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 •  Articles, Essays, and Theory (Television Studies)
 •  General Resources (Television Studies)
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General Resources (Television Studies)
Television articles/papers (links to television studies articles available online) (popcultures.com)
Vanderbilt Television News Archive ("the Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt Universitythe world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989. These special reports and periodic news broadcasts cover presidential press conferences and political campaign coverage, and national and international events such as the Watergate hearings, the plight of American hostages in Iran, the Persian Gulf war, and the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.")
TV Week  (television industry trade publication; formerly titled Electronic Media)
Asian Americans in Film and TV- Bibliography and Videography (Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley)
Banff Television Festival 
Chicanos/Latinos in Film and Television (bibliography) (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley)
Ireland Film and Television Network "gateway to the Irish film and television industry . . .Ireland's premier film information service . . . up-dated daily, providing information about all aspects of the audio-visual industry"
Journal of Popular Film and Television ("Offers sociocultural perspectives on commercial films and television. Essays discuss networks, genres and audiences, as well as studios, directors and stars")
Media in Transition 3: Television in Transition (archive of 2003 MIT conference, including links to many of the papers given and recordings of keynotes) (Mass. Inst. of Technology)
Memorable TV ("contains details of thousands of TV shows from around the world, from the golden age of Television to today's hit shows") (UK, US, and British)
Museum of Broadcast Communications 
Museum of Television and Radio 
Nielsen TV Ratings 
New Review of Film and Television Studies 
Science Fiction Page (this site offers a number of guides to Science Fiction television series) (Duncan White and Bevis King)
Screen Site ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students") (U. Alabama)
Sitcoms Online 
Television Links (a variety of resources about television) (Sarah Sharpe at Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center)
Television: Critical Methods and Applications (companion site to textbook) (Jeremy Butler, U. Alabama)
Television Without Pity (recaps, criticism, and forums related to a number of current television shows)
TV Barn (television news, reviews, and resources for and about television critics) (Aaron Barnhart)
TV Newser ("blogging about television news") (Brian Stelter)
TV Tattle ("a weblog of TV news and criticism")
TV Turnoff Network (sponsors of TV Turnoff Week)
TV Tome ("has over 2,100 complete guides covering almost all the current shows and many of your favorite classics. There's also an additional 3,000+ guides that are partially complete or under development")
Women in Film & Television: Bibliography (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley)
Zap2it.com ("guide to what's onscreen - TV, movies, Internet") (Zap2it.com / Tribune Media Services)
Articles, Essays, and Theory (Television Studies)
Ellen Hume (U. Massachussets) "Talk Show Culture" 
Marnie Carrol "American Television in Europe: Problematizing the Notion of Pop Cultural Hegemony" (2001) ( Bad Subjects)
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" 
Eserver: Film and Television (links to online academic articles about film and television) (Iowa State)
E. Ann Kaplan (SUNY Stonybrook) "Feminist Criticism and Television" 
Josh Gamson (U. San Francisco) "Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity") 
"The 'Grammar' of Television and Film" (overview and glossary)
Media in Transition 3: Television in Transition (archive of 2003 MIT conference, including links to many of the papers given and recordings of keynotes) (Mass. Inst. of Technology)
Reality TV
Hugh Curnutt "The Me Genre: Confessional Reflexivity in Reality TV" (2003) 
Laura Grindstaff (U. California, Davis) "Trashy or Trangressive?: Reality TV and the Politics of Social Control"  (T:vc)
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press)
Soap Operas
Mary Ellen Brown "'Fables and endless genealogies: soap opera and women's culture" (1987) (Continuum)
Mick Underwood Reception Studies: Soap Opera (overview of soap opera reception studies by Ang, Liebes and Katz, and Livingstone)
Nick Couldry (London School of Econ.) "Television and the Myth of the Mediated Centre: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Television Studies?" (2003) 
Television: Critical Methods and Applications (companion site to textbook) (Jeremy Butler, U. Alabama)
Television Series and Shows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Derek Badman The Academic Buffy Bibliography 
Buffy Studies by Discipline- Bibliography ("This under-construction and admittedly arbitrary (and incomplete) classification scheme includes published essays in print and online journals and published and forthcoming collections, essays submitted for consideration to Slayage, a few theses and dissertations, books on BtVS, proposals received for the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and papers given at conferences such as Blood, Text and Fears") (Slayage)
The Buffyverse Dialogue Database 
Slayage ("The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies")
No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed (Ken Knisely's Socratic Philosophy Television) (Web support page for the No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed TV shows)
Simpsons Archive ("the Internet's clearinghouse of Simpsons guides, news, and information, voluntarily maintained by members of alt.tv.simpsons and other fans around the world")
Star Trek
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" 
Bevis and Duncan's guide to Star Trek (UK)
Klingon Language Institute 
The Prisoner
Megan Prelinger "How I was Politically Educated by the Prisoner" (2001) (Bad Subjects)
The Prisoner - Number 6 (a wealth of information about the cult 1960s TV show) (Larry Hall)
Xena: Warrior Princess
Melissa Meister "Xena: Warrior Princess through the Lens of Feminism" 
X-Files Resources Page 
Television Networks
BBC Schedules 
Discovery Channel Online 
PBS Home Page 
Radio-Canada (radio and TV; in French) (CBC)
Sci-Fi Channel (Sci-Fi channel online)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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