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Arthurian Studies
Pedagogy   Suggest a Link
Arthuriana Pedagogical Resources (Alan Baragona, Arthuriania, Southern Methodist U.)
Arthurian Legends: A Web Based Interdisciplinary Approach for Educators (lesson plans, methods, sources and backgrounds; designed for secondary school)(Katherine Eisenhower, U. Illinois Urbana-Champagne)
King Arthur Aloud ("As a service to both teachers and students, we have collected recordings by medieval scholars of passages from Arthurian texts in Middle and Early Modern English, Welsh, Anglo-Norman, Old French, and Middle High German. The purpose of these recordings is to give a sense of how the texts might have sounded to the original readers, so the emphasis is on accuracy of pronunciation according to current knowledge.")(Arthuriana)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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