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Media Studies
Journals (Media Studies)   Suggest a Link
Journals and Archives (Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center/popcultures.com)
Journalism Magazines Online (U. Iowa)
Association of European Film and Media Journals ("This online index offers English abstracts of essays and articles recently published in eleven film journals all over Europe...")(Audio-Visual Euro-Net)
Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (journal)
Canadian Journal of Communication ("A journal of research and scholarship encompassing the field of communication and journalism studies giving emphasis to Canadian work and Canadian issues...")
Cinema Journal  (journal of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies)
Columbia Journalism Review ("America's Premiere Media Monitor")
Communications of the ACM  ("ACM is the world's oldest and largest educational and scientific computing society")
Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media and Culture- current (Taylor & Francis)
Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media and Culture- vol. 1-8 (1987-1994) ("thematically based cultural studies journal. The primary focus of the journal is upon screen media; but our understanding of 'media' also includes publishing, broadcasting and public exhibitionary media such as museums and sites")
Convergence  ("the journal of research into new media technologies")
Journal of Advertising  ("the premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its relationship to practice")
Journal of Popular Film and Television ("Offers sociocultural perspectives on commercial films and television. Essays discuss networks, genres and audiences, as well as studios, directors and stars")
Kinema: A Journal of Film and Audiovisual Media (Jan Uhde, U. Waterloo, Ontario)
Mediamatic Magazine ("Mediamatic Foundation was established in 1985 and was originally founded to act as a meeting place and forum for video artists and TV dissidents. The Foundation published Mediamatic Magazine, an international bilingual journal in Dutch and English about the cultural and artistic implications of new media. Since 1993 Mediamatic has also published a now famous series of CD-ROMs. ")
New Review of Film and Television Studies 
Screen ("the leading international academic journal in the field of film and television...")(John Logie Baird Centre (Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde / Oxford U.Press)
Soundsite: The Online Journal of Sound Theory, Philosophy of Sound and Sound Art 
Third Text  (journal) ("Third-World Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture")(U. of Waikato, New Zealand)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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