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 •  Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center
Asian Pacific American
Southeast Asian American   Suggest a Link
Air America (Barbara Thielen, Air America)
Asian Shamanism (Carolyn Brown Heinz, California State U., Chico)
Cambodia: A Country Study 
Cambodian Genocide Program (Ben Kiernan, Yale U.)
Sucheng Chan, Hmong Means Free: Life in Laos and America (introductory chapter to her book) (WWW Hmong Homepage)
CIA: The World Factbook - Cambodia 
CIA: The World Factbook - Laos 
CIA: The World Factbook - Thailand 
CIA: The World Factbook - Vietnam 
Fusion Pictures 
Gary Yia Lee, PhD: A Hmong Anthropologist 
Hmong Cultural Center (Mark Pfeifer)
Hmong Language Group 
Hmong Lessons 
Hmong Nationality Archives ("mission is to research, collect, preserve, interpret, and disseminate materials in all formats about or by Hmong")
The Hmong People in the US (Jeff Lindsay)
Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center
Homepage for the Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center ("info about studies of Hmong history, culture, and adaptation in diasporic communities around the world"; "includes detailed Hmong, Lao, Cambodian, and Vietnamese census data from the US Census as well as bibliographies") (Mark Pfeifer)
Cambodian Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Cambodian Census Data (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Census Data (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Lesson Plans for Teachers (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Links (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Research Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Studies Journal (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Lao Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Lao Census Info (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Lao Links (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Online Research Articles (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center)
Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center ("features a library of several on-line research papers, extensive bibliographies of Vietnamese-related articles and books, comprehensive census data, an on-line Vietnamese Studies bookstore and a list of related links") (Mark Pfeifer)
Vietnamese Research Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center)
Vietnamese Links (Mark Pfeifer, Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center)
Hmong Studies Journal 
Hmong Stuff (includes Hmong glossaries, dictionaries, writing tools, etc.) (Brian McKibben)
Hmong Wisconsin Radio 
Lao Family Community of Minnesota 
Lao Human Rights Council, Inc. 
Laos: A Country Study (Library of Congress)
Laos Radio 24 Hours RealAudio 
Mekong Network: Southeast Asian Information 
Lynette Nyman, "This Is Home: The Hmong in Minnesota" (1999) (Minnesota Public Radio)
Resources about the Hmong for Teachers (Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen, U. Wisconsin, Superior)
SEACRC: Southeast Asia Community Resource Center 
SEARAC: Southeast Asia Resource Action Center 
SEAsite Laos: Lao Language and Culture Learning Resources (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois U.)
Southeast Asia Web: Southeast Asian Studies (Stephen Arod Shirreffs)
The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America (PBS)
Suab Hmong Radio 
Thailand: A Country Study (Library of Congress)
VietGATE: Gateway to the Online Vietnamese Community 
Vietnam: A Country Study 
The Vietnam Center (Texas Tech U.)
Virtual Hmong 
WWW Hmong Homepage 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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