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 •  Reality TV
 •  Soap Operas
Articles, Essays, and Theory (Television Studies)   Suggest a Link
Ellen Hume (U. Massachussets) "Talk Show Culture" 
Marnie Carrol "American Television in Europe: Problematizing the Notion of Pop Cultural Hegemony" (2001) ( Bad Subjects)
Janet Murray and Henry Jenkins "Before the Holodeck: Translating Star Trek into Digital Media" 
Eserver: Film and Television (links to online academic articles about film and television) (Iowa State)
E. Ann Kaplan (SUNY Stonybrook) "Feminist Criticism and Television" 
Josh Gamson (U. San Francisco) "Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity") 
"The 'Grammar' of Television and Film" (overview and glossary)
Media in Transition 3: Television in Transition (archive of 2003 MIT conference, including links to many of the papers given and recordings of keynotes) (Mass. Inst. of Technology)
Reality TV
Hugh Curnutt "The Me Genre: Confessional Reflexivity in Reality TV" (2003) 
Laura Grindstaff (U. California, Davis) "Trashy or Trangressive?: Reality TV and the Politics of Social Control"  (T:vc)
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press)
Soap Operas
Mary Ellen Brown "'Fables and endless genealogies: soap opera and women's culture" (1987) (Continuum)
Mick Underwood Reception Studies: Soap Opera (overview of soap opera reception studies by Ang, Liebes and Katz, and Livingstone)
Nick Couldry (London School of Econ.) "Television and the Myth of the Mediated Centre: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Television Studies?" (2003) 
Television: Critical Methods and Applications (companion site to textbook) (Jeremy Butler, U. Alabama)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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