Departments, Programs, Professional Associations (Media Studies) |
American Communication Assoc. |
The Aspen Institute "an international nonprofit educational institution dedicated to enhancing the quality of leadership through informed dialogue. It convenes men and women who represent diverse viewpoints and backgrounds from business, labor, government, the professions, the arts, and the nonprofit sector to relate timeless ideas and values to the foremost challenges facing societies, organizations, and individuals...") |
Broadcast Education Association ("the professional association for professors, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises...") |
Center for Film, Television, and New Media (U California, Santa Barbara) |
International Communication Association |
Media, Technology, & Society Program (Northwestern U.) |
MIT Communications Forum (events, forums, conferences, and papers related to emerging communication technologies) |
The MIT Media Lab ("The Laboratory pioneered collaboration between academia and industry, and provides a unique environment to explore basic research and applications, without regard to traditional divisions among disciplines...") |
New Media Centers ("a non-profit organization empowering educators to change the way people learn...")(San Francisco, CA) |
Society for Cinema and Media Studies ("professional organization of college and university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image . . Film Studies, Cinema Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies") |