Southeast Asian American |
Air America (Barbara Thielen, Air America) |
Asian Shamanism (Carolyn Brown Heinz, California State U., Chico) |
Cambodia: A Country Study |
Cambodian Genocide Program (Ben Kiernan, Yale U.) |
Sucheng Chan, Hmong Means Free: Life in Laos and America (introductory chapter to her book) (WWW Hmong Homepage) |
CIA: The World Factbook - Cambodia |
CIA: The World Factbook - Laos |
CIA: The World Factbook - Thailand |
CIA: The World Factbook - Vietnam |
Fusion Pictures |
Gary Yia Lee, PhD: A Hmong Anthropologist |
Hmong Cultural Center (Mark Pfeifer) |
Hmong Language Group |
Hmong Lessons |
Hmong Nationality Archives ("mission is to research, collect, preserve, interpret, and disseminate materials in all formats about or by Hmong") |
The Hmong People in the US (Jeff Lindsay) |
Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center |
Homepage for the Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center ("info about studies of Hmong history, culture, and adaptation in diasporic communities around the world"; "includes detailed Hmong, Lao, Cambodian, and Vietnamese census data from the US Census as well as bibliographies") (Mark Pfeifer) |
Cambodian Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Cambodian Census Data (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Census Data (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Lesson Plans for Teachers (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Links (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Research Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Studies Journal (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Lao Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Lao Census Info (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Lao Links (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Online Research Articles (Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center ("features a library of several on-line research papers, extensive bibliographies of Vietnamese-related articles and books, comprehensive census data, an on-line Vietnamese Studies bookstore and a list of related links") (Mark Pfeifer) |
Vietnamese Research Bibliographies (Mark Pfeifer, Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Vietnamese Links (Mark Pfeifer, Vietnamese Studies Internet Resource Center) |
Hmong Studies Journal |
Hmong Stuff (includes Hmong glossaries, dictionaries, writing tools, etc.) (Brian McKibben) |
Hmong Wisconsin Radio |
Lao Family Community of Minnesota |
Lao Human Rights Council, Inc. |
LaoNet |
Laos: A Country Study (Library of Congress) |
Laos Radio 24 Hours RealAudio |
Mekong Network: Southeast Asian Information |
Lynette Nyman, "This Is Home: The Hmong in Minnesota" (1999) (Minnesota Public Radio) |
Resources about the Hmong for Teachers (Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen, U. Wisconsin, Superior) |
SEACRC: Southeast Asia Community Resource Center |
SEARAC: Southeast Asia Resource Action Center |
SEAsite Laos: Lao Language and Culture Learning Resources (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois U.) |
Southeast Asia Web: Southeast Asian Studies (Stephen Arod Shirreffs) |
The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America (PBS) |
Suab Hmong Radio |
Thailand: A Country Study (Library of Congress) |
VientianeTimes.com |
VietGATE: Gateway to the Online Vietnamese Community |
Vietnam: A Country Study |
The Vietnam Center (Texas Tech U.) |
Virtual Hmong |
WWW Hmong Homepage |