Marie de France |
General Resources |
Paul Brians (Washington State U.) The Lais of Marie de France Study Guide |
Dorothy Disse Marie de France (includes a comprehensive set of links to primary and secondary sources, excerpts in translation, and annotated bibliography, as part of the Other Women's Voices site) |
International Marie de France Society (Chantal A. Maréchal, Virginia Commonwealth U.) |
Texts |
Marie de France Les Lais de Marie de France (e-texts of all Marie's lais in Old French) (U. of Manitoba) |
Marie de France The Lays of Marie de France: A Verse Translation (Judy Shoaf, U. of Florida) |
Romances from the Lays of Marie de France (e-text of Eugene Mason's 1911 introduction and translations) (Project Gutenberg EBook) |
Secondary Criticism |
Kinoshita, Sharon (U. California, Santa Cruz) Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's Equitan> |