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 •  Internet Resources for the Study of Communications
 •  MCS: Media & Communications Studies Site
 •  Communications, Culture, and Media Studies Infobase
 •  Popcultures.com- Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center
 •  Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
 •  Communication Studies Resources
Media Studies
General Resources- Media Studies   Suggest a Link
MCS: Media & Communications Studies Site ("an award-winning portal or 'meta-index' to internet-based resources useful in the academic study of media and communication . . . originally established by Daniel Chandler in Spring 1995 and is hosted by the U. of Wales, Aberystwyth")
Film Studies 
Gender, Ethnicity, & Class 
General Reference 
General Issues 
IT & Telecoms 
Media Education 
Media Influence 
News Media 
Pop Music/Youth 
Textual Analysis 
TV & Radio 
Visual Image 
Communications, Culture, and Media Studies Infobase (encylopedic collection of articles on major media/cultural studies theories, communications studies schools of thought, and studies; initially aimed at British A-level students) (Mick Underwood)
Communications Studies, Culture & Media homepage 
Glossary of Media Studies Terms 
Marxist Approaches to Media 
Media Effects 
Social Influence 
Popcultures.com- Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center (extensive site comprising links to media and cutlural studies articles; guides to theorists; calls for papers; academic programs; newsgroups) (Sarah Zupko, Tribune Media)
Popcultures.com homepage 
Media/Culture/Theory Bibliographies 
Articles and Papers 
Pop Matters: The Magazine of Global Culture ("sister site to popcultures.com")
Theorists and Critics 
Communication Studies Resources (links to resources on a wide variety of media, communications, and cultural studies topics) (Dept. of Communications, U. Iowa)
Communication Studies Links to Resources- Homepage (U. Iowa)
Cultural Studies Resources (U. Iowa)
Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Media 
Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs & Virtual Realities (articles and resources) (U. Iowa)
Popular Culture Resources (Dept. of Communication, U. of Iowa)
Academic Communications Sites Around the World ("This list compiles Communications, Journalism and Media sites in universities around the world. The sites are sorted by region and country...")(Gary Ritzenthaler and Ana Camargos)
American Communication Assoc. ("a not-for-profit organization, a virtual professional association with actual presence in the world of scholars and practitioners alike. ACA was created to promote academic and professional research, criticism, teaching, practical use, and exchange of principles and theories of human communication...")
Bibliography for Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication ("The bibliography now contains citations for over 7,600 articles and books dealing with issues related to rhetoric, composition, professional communication, and associated topics, such as linguistics, psychology, and philosophy..."-- Brow
Critical Approaches to Culture, Communication, and Hypermedia (Ron Burnett, Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design)
Feminist Media- Links to Resources (U. of Iowa)
Frameline Home ("mission is to support, develop, and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer visibility through media arts")
GLAAD: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ("dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation")
Interface Archive Transfer Service ("access to the millions of feet of film at the National Archives, Library of Congress, and National Air and Space Museum plus private library collections")
International Women's Media Foundation 
Internet Resources for the Study of Communications (Paul Starr; Princeton U.)
Homepage (resources compiled for a course entitled "Communications, Culture, and Society")(Paul Starr, Princeton U.)
Communications Policy: Government | Private 
Media Criticism and Journalism Reviews 
Virtual Libraries and Professional Associations 
Journalism and Mass Communications Resources ("Over 40 annotated pages of resources compiled for support of academic journalism departments and professional journalists") (U. Iowa)
MANAA: Media Action Network for Asian Americans ("dedicated to monitoring the media and advocating balanced, sensitive, and positive coverage and portrayals of Asian Americans")
MediaRights ("nonprofit organization, helps media makers, educators, librarians, nonprofits, and activists use documentaries to encourage action and inspire dialogue on contemporary social issues")
mediastudies.com ("to help advance research and education in media studies and critical thinking . . .serves as a hub - providing links to international news, media studies sites and other resources for media educators, students, researchers, and the wider community") (Peter Clayton)
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies Homepage (David Silver, U. Washington)
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington)
Cylberculture Studies Book Reviews (monthly review)
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography  (David Silver, U. Washington)
Featured Links- Cyberculture Studies 
Internet Interviews 
Screen Site ("ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students") (U. Alabama)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies ("professional organization of college and university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image . . Film Studies, Cinema Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies")
SXSW (South by Southwest) ("dedicated to building and delivering conference and festival events for entertainment and related media industry professionals"; produces internationally recognized SXSW Music and Media Conference & Festival, among others)
Third World Newsreel ("one of the oldest alternative media arts organizations in the US"; "committed to the creation and appreciation of independent and social issue media by and about people of color, and the peoples of developing countries around the world")
"Women and Media- Internet Resources" (U. of Ottawa)
Women in Film & Television: Bibliography (Media Resource Center, UC Berkeley)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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