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Arthurian Studies
General Arthurian Resources   Suggest a Link
The Alternative King Arthur ("examines unusual topics, or mainstream topics in an unusual way. Its driving force is the desire to tease out the Celtic origins of Arthurian myth")
Arthuriana on the Web (annotated links)(Normon Hinton for ORB)
Arthurnet Resource Page (for Arthurian enthusiasts of all walks;links to texts,images, bibliographies, more)(Judy Shoaf, U. Florida)
Siān Echard's Medieval and Arthurian Pages 
Tom Green's Arthurian Resources Website (scholarly site includes pages on historicity, literature, and concepts)
Baragona's Arthurian Legend Page (Alan Baragona, Virginia Military Institute)
David Nash Ford King Arthur Basics 
The Camelot Project ("Arthurian texts, images, bibliographies and basic information")(Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack,U. Rochester)
Dell Skeels Continental Arthurian Literature  (modern English translations of Anglo-Norman, Breton, Dutch, French, and German sources) (The Celtic Literature Collective)
A Guide to King Arthur's Forgotten Realm (undergraduate research project; includes photo essay of travel to Arthurian sites in Britian) (Joseph W. C. Boyles and W. J. Livingstone, III, Birmingham U. )
King Arthur: A Man for the Ages (both scholarly and popular information)
Labyrinth Arthurian Studies Pages (extensive links to texts and topics, medieval to modern)(Georgetown U.)
The Quest (Arthurian resources)(U. Idaho)
Vortigern Studies ("an initiative based in the Netherlands, dedicated to the study of the period between the Roman occupation of Britain and the Early Middle Ages; focuses primarily on the person of Vortigern; includes histories, source documents, bibliographies and maps,") (Robert Vermaat)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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