Arthurian Studies |
General Arthurian Resources |
The Alternative King Arthur ("examines unusual topics, or mainstream topics in an unusual way. Its driving force is the desire to tease out the Celtic origins of Arthurian myth") |
Arthuriana on the Web (annotated links)(Normon Hinton for ORB) |
Arthurnet Resource Page (for Arthurian enthusiasts of all walks;links to texts,images, bibliographies, more)(Judy Shoaf, U. Florida) |
Siân Echard's Medieval and Arthurian Pages |
Tom Green's Arthurian Resources Website (scholarly site includes pages on historicity, literature, and concepts) |
Baragona's Arthurian Legend Page (Alan Baragona, Virginia Military Institute) |
David Nash Ford King Arthur Basics |
The Camelot Project ("Arthurian texts, images, bibliographies and basic information")(Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack,U. Rochester) |
Dell Skeels Continental Arthurian Literature (modern English translations of Anglo-Norman, Breton, Dutch, French, and German sources) (The Celtic Literature Collective) |
A Guide to King Arthur's Forgotten Realm (undergraduate research project; includes photo essay of travel to Arthurian sites in Britian) (Joseph W. C. Boyles and W. J. Livingstone, III, Birmingham U. ) |
King Arthur: A Man for the Ages (both scholarly and popular information) |
Labyrinth Arthurian Studies Pages (extensive links to texts and topics, medieval to modern)(Georgetown U.) |
The Quest (Arthurian resources)(U. Idaho) |
Vortigern Studies ("an initiative based in the Netherlands, dedicated to the study of the period between the Roman occupation of Britain and the Early Middle Ages; focuses primarily on the person of Vortigern; includes histories, source documents, bibliographies and maps,") (Robert Vermaat) |
Authors and Texts |
Arthurian Literature Online (the largest English language database of digital Arthurian literature, medieval to modern)(Camelot Project, U.Rochester) |
Anonymous |
The Alliterative Morte Arthure |
Sian Echard (U. of British Columbia) Reading the Alliterative Morte Arthure (guide to pronunciation of text) |
The Alliterative Morte Arthure (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan) |
The Alliterative Morte Arthure (ed. Valerie Krishna) (TEI-conformant; U. Virginia) |
Morte Arthure (e-text of Brock's EETS edition) (English Poetry Full-Text Database, U. of New Brunswick) |
The Gawain/Pearl Poet |
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Middle English text)(Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, U. Michigan) |
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (modern translation) |
Various Titles |
Of Arthour and of Merlin (edition of Auchinleck MS text) (National Library of Scotland) |
The Avowyng of Arthur (commentary and glossed text)(TEAMS and the Camelot Project) (U. Rochester, NY) |
The Awntyrs off Arthur (commentary and glossed text)(TEAMS and Camelot Project, U. Rochester, NY) |
Bran (anon.Old Breton poem; modern English with commentary)(Dell Skeels,The Celtic Literature Collective) |
Diu Krône (Gawain and the Grail) (modern English trans. Jessie L. Weston) (Dell Skells, The Celtic Literature Collective) |
High History of the Holy Graal (modern English)(Online Medieval and Classical Library, Berkeley) |
The Prose Lancelot (color images of illuminated manuscript Yale MS 229) (Yale U.,Rare Book and Ms. Library) |
The Mabinogion (illustrated e-text of Lady Charolotte Guest's translation)(Mystic Realms.org) |
The Prose Merlin (commentary and glossed text)(TEAMS and Camelot Project, U. Rochester, NY) |
The Vulgate Cycle (aka Lancelot-Grail) |
The Vulgate Cycle: An Overview (Mary Jones, Celtic Encyclopedia) |
The Vulgate Cycle: A Literature Review (King Arthur: A Man for the Ages) |
House of Bards Anthology (a collection of English, Welsh, and Continental sources,some very difficult to find elsewhere) |
Chretien de Troyes |
The Charrette Project (texts, background, and criticism of Chretien de Troyes' Le chevalier de la charrette; "a scholarly, multi-media electronic archive")(Princeton U.) |
Chevalier au lion (transcriptions in Old French from a number of manuscripts) (Laboratoire de français ancien, U. of Ottawa) |
Chevalier au lion: Transcription synoptique des manuscrits et fragments (manuscript description and transcription into Old French, as part of the LAF hosted by U. of Ottawa) (Kajsa Meyer, U. of Copenhagen) |
Cliges (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley) |
Le Conte du Graal (Perceval) (in Old French;transcription of ms BN fr 794)(Pierre Kunstman, U. of Ottawa) |
Erec et Enide (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley) |
Erec et Enide (in Old French) (Rennes U.) |
Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley) |
Yvain, or the Knight with the Lion (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley) |
Perceval: Continuations and Supplements |
Perceval: The Elucidation ("Translated from the Perceval B.N. 12576; it is an anonymous1 prologue appended to Chretien de Troyes' Perceval, and was translated by Sebastian Evans.") (Celtic Literature Collective) |
Sir Gawain and the Grail ("The Gawain episode from the First Continuation of Perceval.Trans. by Jessie L. Weston") (Celtic Literature Collective) |
Sir Gawain and The Lady of Lys ("Perceval Continuation One: the Pseudo-Wauchier trans. by Jessie L. Weston") (Celtic Literature Collective) |
Geoffrey of Monmouth |
Judith Weiss Geoffrey Monmouth (biography, hosted by the Literary Encyclopedia web site) (U. of Cambridge |
David Nash Ford Geoffrey of Monmouth (biography,bibliography) |
Michael Ullyot Geoffrey of Monmouth (extended discussion of geoffrey, with emphasis on questions of sources, within a larger site devoted to the myth of Troy in the middle Ages)(U. of Toronto) |
Gildas |
De Excidio Britonum (modern English) (Mystic Realms.org) |
De Excidio Brittaniae et Conquestu (modern English trans. J. A. Giles) (The Celtic Literature Collective) |
Caradoc of Llangarfan: The Life of Gildas (Medieval Sourcebook) |
Layamon |
Brut (full text) (Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, U. Michigan) |
Brut MS Cotton Caligula (Electronic Text Center U. Virginia) |
Brut MS Cotton Otho (Electronic Text Center, U. Virginia) |
Layamon (bio,overview, extract and bib)(Online Companion to Medieval Literature; Heinrich-Heine U. of Duesseldorf ) |
Malory (also see Malory entry under Authors and Anonymous Works) |
Sir Thomas Malory Anthology (Anniina Jokinen) |
Le Morte dArthur (complete text in Middle English with Caxton's preface)(U. Michigan Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse) |
Le Mort dArthur (excerpt) (based on Vinaver ed.)(U. Idaho) |
The Sir Thomas Malory Society |
Marie de France |
Chevrefoil (modern English trans. Judith P. Shoaf. Translator's note: "Instructors who wish to print out the materials for their students, and others who want to use them for various purposes, should request permission from Judy Shoaf, jshaof@clas.ufl.edu") (Dell Skeels, The Celtic Literature Collective) |
Lanval (modern English trans. by Judith P. Shoaf. Translator's note: "Instructors who wish to print out the materials for their students, and others who want to use them for various purposes, should request permission from Judy Shoaf, jshaof@clas.ufl.edu) (Dell Skeels, The Celtic Literature Collective) |
Marie de France Society |
Marie de France-Catholic Encyclopedia entry |
Nennius |
Historia Brittonum (Avalon Project, Yale U.) |
Robert de Boron |
Didot Perceval ( The Romance of Perceval in Prose, trans. Dell Skeels) (Celtic Literature Collective) |
Mort Artu (Celtic Literature Collective) |
Robert de Boron: A Literature Review (includes biographical and literary information)(King Arthur: A Man for the Ages) |
Wace |
Maistre Wace (in French and English) |
Wace, Layamon, and the Alliterative Morte Arthur (brief discussion of Roman de Brut ) |
Roman de Brut (modern English; extract of the Arthurian portion) (Eugene Mason) |
Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut (modern English extract) (Eugene Mason for Penn State U.) |
Wolfram von Eschenbach |
Parzival (summary) (in modern English)(Michael McGoodwin) |
Parzival (commentary and text) (synoptically arranged with contemporary translations)(Albert K. Wimmer, U. Notre Dame) |
Wolfram von Eschenbach (biography, commentary, links to text)(Monsalvat Parsifal Project) |
Parzival in the Grail Castle (excerpt) (English trans. by Edwin H. Zeydel)(U.Idaho) |
Wolfram von Eschenbach (brief biographical entry)(Catholic Encyclopedia) |
Parzival (full text in German)(TITUS Project) |
Journals and Societies |
Arthuriana (journal and society) |
Oxford Arthurian Society |
Geographic Sites (places associated with events in Arthurian literature) |
Avalon (U. Idaho) |
Glastonbury Abbey (alleged burial place of Arthur and Guinevere)(official site) |
Glastonbury (extract from Geoffrey Ashe book, Arthurian Britian ) |
Sites of Arthurian Legend (index of brief articles about places in Great Britian associated with Arthurian material) (Erin Ogden-Korus / The Quest) |
Stonehenge ("significant to Arthurian legend is the belief that Merlin caused the stones to be brought, over sea and land, from Ireland")(U.Idaho) |
Tintagel (the purported site of the conception of Arthur)(U. Idaho) |
Pedagogy |
Arthuriana Pedagogical Resources (Alan Baragona, Arthuriania, Southern Methodist U.) |
Arthurian Legends: A Web Based Interdisciplinary Approach for Educators (lesson plans, methods, sources and backgrounds; designed for secondary school)(Katherine Eisenhower, U. Illinois Urbana-Champagne) |
King Arthur Aloud ("As a service to both teachers and students, we have collected recordings by medieval scholars of passages from Arthurian texts in Middle and Early Modern English, Welsh, Anglo-Norman, Old French, and Middle High German. The purpose of these recordings is to give a sense of how the texts might have sounded to the original readers, so the emphasis is on accuracy of pronunciation according to current knowledge.")(Arthuriana) |