT) "he Digital Revolution, The Informed Citizen, and the Culture of Democracy" (2003) (pdf) (Introduction to Democracy and New Media) |
Institute for New Media Studies (the University of Minnesota Institute for New Media Studies is a center for creation, innovation, and examination of content and messages and the affects of new media technologies and techniques on their forms and functions) |
K.i.s.s. of the Panopticon: Cultural Theory and New Media |
K.I.S.S. Homepage (plain-speaking site that gives "people a quick, user-friendly, one-stop" guide to new media literacy as well as cultural/critical theory and its relationship with communications and new media) (Doug Bicket) |
Comprehensive Index (ambitious hypertext glossary of major authors and topics in cultural theory; supplies brief descriptions or intros) |
Special Topics (including "nature of the self," "postcolonialism and new media," "national identity," "British press in Europe," "machine intelligence," "how to read semiotics," "screen theory," |
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego), The Language of New Media (over 300 visuals associated with the book) |
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego) "Theories of New Media" (2002) (course) |
The Media Center at American Press Institute (journalism research and resources with an emphasis on new media and convergence) |
New Media and Art (links to variety of sites) ( |
New Media Bibliography (emphasis on journalism) (Poynter Institute) |
New Media Studies (companion site to Web.Studies 2004) (this site has been designed for the study of new media, with a strong emphasis on the Web, and contains articles, book, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.) (David Gauntlett, U. of Leeds) |
Geoffrey B. Pingree and Lisa Gitelman (Oberlin College) "What's New about New Media?" (2003) (pdf) (from New Media, 1740-1915) |
Cd-Roms |
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" |
The CD Information Center (a public-service site with links to some valuable links, such as "FAQs", "Industry News", "Bibliography & Glossaries", and "Selected Articles")(The CD Info Company) |
The CD-ROM Shopper's Guide ("This site was initially created for CD-ROM discussion, but now has expanded to all types of digital storage. That includes CDI's, VideoCD's, DVD's, CD-RW's, and so on ... At the heart of our site are our discussion message boards. In addition, the site offers an excellent price comparison bot (Bargain Finder), and numerous links to other resources.") |
Queue ("Queue develops, publishes and markets educational CD-ROM...") |
Cyberculture |
General Resources |
TAP: The Ada Project ("tapping internet resources for women in computer science") |
ART+COM ("an interdisciplinary group concerned with the integration of computer technology, communication and design") |
Association for Computers and the Humanities |
Bibliography on Chat Communication ("the subject of this bibliography are contributions on Computer-Mediated Communication, that deal with communication in webchats and IRC (partially also MUDs and MOOs) under the perspective of linguistics, communication research and/or social sciences") (in English and German) (Michael Beisswenger) |
Centre for Social Theory and Technology, Keele U. |
CITASA- Communication and Informations Technologies Section, American Sociological Association |
CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) Information Sources (extensive, well-organized site covering the Internet, cyberculture, technology, etc.) (John December, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY / December Communications, Inc.) |
C|Net Online: The Computer Network (features, news, and resources covering computers and cyberculture) |
Computer Mediated Communication Resources ("here, you'll find organized and annotated links to Web sites about information sources related to CMC technology, use, and study, with an emphasis on Internet-based CMC") (John December) |
Corante ("Tech News Filtered Daily") (links to numerous weblogs and columns) |
CTHEORY ("international journal of theory, technology and culture") |
Cyberculture and Theory (links to major sites on the topic) (trAce) |
Cybermind: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace (Web page of the Cybermind list) |
CyberReader Page (support page for Victor J. Vitanza's anthology of readings on cyberspace and virtual reality) |
Cybersociology Page (Patrick Macartney, U. Leeds) |
Cyberstudies Webring |
Digitale Film Directory (This directory is divided into seven sub-directories: Studios on the Internet; Independant Film Makers; Electronic Publications; Enhanced Cinemas; Digital Cinema Experiments; Cinema History; and Other Internet Film Resources) |
Digital Media: Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs, and Virtual Realities (Communication Studies Dept., U. Iowa) | Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources (Frank Schaap) |
Anthea Fraser Gupta (U. Leeds), "The Internet & the English Language" (1997) |
Rich Holeton, Composing Cyberspace (McGraw Hill Higher Education) |
Information Literacy |
Information Policy Resources (Deep Collection Of Resources Organized By Nation Or Region; Includes Links To Official Policy Statements, Organizations, Surveys, Essays, Etc.) (International Federation Of Library Associations And Institutions) |
Information Technology & Telecoms (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales, Aberystwyth) |
Internet and Networking: Surveys and Statistics (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) |
Internet Culture (well-organized and -selected page of links) (Martin Ryder, U. Colorado, Denver) |
MOO Studies |
Netfuture: Technology and Human Responsibility (weekly newsletter that submits the net to ethical, social, political critique) (Steve Talbott) |
Netlab (Sociology, U. Toronto) |
New Media Studies (companion site to Web.Studies 2004) (this site has been designed for the study of new media, with a strong emphasis on the Web, and contains articles, book, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.) (David Gauntlett, U. of Leeds) |
PEW Internet & American Life Project ("The Pew Internet & American Life Project produces original, academic-quality reports that explore the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. The Project also aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the Internet through collection of essential, relevant data and timely discussions of real-world developments as they affect the virtual world") |
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies |
Resources in Culture of Interest to Information Professionals (annotated bibliography) (Joe Ryan) |
Sociology of Cyberspace Links (U. Sydney) |
Teaching Social Issues of Computing: Challenges, Ideas, and Resources (Tom Jewett, Rob Kling) |
U.S. National Information Infrastructure Virtual Library |
Virtual Society: The Social Science of Electronic Technologies (Steve Woolgar, Oxford) |
WayBack Machine (Internet Archive) (massive archive of Web sites launched on Oct. 24th, 2001, that is designed to provide access to Web pages as they existed in the past; searching for a site returns dated versions starting about fall 1996) |
WebStars: Virtual Reality (metapage of resources in theory & practice of virtual reality) |
Yahoo! Society and Culture: Cyberculture |
Projects, Sites |
Alan Turing Page (Andrew Hodges) |
Artificial Culture: Synthetic Anthropology (Nicholas Gessler, UCLA) |
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones) (Victoria Vesna et al., U. California, Los Angeles) |
BotSpot (Bots and intelligent agents on the net) |
Building Authentic Communities in Virtual Spaces (Web site for the Collaborative Writing Worshop about computers & community at the Computers and Writing Conference, El Paso, May 18, 1995) |
Caltech Infospheres Project ("Traditional organizations with fixed sets of people and resources, carrying out fixed sets of activities, are giving way to fluid [virtual] organizations that link different groups of people and resources temporarily to carry out missions as they a |
Coded Messages: CHAINS (conceptual hypermedia project that raises "questions about the power of language and communications in traditional and post-modern society" by connecting "our friends in Ghana (where there is no Internet service at all) and Web surfers . . .") |
Consumptive Writing (A Fatal Strategy) (unique site that presents an anti-"process" approach to the philosophy and practice of composition teaching on the basis of cross-disciplinary reflections centered on Baudrillard's philosophy) (Matthew Levy, U. Texas, Arlington) |
The CyberCulture, Identity, and Gender Resources Page (A metapage in the interactive database mode that offers compiled research on such issues as Role Playing MUDs and the performance of gender, as well as questions regarding "the body," the "Real" and the "Virtual." The site offers a large number of a |
The Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Critical Theory Web (George Landow, National U. of Singapore)," |
ISEA: Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts |
Education and Technology Resources (Virginia Montecito, George Mason U.) ("Welcome to my Web site with education, technology, and scholarship resources for faculty and students. For example, I have "how-to" guides for computer-mediated communication and resources on distance learning, |
Edward_Amiga ("Edward_Amiga is a hypernovel, let's say a linear fiction integrating programation as a new language. You need to read french and have the JavaScript option of your browser enabled.") (Fred Romano, France) |
Eliza (the famous early bot designed by Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT for research into natural language conversation with computers; site allows user to "chat" with Eliza through Web forms) |
FleshFactor: AAS Electronica Festival Netsymposium (1997 online symposium on the technological evolution of the human "individual") |
Future Culture Home Page ("FutureCulture is deliberately broad in scope when it comes to the topics discussed, but a quick list might include: Technoculture/new edge/cyberculture; Cyberspace & the Internet; Virtual reality; The computer underground; Cyberpunk (literary and c |
The Geography of Cyberspace ("resources for measuring and mapping the geography of an embryonic Cyberspace [i.e. the Internet and WWW]") (Martin Dodge) |
Headmap ("The headmap manifesto is a sequence of texts dealing with the social and cultural implications of location aware devices") (Ben Russell) |
Honoria in Ciberspazio ("Th[is] cyberspace opera . . . is a romantic musical comedy. It is about a time when clones of the mythic postmodern cyborg creature attempted to seduce various human internet users.When isolated and lonely computer hackers entreat the great oracle") |
IMMAGINA/E - Surreal weirdness (Guido Poggi) ("Surreal computer-art image gallery; subtopics diverse, ranging from "Surrealities" and "Humananimals" to "Bjork" ") |
The Information Economy: The Economics of the Internet, Information Goods, Intellectual Property and Related Issues (Hal R. Varian, School of Information Management and Systems, UC Berkeley) |
Information Society Links (John McCann and John Gallagher) |
The Informedia Project ("research initiative at Carnegie Mellon University funded by the NSF, DARPA, NASA and others, that studies how multimedia Digital Libraries can be established and used. Informedia is building a multimedia library that will contain over a thousand ho |
Internet Love Fest (server/publisher of "cyberspace-only material and experimental HTML; the theme is the emergence of intelligent life after humans") |
IT & Telecoms (includes links for CMC, information tech and gender, identity and the Internet, IT and society, virtual communities, etc.) (Daniel Chandler) |
Kurzweil Cyber Art ("we create software that creates art") |
George Legrady (UC Santa Barbara) |
Les Chroniques de Cybérie (in French) |
The Lieberary: Henry Lieberman's On-Line Library (MIT Media Lab researcher's projects in applying artificial intelligence to interactive graphical interfaces) |
Liquid Information Organization (site dedicated to envisioning a future, more "fluid" integration of information; the "liquid information environment" is "total integration, and not just an information tsunami. . . . It's where you can edit inform |
Mary Flanagan (Hunter C.), Home Page ("links to creative work, shows / events, writing, cv, course materials, and my research projects for girls, including the RAPUNSEL project and "The Adventures of Josie True" funded by the NSF") |
Michael Heim's The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality ("a philosophical endeavor initiated by Michael Heim"; includes seminars, books, and conferences on digital and virtual Reality) |
Neo-Nomad (blog dedicated to the technonology, culture, and design of "mobilities") (Yasmine Abbas) |
Postmodernism, Interactivity, Cyberculture, and Art: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.) |
The Robot Wisdom Pages (Jorn Barger) |
The Sociology of Netnews: Bozos and Flamers, Potentials and Trends (Jorn Barger) |
Survival Research Laboratories ("creative technicians dedicated to redirecting the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations. . . . Each [SRL] performance consists of a unique set of ritualized interactions between |
Takedown (site that details the hunt for hacker Kevin Mitnick (once "America's most-wanted computer outlaw") from the perspective of Tsutomu Shimomura) (Vicious Fishes Web Design & Dan Meriwether) |
Technology: Cognition, Computers, and the Internet: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.) |
Technomads |
Technorealism |
The Turing Test Homepage ("contains all the information that we could find concerning the so called 'Turing Test' ") (Ayse Pinar Saygin) |
The Virtual City (Rice Design Alliance 1994 lecture series on the impact of technology on the concept of the city) |
Xanadu Home Page (Ted Nelson's vision of hypertext=universe) (Andrew Pam) |
Writings, Interviews |
Alexander (Sasha) Chislenko's Home Page |
John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt (RAND Foundation), "Cyberwar & Netwar: Warfare Between Networks" (1993) (on paradigm shift in military science to information war) |
Paul Baran Rand Memorandum RM-3420-PR, Aug. 1964 (in which Baran sketches his concepts and topographies of networks) (Rand Corp.) |
Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, "The Californian Ideology" ("The California Ideology is a mix of cybernetics, free market economics, and counter-culture libertarianism and is promulgated by magazines such as Wired and Mondo 2000 as well as the books of Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly and many others. The new faith has been embraced by computer nerds, slacker students, thirty-something capitalists, hip academics, futurist bureaucrats and even the President of the USA himself. . . .") |
John Perry Barlow |
Shannon Bell, "Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias" (CTHEORY) |
Dean Blobaum (U. Chicago Press), Review of Sven Birkerts's The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in the Electronic Age (1995) |
Rosi Braidotti (U. Utrecht) |
Sandra Braman (U. Illinois), "Art in the Net" (essay on the sociocultural relation of the arts to information society) (Undercurrents) |
Amy Bruckman (Georgia Tech) |
William S. Burroughs, The Electronic Revolution (Malcolm Humes) |
Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" (1945) (HTML version of the canonical essay on hypertext; originally published in The Atlantic Monthly) |
V. Carchidi, "Come Into My Web: Literary Postcolonialism in the Information Technology Age" (1997) |
Daniel Chandler (U. Wales, Aberystwyth) |
Lynn Cherny (Stanford U.), "Gender Differences in Text-Based Virtual Reality" (1994) |
Chris Chesher, "Colonizing Virtual Reality: Construction of the Discourse of Virtual Reality, 1984-1992" (1994)" (cultural studies approach to "cyberspace" and "virtual reality") (Cultronix) |
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies) |
Charles Deemer "The Humanities in Cyberspace How the Internet is Changing Teaching and Scholarship in the Humanities" (Oregon Humanities magazine) (1994) |
Mark Dery, "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs" |
Julian Dibbell, "A Rape in Cyberspace, or How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database into a Society" (1993) (Village Voice, McGraw-Hill Higher Education) |
Andreas Dieberger (IBM Almaden Research Center) |
Judith S. Donath (MIT Media Lab), "Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community" (1996) |
Samuel Ebersole (Regent U., Virginia), |
Elizabeth Reed Steere "Electropolis: Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat" (1991) (thesis) |
Fred Evans, "Cyberspace and the Concept of Democracy" (long essay which argues that "the Internet's status as a "virtual" rather than actual reality (its status as a serendipitous form of what phenomenologists call an epochéor a "placing within brackets" of our standard beliefs) reveals some of the more |
Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser U.) |
Michael and Ronda Hauben, Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet (four of the eighteen chapters of this book are published here) (First Monday: Peer-Reviewed Journal on the Internet) |
N. Katherine Hayles (UCLA), "The Materiality of Informatics" (1993) (Configurations) |
Michael Heim |
Oliver Hockenhull, "Towards a Furious Philosophy of the Discrete" |
Norman N. Holland (U. Florida), "The Internet Regression'" |
Jane Hudson "Cybervamp" |
Internet Interviews (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies) |
Nancy Kaplan (U. Of Baltimore) |
Jon Katz |
Kevin Kelly |
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) |
Peter Kollock (U. California, Los Angeles) |
Arthur Kroker |
George P. Landow (Brown U.) |
John M. Lawler (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor), "Metaphors We Compute By" (1987) |
Elizabeth Lane Lawley (U. Alabama), "Computers and the Communication of Gender" |
Jacques Leslie, "The Impact of E-Mail" (1993) (HotWired) |
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) |
Peter Ludlow (U. Michigan) |
Timothy W. Luke (Virginia Tech U.), From Analogue to Digital Fordism |
The Manifesto of the Futurist Programmers (manifesto in imitation of Umberto Boccioni's 1910 "Manifesto of the Futurist Painters") (text file) |
Michael Maranda (U. Rochester), "Faking it in Cyberspace: Boys will be Girls will be Boys" (1994) |
Victor Margolin (U. Illinois, Chicago), "The Politics of the Artificial" (1995) (philosophical approach to the concept of artifice that includes discussion of William Gibson, Jean Baudrillard, Donna Haraway, and other postmodern writers) |
María Elena Martínez Torres (U. California, Berkeley), "The Internet: Post-Modern Struggle by the Dispossessed of Modernity" (1997) ("The paradox of the revolution in technology that took world capitalism to a new stage of structure and organization-globalization-is that exactly the same technology has also made possible the creation of a counter-hegemonic movement, the global ci |
Jamie McClelland (Community Technology Review), "Public Space in Cyberspace" |
Chris McDonald (U. British Columbia), "The Ethics of Web Site Engineering" (1995) |
Shannon McRae (U. Washington), "Coming Apart at the Seams: Sex, Text, and the Virtual Body" (1995) |
Gordon Meyer & Jim Thomas, (N. Illinois Univ. Dekalb), "The Baudy World of the Byte: A Postmodernist Interpretation of the Computer Underground" |
Adrian Mihalache, "The Postmodernity of Cyberspace" (2000) (Spark-Online) |
Hugh Miller (Nottingham Trent U., UK), "The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet" (1995) (includes a typology of WWW personal home pages) |
Steve Mizrach (Florida International U.) |
Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore) |
Nicholas Negroponte (MIT) |
Adam T. Perzynski (Case Western Reserve U.) "The Internet and the Theories of Jürgen Habermas" |
Mark Pesce, "Final Amputation: Pathogenic Ontology in Cyberspace" (1993) |
Mark Poster (U. California, Irvine) |
Neil Postman, "Informing Ourselves to Death" (1990) |
Mitchel Resnick (Mass. Inst. of Technology) |
Howard Rheingold |
Tim Rohrer (U. Oregon), "Feelings Stuck in a GUI Web or; Metaphors we compute by: bringing magic into interface design |
David Ronfeldt (RAND Foundation), "Cyberocracy, Cyberspace, and Cyberology: Political Effects of the Information Revolution" |
Ken Sanes, Transparency (site featuring essays by a former newspaper columnist and freelance writer on cultural studies and cyberculture) |
Simon Schaffer, "Babbage's Intelligence: Calculating Engines and the Factory System" |
Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes (Fielding Inst.), "Information Literacy as a Liberal Art: Enlightenment Proposals for a New Curriculum" (1996) |
Steven Shaviro (U. Washington), Doom Patrols ("theoretical fiction about postmodernism and popular culture"; full text of book) (1995-1997) |
John Shirley webpage |
Steve Silberman "Black Flight to the Net" ("The author of a new study reporting a US$53 million surge in high-tech purchases by African American families in 1996 says that the rush of blacks to the online world is being driven partly by a hunger to find replacements for news and programming") (Wired) |
Marc Smith and Peter Kollock, eds., Communities in Cyberspace: Perspectives on New Forms of Social Organizaton (1997) (table of contents) |
Morten Soby (U. Oslo) "Possessed by Virtual Reality" |
Alan Sondheim Internet Text |
Elizabeth Reed Steere Cultural Formations in Text-Based Virtual Realities (1994) (MA thesis) |
Stewart Brand Interview, June 15, 1995 (on the Internet as a "gift economy") (WGBH Educational Foundation) |
Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy Stone (U. Texas, Austin) |
John Suler (Rider University) The Psychology of Cyberspace |
Eugene Thacker (Georgia Inst. of Tech) |
Richard Thieme |
Kevin Lee Thomason |
Paul Treanor, "Why Telecity Projects Are Wrong" ("The EU now uses the name telecities for projects which were originally called freenets in the United States. They are also called digital cities, or telepolis. . . . Characteristic of telecity projects is the claim to provide some ki |
Hoai-An Truong Gender Issues in Online Communications (essay by Bay Areas Women in Telecommunications) |
Sherry Turkle (Mass. Inst. of Tech) |
Umberto Eco's Analogy "Mac:DOS as Catholic:Protestant" (excerpts are from an English translation of Umberto Eco's back-page column, "La bustina di Minerva," in the Italian news weekly Espresso, September 30, 1994) |
Willard Uncapher, "Between Local and Global: Placing the Mediascape in the Transnational Cultural Flow" (1992) (Word document) |
John Unsworth (U. Virginia), "Living Inside the (Operating) System: Community in Virtual Reality (Draft)" |
Shmuel Vaknin "The Internet: A Message or a Medium -- An Interim Report About the Future of the Internet" (July 1997) |
Paul Virilio |
Ernst Von Glasersfeld (U. Massachusetts, Amherst) |
Gabriel Watson & Jason Brown (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Cultural Prosthetics: The Mutational Aesthetics of the Late Organic" (multimedia, hypertext work) (Speed) |
Shawn P. Wilbur (Bowling Green State U.) |
Robert M. Young (Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield), "Primitive Processes on the Internet" (1996) ("an exploration of people's primitive feelings about computers and getting on the Internet. It also examines some of the fantasy and other irrational elements of being on the 'net") |
Art & Technology (Theory And Resources) |
Net Art |
Artificial Life, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Studies, Robotics, Nanotech |
Business & Technology |
Cybercensorship |
Cybercommunities |
Cyberethics, Cyberlaw, and Cyberprivacy |
Cybergender & Techgender |
Cyberpunk |
Economics Of The Net |
History Of Computing & Computer Museums |
Hypermedia Research & Theory |
Hypertext Research & Theory |
Interface Theory |
Politics Of The Net |
Organizations, Centers, Programs |
Course Syllabi & Teaching Resources (Cyberculture) |
Journals & Zines (Cyberculture) |
Listservs & Newsgroups (Cyberculture) |
Conferences & Calls for Papers (Cyberculture) |
Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs & Virtual Realities (articles and resources) (U. Iowa) |
Internet Broadcast Media |
Internet Talk Radio ("Internet Talk Radio started broadcasting in 1993 as the first radio station on the Internet. As part of the effort to rescue some of our past work, we're also maintaining archives of early programs in their original state. Over time, we hope to go back and rescue these archives, but for now we offer them to you the way they looked in the early days of the web. You may find some broken links and some musty audio formats, but we hope you'll find some use for the data in the state they are in until we get around to refurbishing them.") |
Internet Talk Radio Travelling Circus |
RealPlayer (free and commercial versions of the RealPlayer streaming audio and video client program) () RealNetworks, Inc.) |
Video/Computer Games and Gaming |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Complete Freedom of Movement: Video Games as Gendered Playspace" |
Digital Games Research Association |
Game Culture ("developed as a central information resource for academics, developers, gamers and others interested in the significance of computer games as a cultural phenomenon") |
Game Research ("this site attempts to bring together the art, science and business of computer games") (articles, book reviews, tutorials) |
Game Studies (online journal of research) |
Gaming Research (various links) (Frank Schaap, U. Amsterdam) |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Voices from the Combat Zone: Game Grrlz Talk Back" |
Women Gamers ("because women DO play") (articles, reviews, interviews) |
Popular Music |
General Music Resources |
Bringing It All Back Home Page (Bob Dylan Page) (John Howells) |
Concert Hotwire Tour Database (searchable database of music tours; by artist, venue, city) |
Grateful Dead Lyrics, Annotated (site includes critical apparatus and essays) (David Dodd, Library, U. Colorado at Colorado Springs) |
Henry the Human Fly Caught in the Web (songs and recordings of Richard Thompson) (Shane Youl) |
IndieWeb ("the Net's first independent label space") (Chelsea Starr & Chris Barrus) |
Internet Underground Music Archive |
Music Resources on the Web from Indiana (Indiana U.) |
Repetition: The David Bowie Critical Analysis Page (essays on Bowie, his music, art, films, etc.) |
Glenn Ricci, Millenium Pop (reviews of pop musicians) (Glyph) |
Sony Online |
Julie Van Camp (Calif. State U., Long Beach), "Judging Aesthetic Value: 2 Live Crew, Pretty Woman, and the Supreme Court" (1995) |
Music Journals & Zines |
Journalism |
Journalism Studies and General Resources |
I Want Media ("Media News and Resources") |
Journalism and Mass Communications Resources ("Over 40 annotated pages of resources compiled for support of academic journalism departments and professional journalists") (U. Iowa) |
Media-Watch Groups & Sites |
Free Press: media reform through outreach, activism, lobbying, and networking ("a non-profit organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for a more democratic media system.") (includes beginner's guide to media reform, media ownership charts, action alerts, daily newsstories) |
Columbia Journalism Review ("America's Premiere Media Monitor") |
FAIR- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ("national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.") (links to action alerts, Counterspin articles, articles from "Extra!"-- their print magazine of media criticism) |
The Freedom Forum ("a nonpartisan, international foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people") |
Project Censored ("the Mission of Project Censored is to educate people about the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and to tell The News That Didn't Make the News and why . . .a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country’s major national news media") |
The War Room (conservative media page with extensive links to other politically "right" online sites) |
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press |
American Journalism Review ("covers all aspects of print, television, radio and online media . . . examines how the media cover specific stories and broader coverage trends . . . ethical dilemmas in the field and monitors the impact of technology on how journalism is practiced and on the final product") |
Columbia Journalism Review ("America's Premiere Media Monitor") |
Dan Gillmor We The Media ("A Web site and Weblog About Topics and Issues Discussed in the Book We the Media by Dan Gillmor") |
Ellen Hume (U. Mass. Boston) "Tabloids, Talk Radio, and the Future of News: Technology's Impact on Journalism" |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Challenging the Consensus: A Response to 'The Daily We'" |
Journalism Magazines Online (U. Iowa) |
JD Lasica "We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information" (2004) (The Media Center at American Press Institute) |
The Media Center at American Press Institute (journalism research and resources with an emphasis on new media and convergence) |
Information Organized (Previously: "News in the future") (NiF Consortium/MIT Media Lab) |
Poynter Online ("everything you need to be a better journalist") (includes a number of daily newsletters on a variety of journalism topics) |
Project for Excellence in Journalism ("research, Resources, and Information to Improve Journalism") (Columbia U.) |
Romenesko ("your daily fix of media industry news, commentary, and memos") (aimed at journalists) (Poynter Online) |
Cass Sunstein "The Daily We" (2001) ("Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?") |
TV Newser ("blogging about television news") (Brian Stelter) |
Sarah J. Zupko, "The Current Debate Surrounding Public Relations Ethics" (1994) |
U.S. news sources |
Vanderbilt Television News Archive ("the Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt Universitythe world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989. These special reports and periodic news broadcasts cover presidential press conferences and political campaign coverage, and national and international events such as the Watergate hearings, the plight of American hostages in Iran, the Persian Gulf war, and the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.") |
Afro-Americ@ National News |
Alternative Press Center ("alternative & radical" journals) |
AlterNet "a highly acclaimed Internet information source that provides readers with crucial facts and passionate opinions they can't find anywhere else. Since its inception in 1998, AlterNet has grown dramatically to keep pace with the public demand for independent news and now provides free online content to over 1.5 million readers every month") |
Arizona Daily Star |
Chicago Tribune |
CNN Headline News |
CRAYON: CReAte Your Own Newspaper (select news sources and categories of interest on a form and have a customized paper transmitted to you) |
The C-SPAN Networks |
Disinformation: The Subculture Search Engine (annotated "alternative" guide/links to news and society; "the search service of choice for individuals looking for information on current affairs, politics, new science and the 'hidden information,' that seldom seems to slip through |
Ecola's Newsstand -- Newspapers (Ecola Design) |
Latino USA ("The radio journal of news and culture" |
Independent Media Center |
MediaFinder ("the source for subscription, advertising and mailing list rates & info for 90,000 U.S. & international print media & catalogs") (Oxbridge Communications) |
The Media Jukebox (deep and excellent metapage of journalism and zine sites) |
Money & Investing Update (Wall Street Journal) |
MSNBC (Microsoft / NBC) |
NewsLink (links to daily & weekly papers)(American Journalism Review) |
News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) |
New York Times |
New York Times on the Web |
Stop the Presses: Behind the Brass Door (multimedia tribute to the closing of The New York Times 43rd Street Press Room in July 1997; includes streaming video and virtual pressroom tours) (New York Times) |
The Omnivore: A Daily News & Information Resource |
People Magazine |
Pulitzer Prizes (prize-winning works and author profiles) (Columbia Journalism Review) |
San Francisco Chronicle |
San Jose Mercury |
Slate |
TIME Magazine |
U.S.News Online (U.S. News & World Report) |
Voice of America |
Canadian News sources |
Cable Public Affairs Channel, Canada (in English and French) |
CBC Newsworld Online |
CBC Radio News |
CNEWS (Canoe: Canadian Online Explorer) |
Le Journal de Montréal |
Montreal Gazette |
Toronto Star |
European news sources |
The Independent (UK) |
Daily News in German |
Der Standard Online |
The Electronic Telegraph (U.K. online newspaper) |
The Irish Times |
Le Monde |
London Times |
L'Unione Sarda (daily Italian newspaper) |
Mosaique (beautiful site!) |
Radio France International (with audio) |
The Warsaw Voice (English-language weekly newspaper covering Poland) |
Other international news sources |
Hometown Free Press (list of links to online news across Asia) |
International Teletimes ("Teletimes is a broad, international culture magazine assembled in Vancouver, Canada, and distributed all over the world through the Internet...") |
International Herald Tribune |
Jornal do Brasil ONLINE (Rio de Janeiro) | The Internet Directory of Publications ("comprehensive directory of information about more than 150,000 publications and more than 8000 newspapers around the world") (Bowes & Associates, Inc.) |
Reuters News (also includes complete online edition of Funk & Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia and other resources; requires free registration) |
Russian Story (pay-by-transaction "instant access to current copies of famous Russian newspapers in their original form, including all photos, charts, cartoons and even crosswords") |
The St Petersburg Times ("The English-language newspaper of St. Petersburg, Russia.") |
The Taipei Times ("Taiwan's newest and best English newspaper.") |
The World OnLine (Daily news program produced by BBC and Public Radio International) |
World Socialist Web Site |
Radio |
Air America |
American Radio Relay League (morse code and ham radio enthusiasts) |
The Bellingham Antique Radio Museum |
CBC Radio (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) |
Children's Radio International (Children's Music Web) |
Deutsche Welle (German shortwave radio; requires the RealAudio client to receive audio) |
Gainesville Amateur Radio Society On-Line ("Amateur radio is a hobby of personal enjoyment. But in times of need, hams are transformed into self-trained public service communicators, ready and able to help their neighbors during emergencies and natural disasters...") |
Internet Talk Radio ("Internet Talk Radio started broadcasting in 1993 as the first radio station on the Internet. As part of the effort to rescue some of our past work, we're also maintaining archives of early programs in their original state. Over time, we hope to go back and rescue these archives, but for now we offer them to you the way they looked in the early days of the web. You may find some broken links and some musty audio formats, but we hope you'll find some use for the data in the state they are in until we get around to refurbishing them.") |
Radio Locator (formerly "MIT List of Radio Stations on the Internet") (500+ links, particularly useful for searching non-commercial--particularly college-radio--offereings) (Theodric Young) |
Museum of Broadcast Communications |
Museum of Television and Radio |
Old Time Radio (OTR) |
Pacifica Radio Archives ("Pacifica Radio Archives is considered by historians and scholars to be one of the oldest and most important audio collections in the world. This site is an interactive window into the collection and what has made it all possible") |
Pacifica Radio Foundation (audio and transcripts for Pacifica radio programming) |
Prometheus Radio Project ("microradio resource center offering legal, technical, and organizational support for the non-commercial community broadcasters . . .conferences, events and literature on microradio and democratic media issues . . .public interest advocate on microradio issues, and to help facilitate public participation in the FCC rulemaking and legislative process") |
Eric Boehlert ( "Radio's Big Bully" (series of articles on corporate consolidation of radio and Clear Channel Communications in particular) |
Radio 4 All ("This site connects you to the movement to reclaim the airwaves...") |
Radio Program Archive ("Over 35 years ago I began this radio collection from original transcriptions, private collectors and other institutional collections to preserve for research and scholarship what people had once heard over American radio. It was decided not to attempt to collect every program of every series which exists, but a representative sampling of most series and shows") (Marvin R. Bensman, U. of Memphis) |
Radio-Canada (radio and TV; in French) (CBC) |
Radio Canada International (multilingual) |
Radio Days: A Soundbite History (offers soundbites clippings of radio from its earliest inception, including entertainment, commercials, and radio news) |
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty |
Real Radio ("This site has been inspired by recent disturbing events at one of the nation's last remaining bastions of free speech, KPFA . . . We can use the net to get the message out and to make sure everyone knows what is going on nationwide and even worldwide. On this site you will find links to other sites with more updated information. Most importantly, through this site you will be able to actually tune in to the few remaining radio stations that are doing something different and valuable. We hope to see that list grow over time. If you know of a station that needs to be heard (noncommercial only), this is the place to let us know") |
Virtual Tuner ("The Internet's 1st Live Internet Radio and TV Directory") |
Comics |
International Journal of Comic Art |
Comicon International (world's largest fan-run convention) |
Academic Conferences on Comics and Graphic Novels |
Academic Resources- comics ("this page collects inks to various resources of interest to those who study or teach comics in the classroom") (Gene Kannenberg, U. Houston) |
Anime and Manga | (online magazine) |
The Anime Academic Resource Page |
Anime and Manga Research Circle ("our goal is to build and maintain a diverse community of scholars engaged in the academic study of anime and manga, their associated (sub)cultures worldwide, and (tangentially) Japanese popular culture in general") |
Analee Newitz "Anime Otaku: Japanese Animation Fans Outside of Japan" (1994) (Bad Subjects) |
Anime Online ("The online anime fan community") |
Dictionary of Anime Fandom |
Art Comics: Independent Comics for the Internet |
Art Spiegelman's Maus (Robert S. Leventhal, U. Virginia - Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities) |
Comics Scholarship and Academic Resources (annotated bibliography covering "book-length works about comic books and comic strips, from "fannish" histories to academic monographs. This site aims to provide more information and guidance on such books than you'd normally find in a library catalog entry")(Gene Kannenberg, U. Houston) |
Comics Research Bibliography ("international bibliography of comic books, comic strips, animation, caricature, cartoons, bandes dessinees, and related topics") (Michael Rhode and John Bullough) |
Comix Scholars Discussion List ("The list serves as an academic forum for those involved in research, criticism and teaching related to comics art") (John Ronan, U. Florida) |
Grrls in the Comix (gallery of superheroes; links to readings) (Jean Bourg) |
Indy Magazine (bimonthly print magazine covering alternative comics; includes online resources) |
Media History Project: Comics |
The New Yorker Collection (drawings for The New Yorkerin the mid-20th century) (Library of Congress) |
Professional Cartoonists Index (extensive resources with images) (Daryl Cagle, National Cartoonists Society) |
Teacher Guide to the Professional Cartoonists Index (well-developed "lesson plans for using the editorial cartoons as a teaching tool in social sciences, art, journalism and English" at elementary, middle-school, and high-school levels; includes "the largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web--all . . . presented with the permission and participation of the cartoonists" (Peg Cagle, Lawrence Middle School, Los Angeles / Daryl Cagle, National Cartoonists Society) |
The Unofficial Tank Girl Comic Pages (Bob Rosenberg) |
Telecom Issues |
Activist Issues- Telecommunications ( |
"Cartoon Guide to Federal Spectrum Policy" (2004) (New America Foundation) |
"The Citizen's Guide to the Airwaves" (2003) (New America Foundation) |
Columbia Institute for Tele-Information |
Columbia U. Center for Telecom Research |
Community Telecom Toolkit ("Ten Steps to Building a More Diverse, Responsive, and Participatory Media System at the Local Level") (Center for Digital Democracy) |
Federal Communications Commission homepage |
Free Press: media reform through outreach, activism, lobbying, and networking ("a non-profit organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for a more democratic media system.") (includes beginner's guide to media reform, media ownership charts, action alerts, daily newsstories) |
Sean Siochru et al. Global Media Governance: A Beginner's Guide (2002) |
Reed Hundt "The Telecom Act, the Internet, and Higher Education" (2000) (Educause) |
Jones Media Information and Technology Encyclopedia |
"No Bargain: Comcast and the Future of Workers' Rights in Telecommunications" (American Rights at Work report) (pdf) |
Ben Scott (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) "The Politics and Policy of Media Ownership" (2004) (pdf) |
McChesney, Robert (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) The Problem of the Media: US Communications Politics in the Twenty-first Century (2004) (Preface) |
Telecommunications Readings and Articles (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales) |
Telecommunications Industry Organizations and Associations ( |
Telecom Digest (Patrick A. Townson) |
The Telecom History Page (Webb & Assocs.) |
Telecommunications Industry News |
Telecom Information Resources on the Internet (Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, U. Michigan) |
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FCC) |
Telecommunications Industry Assoc. -- Communications Online |
Telecommunications Magazine |
Telecoms Virtual Library (a free index of telecommunications companies and currently holds 8343 links . . .part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library and has been hosted by Analysys, one of the world's leading telecommunications consulting and research firms, since 1994") |
Telephone history page (Chuck Eby) |
Web History of Telecommunications (created by students of Communications Engineering at Fachhochschule für Technik Esslingen, Germany) |
Well Connected- Tracking the Broadcast, Cable, and Telecommunications Industries (includes searchable database of ownership of all radio and tv stations in the U.S.) (The Center for Public Integrity) |
Wireless Unleashed ("advocates freeing up low-frequency spectrum globally for wireless broadband and unlicensed applications") |
Consumerism & Advertising |
Ad Flip ("the world's largest database of print advertising") |
Adbusters ("We are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century . . .To this end, Adbusters Media Foundation publishes Adbusters magazine, operates this website and offers its creative services through PowerShift, our advocacy advertising agency") |
Ad Critic (downloadable video of thousands of commercials) |
Advertising Age |
Advertising (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales, Aberystwyth) |
Advertising Studies (Communication Studies, U. Iowa) |
Advertising World (Dept. of Advertising, U. Texas, Austin) |
Advertising: Articles and Papers (links to dozens of papers) (U. Iowa) |
Advertising Resources (extensive list of links) (U. Iowa) |
Bibliography: Consumer Culture and Leisure (Don Slater, U. London) |
Jean Kilbourne "Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way we Think and Feel" |
Commerical Closet (analyzing advertising related to gays and lesbians) |
Communication Arts: Exhibit Online (state of the art advertising) (Coyne & Blanchard, Inc.) |
Steve Craig (U. North Texas) "Feminism, Femininity, and the Beauty Dilemma: How Advertising Co-opted the Women's Movement" (1998) |
False Advertising: The Gallery of Advertising Parody |
John Harms, Southwest Missouri State U., and Douglas Kellner, Towards a Critical Theory of Advertising (Illuminations) |
History of Advertising Trust (archive of UK advertising) |
History of Advertising ( |
Robert Goldman (Lewis & Clark College) "Illustrated Glossary for a Critical Semiotics of Advertising" |
Sut Jhally (U. Mass, Amherst) "Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse" |
John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History (Duke U. Special Collections Library) |
Journal of Advertising ("the premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its relationship to practice") |
The Living Room Candidate (archive of Presidential campaign commercials, 1952-2004) |
Marketing Science (Informs: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) |
Political Advertising: Articles and Resources (U. Iowa) |
Publications and Journals (Advertising) |
Public Relations Watch ("investigates and exposes how the public relations industry and other professional propagandists manipulate public information, perceptions and opinion on behalf of governments and special interests.") (Center for Media and Democracy) |
Research Resources- Advertising (U. Texas, Austin) |
Sloan Center for Internet Retailing (U. California, Riverside) |
Censorship |
ACLU Free Speech Center |
Center for Democracy and Technology |
USA Patriot Act and Censorship (U. Texas, Arlington) |
Art, Free Expression and the Law (National Coalition Against Censorship) |
Art Now: The Patriotism of Dissent ("Artists responding to the political present") |
Banned Books On-Line (Ockerbloom, John, U. of Pennsylvania) ("exhibit of books that have been the objects of censorship or censorship attempts. The books featured here, ranging from Ulysses to Little Red Riding Hood, have been selected from the indexes of The Online Books Page.") |
Bonfire of Liberties - Censorship of the Humanities (interactive exhibit) (Texas Humanities Resource Center) |
Censorship & The Arts in Canada (Leif Harmsen) |
Censorship Issues (list of online resources) (The Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource) |
Civil Liberties, Intellectual Freedom, and Privacy (American Library Association) |
Cybercensorship |
"ACLU Files Challenge to Virginia Internet Law on Behalf of Six University Professors" (May 8, 1997) ("The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a challenge to a Virginia law that bans state employees from viewing "sexually explicit" communications online, saying that the law unconstitutionally curbs the free speech rights of state university professors and others") (ACLU) |
Douglas Birsh (Villanova U.), "Sexually Explicit Materials and the Internet" (1996) ("describes the kinds of material on the Internet and its categorization. From a philosophical perspective, this material suggests some definitions and implications for legal and human rights") (Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine) |
The Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Free Speech, Press, & Association |
Censorship, Freedom, and Access Equality: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.) |
Censorship at Carnegie Mellon U. (Michael Witbrock) |
The Censorware Project ("exposing the secrets of censorware since 1997") |
The Center for Democracy and Technology ("a non-profit public interest organization based in Washington DC. The Center's mission is to develop and advocate public policies that advance constitutional civil liberties and democratic values in new computer and communications technologies") |
Chip Head (critique of the U. S. law calling for a "V-Chip" or violence-censoring chip in television sets) (Ives Colin) |
CIPA- Children's Internet Protection Act (American Library Association) |
Citizens Internet Empowerment (includes court transcripts) (Center for Democracy and Technology) |
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (January 1996) (special issue on "philosophical perspectives of the free speech debate in computer-mediated communication") |
Computers and Academic Freedom Archive (Electronic Frontier Foundation) |
Congressional Decency Act Controversy |
The Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Free Speech (info and downloadable graphics for supporting the campaign against the Internet restrictions imposed by the U. S. telecommunications bill of Feb. 1996) (Electronic Frontier Foundation) |
Communications Decency Act (the part of the U. S. telecom act of 1996 relevant to indecency on the Internet) (Center for Democracy and Technology) |
EFF Censorship - Internet Censorship Legislation & Regulation (CDA, etc.) Archive (Electronic Frontier Foundation) |
U. S. Telecommunications Act of 1996 (full text as submitted to the President) (Library of Congress) |
Julie Van Camp (Calif. State U., Long Beach), "Indecency On the Internet: Lessons from the Art World" (1996) |
The Dark Side of the Internet -- Censoring the Internet: Mediating the CMC Experience ("intended to present the realities of using the Internet in K-12 [O.A.C.] Education. The intention is to replace fear of the unknown with an understanding of what is actually going on at points beyond the control of the Systems Administrator, Parent |
EFF - The Electronic Frontier Foundation ("Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported membership organization working to protect our fundamental rights regardless of technology; to educate the press, policymakers and the general public about civil liberties issues related to technology; and to act as a defender of those liberties. Among our various activities, EFF opposes misguided legislation, initiates and defends court cases preserving individuals' rights, launches global public campaigns, introduces leading edge proposals and papers, hosts frequent educational events, engages the press regularly, and publishes a comprehensive archive of digital civil liberties information at one of the most linked-to websites in the world") |
EPIC- Electronic Privacy Information Center |
Charles Ess (Drury C.), "A Plea for Understanding--Beyond False Dilemmas on the Net" (1995) (critique of the conceptual simplifications of cybercensorship debates) (Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine) |
Families Against Internet Censorship |
Seth Finkelstein's Anticensorware Investigations |
Freedom of Expression Censor-Bait (MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression [SAFE]) |
Steven Hinckley (U. South Carolina) "Your Money or Your Speech: The Children's Internet Protection Act and the Congressional Assault on the First Amendment in Public Libraries" (2002) (Washington University Law Quarterly) |
How to Receive Banned Newsgroups |
Internet Blocking and Censorware (Electronic Frontier Federation links to resources and articles) |
Jake Baker Case Archive (MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression [SAFE]) |
MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression (SAFE) |
David Sobel (Electronic Privacy Information Center) "Internet Filters and Public Libraries" (2002) (report) |
Time Magazine Cyberporn Controversy |
Cyberporn Debate (Donna Hoffman's and Thomas Novak's dissection of the Rimm report on cyberporn and its reception by Time Magazine) |
Philip Elmer-Dewitt, Time Magazine Cover Story on Cyberporn, 7/3/95 (article based on the allegedly deeply-flawed Rimm report by a Carnegie Mellon U. student; the story fueled a round of media controversy about cyberporn) |
Marty Rimm (Carnegie Mellon U.), "Marketing Pornography on the Information Superhighway" (the allegedly deeply-flawed study of cyberporn that started the controversy; site includes links to critiques of the article) |
Electronic Frontier Federation: Online Censorship & Free Expression |
The File Room Censorship Archive (illustrated archive on censorship) ("The File Room is an artist's project initiated by Muntadas, produced by Randolph Street Gallery in collaboration with the School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Chicago and the Department of Cultural Affairs - City of Chicago. The File Room is maintained by the National Coalition Against Censorship") |
Free Expression Network Clearinghouse |
Free Expression Policy Project ("a thinktank on artistic and intellectual freedom") |
Index on Censorship ("the bi-monthly magazine for free speech . . . Index shows how free speech affects the political issues of the moment.") |
Herbert N. Foerstel Most Frequently Banned Books in the US in the 1990s (English Server, Carnegie Mellon U.) |
Music Censorship |
A Brief History of Banned Music ("selective on-line chronicle of popular music that has been censored, banned or altered in the name of community standards and morals"; begins with the 1950s) (Eric Nuzum) |
Clear Channel's list of songs with questionable content (in immediate post-9/11 context) |
Mathieu DeFlem (U. South Carolina) "Rap, Rock, and Censorship: Popular Culture and the Technologies of Justice" |
National Coalition Against Censorship |
Project Censored ("the Mission of Project Censored is to educate people about the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and to tell The News That Didn't Make the News and why . . .a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country’s major national news media") |
Student Press Law Center | Censorship/Banned Books (Rick Russell) |
Susan Dwyer (McGill U.), "A Plea to Ignore the Consequences of Free Speech" (1996) ("asks us to reject consquentialist terms in debating the limits on free speech; instead, she calls for a position in which those who argue to restrict pornography and hate speech must say something more about the ways in which these things t |
Journals (Media Studies) |
Journals and Archives (Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center/ |
Journalism Magazines Online (U. Iowa) |
Association of European Film and Media Journals ("This online index offers English abstracts of essays and articles recently published in eleven film journals all over Europe...")(Audio-Visual Euro-Net) |
Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (journal) |
Canadian Journal of Communication ("A journal of research and scholarship encompassing the field of communication and journalism studies giving emphasis to Canadian work and Canadian issues...") |
Cinema Journal (journal of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies) |
Columbia Journalism Review ("America's Premiere Media Monitor") |
Communications of the ACM ("ACM is the world's oldest and largest educational and scientific computing society") |
Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media and Culture- current (Taylor & Francis) |
Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media and Culture- vol. 1-8 (1987-1994) ("thematically based cultural studies journal. The primary focus of the journal is upon screen media; but our understanding of 'media' also includes publishing, broadcasting and public exhibitionary media such as museums and sites") |
Convergence ("the journal of research into new media technologies") |
Journal of Advertising ("the premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its relationship to practice") |
Journal of Popular Film and Television ("Offers sociocultural perspectives on commercial films and television. Essays discuss networks, genres and audiences, as well as studios, directors and stars") |
Kinema: A Journal of Film and Audiovisual Media (Jan Uhde, U. Waterloo, Ontario) |
Mediamatic Magazine ("Mediamatic Foundation was established in 1985 and was originally founded to act as a meeting place and forum for video artists and TV dissidents. The Foundation published Mediamatic Magazine, an international bilingual journal in Dutch and English about the cultural and artistic implications of new media. Since 1993 Mediamatic has also published a now famous series of CD-ROMs. ") |
New Review of Film and Television Studies |
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press) |
Soundsite: The Online Journal of Sound Theory, Philosophy of Sound and Sound Art |
Third Text (journal) ("Third-World Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture")(U. of Waikato, New Zealand) |
Departments, Programs, Professional Associations (Media Studies) |
American Communication Assoc. |
The Aspen Institute "an international nonprofit educational institution dedicated to enhancing the quality of leadership through informed dialogue. It convenes men and women who represent diverse viewpoints and backgrounds from business, labor, government, the professions, the arts, and the nonprofit sector to relate timeless ideas and values to the foremost challenges facing societies, organizations, and individuals...") |
Broadcast Education Association ("the professional association for professors, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises...") |
Center for Film, Television, and New Media (U California, Santa Barbara) |
International Communication Association |
Media, Technology, & Society Program (Northwestern U.) |
MIT Communications Forum (events, forums, conferences, and papers related to emerging communication technologies) |
The MIT Media Lab ("The Laboratory pioneered collaboration between academia and industry, and provides a unique environment to explore basic research and applications, without regard to traditional divisions among disciplines...") |
New Media Centers ("a non-profit organization empowering educators to change the way people learn...")(San Francisco, CA) |
Society for Cinema and Media Studies ("professional organization of college and university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image . . Film Studies, Cinema Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies") |
Courses, Syllabi, and Teaching Resources (Media Studies) |
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington) |
Anne Friedberg and Sheila C. Murphy (U. Calif., Irvine), Image Culture: New Technologies (course) |
Glenn A. Kurtz (San Francisco State U.) , Multimedia Theory and Criticism (1997) (course) |
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego) "Theories of New Media" (2002) (course) |
Henry Jenkins (MIT) Media Theory and Methods (course) |