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Media Studies
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New Media- General
Convergence  ("the journal of research into new media technologies")
Henry Jenkins and David Thornburn (MIT) "he Digital Revolution, The Informed Citizen, and the Culture of Democracy" (2003) (pdf) (Introduction to Democracy and New Media)
Institute for New Media Studies (the University of Minnesota Institute for New Media Studies is a center for creation, innovation, and examination of content and messages and the affects of new media technologies and techniques on their forms and functions)
K.i.s.s. of the Panopticon: Cultural Theory and New Media
K.I.S.S. Homepage (plain-speaking site that gives "people a quick, user-friendly, one-stop" guide to new media literacy as well as cultural/critical theory and its relationship with communications and new media) (Doug Bicket)
Comprehensive Index (ambitious hypertext glossary of major authors and topics in cultural theory; supplies brief descriptions or intros)
Special Topics (including "nature of the self," "postcolonialism and new media," "national identity," "British press in Europe," "machine intelligence," "how to read semiotics," "screen theory,"
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego), The Language of New Media  (over 300 visuals associated with the book)
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego) "Theories of New Media" (2002) (course)
The Media Center at American Press Institute (journalism research and resources with an emphasis on new media and convergence)
New Media and Art (links to variety of sites) (Rhizome.org)
New Media Bibliography (emphasis on journalism) (Poynter Institute)
New Media Studies (companion site to Web.Studies 2004) (this site has been designed for the study of new media, with a strong emphasis on the Web, and contains articles, book, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.) (David Gauntlett, U. of Leeds)
Geoffrey B. Pingree and Lisa Gitelman (Oberlin College) "What's New about New Media?" (2003) (pdf) (from New Media, 1740-1915)
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" 
The CD Information Center (a public-service site with links to some valuable links, such as "FAQs", "Industry News", "Bibliography & Glossaries", and "Selected Articles")(The CD Info Company)
The CD-ROM Shopper's Guide ("This site was initially created for CD-ROM discussion, but now has expanded to all types of digital storage. That includes CDI's, VideoCD's, DVD's, CD-RW's, and so on ... At the heart of our site are our discussion message boards. In addition, the site offers an excellent price comparison bot (Bargain Finder), and numerous links to other resources.")
Queue ("Queue develops, publishes and markets educational CD-ROM...")
General Resources
TAP: The Ada Project ("tapping internet resources for women in computer science")
ART+COM ("an interdisciplinary group concerned with the integration of computer technology, communication and design")
Association for Computers and the Humanities  
Bibliography on Chat Communication ("the subject of this bibliography are contributions on Computer-Mediated Communication, that deal with communication in webchats and IRC (partially also MUDs and MOOs) under the perspective of linguistics, communication research and/or social sciences") (in English and German) (Michael Beisswenger)
Centre for Social Theory and Technology, Keele U.
CSTT Homepage ("especially concerned with themes that foreground the special nature of contemporary technology-organisation systems")
CSTT Publications 
CITASA- Communication and Informations Technologies Section, American Sociological Association 
CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) Information Sources (extensive, well-organized site covering the Internet, cyberculture, technology, etc.) (John December, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY / December Communications, Inc.)
C|Net Online: The Computer Network (features, news, and resources covering computers and cyberculture)
Computer Mediated Communication Resources ("here, you'll find organized and annotated links to Web sites about information sources related to CMC technology, use, and study, with an emphasis on Internet-based CMC") (John December)
Corante ("Tech News Filtered Daily") (links to numerous weblogs and columns)
CTHEORY ("international journal of theory, technology and culture")
Cyberculture and Theory (links to major sites on the topic) (trAce)
Cybermind: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace (Web page of the Cybermind list)
CyberReader Page (support page for Victor J. Vitanza's anthology of readings on cyberspace and virtual reality)
Cybersociology Page (Patrick Macartney, U. Leeds)
Cyberstudies Webring 
Digitale Film Directory (This directory is divided into seven sub-directories: Studios on the Internet; Independant Film Makers; Electronic Publications; Enhanced Cinemas; Digital Cinema Experiments; Cinema History; and Other Internet Film Resources)
Digital Media: Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs, and Virtual Realities (Communication Studies Dept., U. Iowa)
Fragment.nl: Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources (Frank Schaap)
Anthea Fraser Gupta (U. Leeds), "The Internet & the English Language" (1997) 
Rich Holeton, Composing Cyberspace (McGraw Hill Higher Education)
Information Literacy
K. Alix Hayden (U. Calgary), "Information Literacy" 
Information Literacy Definitions (Information Literacy Group, U. Calgary)
Information Literacy Bibliography (K. Alix Hayden, U. Calgary)
Information Policy Resources (Deep Collection Of Resources Organized By Nation Or Region; Includes Links To Official Policy Statements, Organizations, Surveys, Essays, Etc.) (International Federation Of Library Associations And Institutions)
Community Networking 
Copyright and Intellectual Property 
Information Policy: Europe (IFLANET)
G-7 Information Society Resources 
General Resources 
Information Technology & Telecoms (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales, Aberystwyth)
Internet and Networking: Surveys and Statistics (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
Internet Culture (well-organized and -selected page of links) (Martin Ryder, U. Colorado, Denver)
MOO Studies 
Netfuture: Technology and Human Responsibility (weekly newsletter that submits the net to ethical, social, political critique) (Steve Talbott)
Netlab (Sociology, U. Toronto)
New Media Studies (companion site to Web.Studies 2004) (this site has been designed for the study of new media, with a strong emphasis on the Web, and contains articles, book, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.) (David Gauntlett, U. of Leeds)
PEW Internet & American Life Project ("The Pew Internet & American Life Project produces original, academic-quality reports that explore the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. The Project also aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the Internet through collection of essential, relevant data and timely discussions of real-world developments as they affect the virtual world")
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies Homepage (David Silver, U. Washington)
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington)
Cylberculture Studies Book Reviews (monthly review)
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography  (David Silver, U. Washington)
Featured Links- Cyberculture Studies 
Internet Interviews 
Resources in Culture of Interest to Information Professionals (annotated bibliography) (Joe Ryan)
Sociology of Cyberspace Links (U. Sydney)
Teaching Social Issues of Computing: Challenges, Ideas, and Resources (Tom Jewett, Rob Kling)
U.S. National Information Infrastructure Virtual Library 
Virtual Society: The Social Science of Electronic Technologies (Steve Woolgar, Oxford)
WayBack Machine (Internet Archive) (massive archive of Web sites launched on Oct. 24th, 2001, that is designed to provide access to Web pages as they existed in the past; searching for a site returns dated versions starting about fall 1996)
WebStars: Virtual Reality (metapage of resources in theory & practice of virtual reality)
Yahoo! Society and Culture: Cyberculture 
Projects, Sites
Alan Turing Page (Andrew Hodges)
Artificial Culture: Synthetic Anthropology (Nicholas Gessler, UCLA)
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones) (Victoria Vesna et al., U. California, Los Angeles)
BotSpot (Bots and intelligent agents on the net)
Building Authentic Communities in Virtual Spaces (Web site for the Collaborative Writing Worshop about computers & community at the Computers and Writing Conference, El Paso, May 18, 1995)
Caltech Infospheres Project ("Traditional organizations with fixed sets of people and resources, carrying out fixed sets of activities, are giving way to fluid [virtual] organizations that link different groups of people and resources temporarily to carry out missions as they a
Coded Messages: CHAINS (conceptual hypermedia project that raises "questions about the power of language and communications in traditional and post-modern society" by connecting "our friends in Ghana (where there is no Internet service at all) and Web surfers . . .")
Consumptive Writing (A Fatal Strategy) (unique site that presents an anti-"process" approach to the philosophy and practice of composition teaching on the basis of cross-disciplinary reflections centered on Baudrillard's philosophy) (Matthew Levy, U. Texas, Arlington)
The CyberCulture, Identity, and Gender Resources Page (A metapage in the interactive database mode that offers compiled research on such issues as Role Playing MUDs and the performance of gender, as well as questions regarding "the body," the "Real" and the "Virtual." The site offers a large number of a
The Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Critical Theory Web (George Landow, National U. of Singapore),"
ISEA: Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts 
Education and Technology Resources (Virginia Montecito, George Mason U.) ("Welcome to my Web site with education, technology, and scholarship resources for faculty and students. For example, I have "how-to" guides for computer-mediated communication and resources on distance learning,
Edward_Amiga ("Edward_Amiga is a hypernovel, let's say a linear fiction integrating programation as a new language. You need to read french and have the JavaScript option of your browser enabled.") (Fred Romano, France)
Eliza (the famous early bot designed by Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT for research into natural language conversation with computers; site allows user to "chat" with Eliza through Web forms)
FleshFactor: AAS Electronica Festival Netsymposium (1997 online symposium on the technological evolution of the human "individual")
Future Culture Home Page ("FutureCulture is deliberately broad in scope when it comes to the topics discussed, but a quick list might include: Technoculture/new edge/cyberculture; Cyberspace & the Internet; Virtual reality; The computer underground; Cyberpunk (literary and c
The Geography of Cyberspace ("resources for measuring and mapping the geography of an embryonic Cyberspace [i.e. the Internet and WWW]") (Martin Dodge)
Headmap ("The headmap manifesto is a sequence of texts dealing with the social and cultural implications of location aware devices") (Ben Russell)
Honoria in Ciberspazio ("Th[is] cyberspace opera . . . is a romantic musical comedy. It is about a time when clones of the mythic postmodern cyborg creature attempted to seduce various human internet users.When isolated and lonely computer hackers entreat the great oracle")
IMMAGINA/E - Surreal weirdness (Guido Poggi) ("Surreal computer-art image gallery; subtopics diverse, ranging from "Surrealities" and "Humananimals" to "Bjork" ")
The Information Economy: The Economics of the Internet, Information Goods, Intellectual Property and Related Issues (Hal R. Varian, School of Information Management and Systems, UC Berkeley)
Information Society Links (John McCann and John Gallagher)
The Informedia Project ("research initiative at Carnegie Mellon University funded by the NSF, DARPA, NASA and others, that studies how multimedia Digital Libraries can be established and used. Informedia is building a multimedia library that will contain over a thousand ho
Internet Love Fest (server/publisher of "cyberspace-only material and experimental HTML; the theme is the emergence of intelligent life after humans")
IT & Telecoms (includes links for CMC, information tech and gender, identity and the Internet, IT and society, virtual communities, etc.) (Daniel Chandler)
Kurzweil Cyber Art ("we create software that creates art")
George Legrady (UC Santa Barbara)
Making Visible the Invisible ("apermanent commission for the Seattle Public Library designed by the architect Rem Koolhaas. The project focuses on data flow and the library as a data exchange center where the circulation of books can be made visible and expressed statistically")
Pockets Full of Memories ("The audience contributes to an archive by digitizing an image of an object in their possession. The sum of the archive of objects is continuously being organized by a Kohonen self-organizing map algorithm, positioning objects of similar descriptions near each other. The archive of objects is projected on a large gallery wall and accessed on the internet"; see also the data archive accumulated from visitors to versions of the exhibition between 2001 and 2005)
Les Chroniques de Cybérie (in French)
The Lieberary: Henry Lieberman's On-Line Library (MIT Media Lab researcher's projects in applying artificial intelligence to interactive graphical interfaces)
Liquid Information Organization (site dedicated to envisioning a future, more "fluid" integration of information; the "liquid information environment" is "total integration, and not just an information tsunami. . . . It's where you can edit inform
Mary Flanagan (Hunter C.), Home Page ("links to creative work, shows / events, writing, cv, course materials, and my research projects for girls, including the RAPUNSEL project and "The Adventures of Josie True" funded by the NSF")
Michael Heim's The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality ("a philosophical endeavor initiated by Michael Heim"; includes seminars, books, and conferences on digital and virtual Reality)
Neo-Nomad (blog dedicated to the technonology, culture, and design of "mobilities") (Yasmine Abbas)
Postmodernism, Interactivity, Cyberculture, and Art: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.)
The Robot Wisdom Pages (Jorn Barger)
The Sociology of Netnews: Bozos and Flamers, Potentials and Trends (Jorn Barger)
Survival Research Laboratories ("creative technicians dedicated to redirecting the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations. . . . Each [SRL] performance consists of a unique set of ritualized interactions between
Takedown (site that details the hunt for hacker Kevin Mitnick (once "America's most-wanted computer outlaw") from the perspective of Tsutomu Shimomura) (Vicious Fishes Web Design & Dan Meriwether)
Technology: Cognition, Computers, and the Internet: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.)
Nomadic Research Labs ("He's been a technomad for the past 11 years, wandering 17,000 miles around the U.S. on various versions of a computerized recumbent bicycle") (Steve K. Roberts)
Pages of Folks from Technomads ("technomads" are defined as nomadic people who carry major tech along with them; e.g., Steve Mann) (Kathy Bilton)
Recumbents and Technomadics (Kathy Bilton)
Technorealism homepage ("technorealism demands that we think critically about the role that tools and interfaces play in human evolution and everyday life. Integral to this perspective is our understanding that the current tide of technological transformation, while important and powerful, is actually a continuation of waves of change that have taken place throughout history")
"A Benign Declaration Treated as Revolutionary" (1998) (article on technorealism; requires free subscription) (New York Times on the Web)
Michael Kinsley, "Goldilocks in Cyberspace" (1998) (commentary on technorealism) (Slate)
The Turing Test Homepage ("contains all the information that we could find concerning the so called 'Turing Test' ") (Ayse Pinar Saygin)
The Virtual City (Rice Design Alliance 1994 lecture series on the impact of technology on the concept of the city)
Xanadu Home Page (Ted Nelson's vision of hypertext=universe) (Andrew Pam)
Writings, Interviews
Alexander (Sasha) Chislenko's Home Page 
John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt (RAND Foundation), "Cyberwar & Netwar: Warfare Between Networks" (1993) (on paradigm shift in military science to information war)
Paul Baran Rand Memorandum RM-3420-PR, Aug. 1964 (in which Baran sketches his concepts and topographies of networks) (Rand Corp.)
Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, "The Californian Ideology" ("The California Ideology is a mix of cybernetics, free market economics, and counter-culture libertarianism and is promulgated by magazines such as Wired and Mondo 2000 as well as the books of Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly and many others. The new faith has been embraced by computer nerds, slacker students, thirty-something capitalists, hip academics, futurist bureaucrats and even the President of the USA himself. . . .")
John Perry Barlow
John Perry Barlow, "Selling Wine Without Bottles: The Economy of Mind on the Global Net" (1996) 
John Perry Barlow "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" (1996) 
Shannon Bell, "Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias" (CTHEORY)
Dean Blobaum (U. Chicago Press), Review of Sven Birkerts's The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in the Electronic Age (1995) 
Rosi Braidotti (U. Utrecht)
"Cyberfeminism with a Difference" (1996) ("I will first of all situate the question of cyber-bodies in the framework of postmodernity, stressing the paradoxes of embodiment . . . ")
Kathleen O'Grady (Cambridge U.), "Nomadic Philosopher: A Conversation with Rosi Braidotti" (1995) (Women's Education des femmes), U. Iowa Libraries)
Sandra Braman (U. Illinois), "Art in the Net" (essay on the sociocultural relation of the arts to information society) (Undercurrents)
Amy Bruckman (Georgia Tech)
Amy Bruckman (Georgia Tech), "Cyberspace is not Disneyland: The Role of the Artist in a Networked World" (1995)  
"Gender Swapping on the Internet" (1993) 
Amy Bruckman and Michael Resnick "The MediaMOO Project: Constructionism and Professional Community" (1995) 
"The Turing Game: Exploring Identity in an Online Environment" (2001) ( Convergences)
William S. Burroughs, The Electronic Revolution (Malcolm Humes)
Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" (1945) (HTML version of the canonical essay on hypertext; originally published in The Atlantic Monthly)
V. Carchidi, "Come Into My Web: Literary Postcolonialism in the Information Technology Age" (1997) 
Daniel Chandler (U. Wales, Aberystwyth)
"Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web" (1998) 
Lynn Cherny (Stanford U.), "Gender Differences in Text-Based Virtual Reality" (1994) 
Chris Chesher, "Colonizing Virtual Reality: Construction of the Discourse of Virtual Reality, 1984-1992" (1994)" (cultural studies approach to "cyberspace" and "virtual reality") (Cultronix)
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies)
Charles Deemer "The Humanities in Cyberspace How the Internet is Changing Teaching and Scholarship in the Humanities" (Oregon Humanities magazine) (1994)
Mark Dery, "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs" 
Julian Dibbell, "A Rape in Cyberspace, or How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database into a Society" (1993) (Village Voice, McGraw-Hill Higher Education)
Andreas Dieberger (IBM Almaden Research Center)
Navigation in Textual Virtual Environments Using a City Metaphor (dissertation; includes abstract and download link) (1994)
Social connotations of spatial metaphors and their influence on (direct) social navigation (1999) 
"Where did all the people go? A collaborative Web space with social navigation information" (2000) 
Judith S. Donath (MIT Media Lab), "Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community" (1996) 
Samuel Ebersole (Regent U., Virginia),
Brief History of Technology 
Early Philosophers of Technology 
The Neutrality of Technology 
Philosophical Assumptions of Cyberspace 
Elizabeth Reed Steere "Electropolis: Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat" (1991) (thesis)
Fred Evans, "Cyberspace and the Concept of Democracy" (long essay which argues that "the Internet's status as a "virtual" rather than actual reality (its status as a serendipitous form of what phenomenologists call an epochéor a "placing within brackets" of our standard beliefs) reveals some of the more
Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser U.)
Andrew Feenberg Homepage 
"Community Technology and Democratic Rationalization" (2002) 
Questioning Technology (1999) 
"The Written World: On the Theory and Practice of Computer Conferencing" (1989) 
Michael and Ronda Hauben, Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet (four of the eighteen chapters of this book are published here) (First Monday: Peer-Reviewed Journal on the Internet)
N. Katherine Hayles (UCLA), "The Materiality of Informatics" (1993) (Configurations)
Michael Heim
Michael Heim Homepage ("a philosophical endeavor initiated by Michael Heim"; includes seminars, books, and conferences on digital and virtual reality)
Michael Heim Articles [Show]
Michael Heim Books [Show]
Michael Heim, Deep Cyberspace (1997) (seminar)
Oliver Hockenhull, "Towards a Furious Philosophy of the Discrete" 
Norman N. Holland (U. Florida), "The Internet Regression'" 
Jane Hudson "Cybervamp" 
Internet Interviews (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies)
Nancy Kaplan (U. Of Baltimore)
E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print (hypertext essay)
Literacy and Technology: Beyond the Book (an analysis with a succinct set of hypertext indices) (Xerox PARC August 25, 2000)
Jon Katz
"Birth of a Digital Nation" (1997) 
"The Digital Citizen" (1997) (""The First in-depth poll finds Digital Citizens are optimistic, tolerant, civic-minded, and radically committed to change") (Wired)
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly "God is the Machine" (2002) ("a mind-bending meditation on the transcendent power of digital computation")(Wired)
Kevin Kelly New Rules for the New Economy: 10 ways the network economy is changing everything (1998) 
Kevin Kelly Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World (1994) (1994) ("This book describes how technology is becoming biological, decentralized and distributed")
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland)
Matthew Kirschenbaum Homepage 
Lines for a Virtual T/y/o/pography (in-progress hypertext and VRML dissertation being written "real-time" on the net; concerns the work of textuality theorist/artist Johanna Drucker)
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum "Lucid Mapping and Codex Transformations in the Z-Buffer" (1998) 
Matthew Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) "Materiality and Matter and Stuff: What Virtual Texts are Made Of" (2003) 
Matthew Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) "Vector Futures: New Paradigms for Imagining the Humanities"  (pdf)
Matthew Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) "Virtuality and VMRL: Software Studies after Manovich" (2003) 
Matthew Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) "A White Paper on Information" (1998) 
Peter Kollock (U. California, Los Angeles)
"The Economies of Online Cooperation: Gifts and Public Goods in Cyberspace" (1999) 
Peter Kollock and Marc Smith, "Managing the Virtual Commons: Cooperation and Conflict in Computer Communities" (1996) 
Mark Smith and Peter Kollock (Univ. Cali, Los Angeles) Communities in Cyberspace (1998) 
Arthur Kroker
"Digital Humanism: The Processed World of Marshall McLuhan (CTHEORY)
Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker "Code Warriors: Bunkering In and Dumbing Down" (CTHEORY)
Arthur Kroker and Michael Weinsten "The Hyper-Texted Body, Or Nietzsche Gets a Modem" (CTHEORY)
George P. Landow (Brown U.)
George Landow Home Page (including "Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory" site)
Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (1993) 
Review of Jay David Bolter's Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, & the History of Writing 
Review of James Nyce and Paul Kahn's From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush & the Mind's Machine 
John M. Lawler (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor), "Metaphors We Compute By" (1987) 
Elizabeth Lane Lawley (U. Alabama), "Computers and the Communication of Gender" 
Jacques Leslie, "The Impact of E-Mail" (1993) (HotWired)
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law)
Lawrence Lessig homepage 
Lawrence Lessig "Code is Law: On Liberty in Cyberspace" (2000) 
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) "The Laws of Cyberspace" (1998) 
Lawrence Lessig blog 
Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law) Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lockdown Culture and Control Creativity (2004) (resources related to the book and link to full text of the book)
Peter Ludlow (U. Michigan)
Peter Ludlow (U. Michigan) "Crypto-Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias" (2001) 
Peter Ludlow (U. Michigan), ed., High Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace (1996) (excerpts) ("drafts" of most of the essays in the volume by various authors; includes a wealth of links to supplementary readings)
Timothy W. Luke (Virginia Tech U.), From Analogue to Digital Fordism 
The Manifesto of the Futurist Programmers (manifesto in imitation of Umberto Boccioni's 1910 "Manifesto of the Futurist Painters") (text file)
Michael Maranda (U. Rochester), "Faking it in Cyberspace: Boys will be Girls will be Boys" (1994) 
Victor Margolin (U. Illinois, Chicago), "The Politics of the Artificial" (1995) (philosophical approach to the concept of artifice that includes discussion of William Gibson, Jean Baudrillard, Donna Haraway, and other postmodern writers)
María Elena Martínez Torres (U. California, Berkeley), "The Internet: Post-Modern Struggle by the Dispossessed of Modernity" (1997) ("The paradox of the revolution in technology that took world capitalism to a new stage of structure and organization-globalization-is that exactly the same technology has also made possible the creation of a counter-hegemonic movement, the global ci
Jamie McClelland (Community Technology Review), "Public Space in Cyberspace" 
Chris McDonald (U. British Columbia), "The Ethics of Web Site Engineering" (1995) 
Shannon McRae (U. Washington), "Coming Apart at the Seams: Sex, Text, and the Virtual Body" (1995)
Gordon Meyer & Jim Thomas, (N. Illinois Univ. Dekalb), "The Baudy World of the Byte: A Postmodernist Interpretation of the Computer Underground" 
Adrian Mihalache, "The Postmodernity of Cyberspace" (2000) (Spark-Online)
Hugh Miller (Nottingham Trent U., UK), "The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet" (1995) (includes a typology of WWW personal home pages)
Steve Mizrach (Florida International U.)
Homepage (topics include: telecom and society, hacking and the computer underground, technological subcultures, technology and culture, science and technology studies, ethnostudies)
"Iterative Discourse and the Formation of New Subcultures" (essay using subcultural studies approach to discuss "hackers," "techno/ravers," and "modern primitives")
Steve Mizrach "Natives on the Electronic Frontier" (dissertation)
Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore)
Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore) "404: Doubting the Web" (2000) 
Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore) "Misadventure: Future Fiction and the New Networks" (1999) (Style)
Stuart Moulthrop Home Page 
Nicholas Negroponte (MIT)
Nicholas Negroponte's columns for Wired  
Nicholas Negroponte (MIT Media Lab), Being Digital (1995) 
Adam T. Perzynski (Case Western Reserve U.) "The Internet and the Theories of Jürgen Habermas" 
Mark Pesce, "Final Amputation: Pathogenic Ontology in Cyberspace" (1993) 
Mark Poster (U. California, Irvine)
Mark Poster Homepage 
Essays [Show]
Interviews [Show]
Neil Postman, "Informing Ourselves to Death" (1990) 
Mitchel Resnick (Mass. Inst. of Technology)
Mitchel Resnick Homepage 
Mitchel Resnick (MIT) "Beyond the Centralized Mindset" (1996) 
Mitchel Resnick (MIT) "Changing the Centralized Mind" (1994) 
Mitchel Resnick (MIT) "Learning About Life" (1994) 
Mitchel Resnick (MIT) "Behavior Construction Kits" (1993) 
Mitchel Resnick (MIT) "Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age" (2003) 
with Brian Silverman, "Exploring Emergence: An Active Essay" (1996) 
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold, "21st: Mark Dery Achieves Escape Velocity" (on "post-humanism") (Salon)
Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community  
Smart Mobs ("a Website and Weblog about Topics and Issues discussed in the book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold")
Tim Rohrer (U. Oregon), "Feelings Stuck in a GUI Web or; Metaphors we compute by: bringing magic into interface design 
David Ronfeldt (RAND Foundation), "Cyberocracy, Cyberspace, and Cyberology: Political Effects of the Information Revolution" 
Ken Sanes, Transparency (site featuring essays by a former newspaper columnist and freelance writer on cultural studies and cyberculture)
Simon Schaffer, "Babbage's Intelligence: Calculating Engines and the Factory System" 
Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes (Fielding Inst.), "Information Literacy as a Liberal Art: Enlightenment Proposals for a New Curriculum" (1996) 
Steven Shaviro (U. Washington), Doom Patrols ("theoretical fiction about postmodernism and popular culture"; full text of book) (1995-1997)
John Shirley webpage 
Steve Silberman "Black Flight to the Net" ("The author of a new study reporting a US$53 million surge in high-tech purchases by African American families in 1996 says that the rush of blacks to the online world is being driven partly by a hunger to find replacements for news and programming") (Wired)
Marc Smith and Peter Kollock, eds., Communities in Cyberspace: Perspectives on New Forms of Social Organizaton (1997) (table of contents)
Morten Soby (U. Oslo) "Possessed by Virtual Reality" 
Alan Sondheim Internet Text 
Elizabeth Reed Steere Cultural Formations in Text-Based Virtual Realities (1994) (MA thesis)
Stewart Brand Interview, June 15, 1995 (on the Internet as a "gift economy") (WGBH Educational Foundation)
Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy Stone (U. Texas, Austin)
Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy Stone Homepage 
A Conversation with Sandy Stone (SPEED, U. California, Irvine)
Sandy Stone, "The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto" (1988) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone Interview for MONDO 2000 (1993) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone, "Violation and Virtuality: Two Cases of Physical and Psychological Boundary Transgressions and Their Implications" (1993) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone, "What Vampires Know: Transsubjection and Transgender in Cyberspace" (1993)  
John Suler (Rider University) The Psychology of Cyberspace  
Eugene Thacker (Georgia Inst. of Tech)
Eugene Thacker Homepage  
LifeScience - Fakeshop Internet Art Exhibits (description of art exhibit) (Siggraph 2000 Art Gallery)
Eugene Thacker (Georgia Inst. of Tech) Appropriate Technology: Artificial Products, Mediation, and Streaming Media (explores Streaming Media via the thesis that it is essentially paradoxical due to the fact that it is defined by both presence and absence)
Eugene Thacker (Georgia Inst. of Tech) "Networks, Swarms, and Multitudes" (2004) (CTheory)
Eugene Thacker (Georgia Inst. of Tech) "This Quintessence of Your Blood" (1995) (Deleuze-inspired inter-hyper-meta-text essay)
Richard Thieme
Richard Thieme Homepage ("on the impact of computer technology on individuals, organizations, and society - including change management, organizational effectiveness, diversity, and techno/spirituality") (Richard Thieme)
Richard Thieme "Imaginary Gardens" (1999) ("reflections on techno/spirituality")
Richard Thieme Islands in the Clickstream ("weekly exploration of the impact of technology")
Kevin Lee Thomason
"The Binary Split: Race and Technology at the End of the 20th Century" ("how recent advances in information technology will affect this already divided country") (Seamless Website)
"Using Computer Generated Evidence" ("explores the use of computer animations in the courtroom")
Paul Treanor, "Why Telecity Projects Are Wrong" ("The EU now uses the name telecities for projects which were originally called freenets in the United States. They are also called digital cities, or telepolis. . . . Characteristic of telecity projects is the claim to provide some ki
Hoai-An Truong Gender Issues in Online Communications (essay by Bay Areas Women in Telecommunications)
Sherry Turkle (Mass. Inst. of Tech)
Sherry Turkle Homepage 
Sherry Turkle (MIT) "When Parents Separate" 
Sherry Turkle (MIT) "Virtuality and Its Discontents: Searching for Community in Cyberspace" (1995) (adapted from her Life on the Screen)
Sherry Turkle (MIT) "What Are We Thinking About When We Are Thinking About Computers" (1999) 
Sherry Turkle (MIT) "Who Am We?" (1999) ("We are moving from modernist calculation toward postmodernist simulation, where the self is a multiple, distributed system") (HotWired)
Umberto Eco's Analogy "Mac:DOS as Catholic:Protestant" (excerpts are from an English translation of Umberto Eco's back-page column, "La bustina di Minerva," in the Italian news weekly Espresso, September 30, 1994)
Willard Uncapher, "Between Local and Global: Placing the Mediascape in the Transnational Cultural Flow" (1992) (Word document)
John Unsworth (U. Virginia), "Living Inside the (Operating) System: Community in Virtual Reality (Draft)" 
Shmuel Vaknin "The Internet: A Message or a Medium -- An Interim Report About the Future of the Internet" (July 1997) 
Paul Virilio
General Resources [Show]
Secondary Literature [Show]
Works & Interviews [Show]
Ernst Von Glasersfeld (U. Massachusetts, Amherst)
"Cybernetics and the Art of Living" (1996) 
The Incommensurability of Scientific and Poetic Knowledge -1994
Gabriel Watson & Jason Brown (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Cultural Prosthetics: The Mutational Aesthetics of the Late Organic" (multimedia, hypertext work) (Speed)
Shawn P. Wilbur (Bowling Green State U.)
" 'Cyberpunks' to Synners: Toward a Feminist Posthumanism?" (1995) 
"Running Down the Meme: Cyberpunk, alt.cyberpunk, and the Panic of '93" (1994) 
Robert M. Young (Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield), "Primitive Processes on the Internet" (1996) ("an exploration of people's primitive feelings about computers and getting on the Internet. It also examines some of the fantasy and other irrational elements of being on the 'net")
Art & Technology (Theory And Resources) [Show]
Net Art [Show]
Artificial Life, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Studies, Robotics, Nanotech [Show]
Business & Technology [Show]
Cybercensorship [Show]
Cybercommunities [Show]
Cyberethics, Cyberlaw, and Cyberprivacy [Show]
Cybergender & Techgender [Show]
Cyberpunk [Show]
Economics Of The Net [Show]
History Of Computing & Computer Museums [Show]
Hypermedia Research & Theory [Show]
Hypertext Research & Theory [Show]
Interface Theory [Show]
Politics Of The Net [Show]
Organizations, Centers, Programs [Show]
Course Syllabi & Teaching Resources (Cyberculture) [Show]
Journals & Zines (Cyberculture) [Show]
Listservs & Newsgroups (Cyberculture) [Show]
Conferences & Calls for Papers (Cyberculture) [Show]
Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs & Virtual Realities (articles and resources) (U. Iowa)
Internet Broadcast Media
Internet Talk Radio ("Internet Talk Radio started broadcasting in 1993 as the first radio station on the Internet. As part of the museum.media.org effort to rescue some of our past work, we're also maintaining archives of early programs in their original state. Over time, we hope to go back and rescue these archives, but for now we offer them to you the way they looked in the early days of the web. You may find some broken links and some musty audio formats, but we hope you'll find some use for the data in the state they are in until we get around to refurbishing them.")
Internet Talk Radio Travelling Circus 
RealPlayer (free and commercial versions of the RealPlayer streaming audio and video client program) () RealNetworks, Inc.)
Video/Computer Games and Gaming
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Complete Freedom of Movement: Video Games as Gendered Playspace" 
Digital Games Research Association 
Game Culture ("developed as a central information resource for academics, developers, gamers and others interested in the significance of computer games as a cultural phenomenon")
Game Research ("this site attempts to bring together the art, science and business of computer games") (articles, book reviews, tutorials)
Game Studies (online journal of research)
Gaming Research (various links) (Frank Schaap, U. Amsterdam)
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Voices from the Combat Zone: Game Grrlz Talk Back" 
Women Gamers ("because women DO play") (articles, reviews, interviews)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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