Twentieth Century |
John Cage |
John Cage (Electronic Poetry Center, SUNY Buffalo) |
The John Cage Online Celebration (Philadelphia Museum of Art/Seven Arts Magazine) |
The Gilbert and Sullivan Collection (The Pierpont Morgan Library, NYC) |
GlassPages: Philip Glass on the Web (Jordi Petit i Silvestri) |
Gustav Mahler Page |
Jazz |
Barry Ulanov's A Jazz Glossary (1959) |
Jazz in France (Derek Erb) |
The Jazz Photography Of Ray Avery |
Leonard Bernstein Page (official Bernstein page) (N2K Inc.) |
Mississippi Writers and Musicians (Nancy N. Jacobs, Starkville High School, Miss.) |
The Official George Crumb Home Page (Jaco van der Merwe, Potchefstroom U. for Christian Higher Education, South Africa) |
Repetition: The David Bowie Critical Analysis Page (essays on Bowie, his music, art, films, etc.) |
Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich |
Sonic Outlaws (Web version of movie on the legal and articistic problematics of "collage-music") (Craig Baldwin) |
William Grant Still |
Still Going On: An Exhibit Celebrating the Life and Times of William Grant Still ("multimedia celebration of the centenary of the birth of . . . the dean of African-American composers") (Special Collections Library, Duke U.) |
William Ransom Hogan Archive of New Orleans Jazz (Tulane U.) |