Medieval France |
General Resources |
French Medieval Literature & Civilization (The Labyrinth) |
Le Moyen Âge en lumière (numerous manuscript images used to highlight aspects of medieval culture, in French)(moyenageenlumiere.com) |
Musée national du Moyen Âge (homepage for Paris museum, with links to descriptions of exhibitions and collections; in French) |
National Archives: Uniting the Kingdoms? 1066-1603 (virtual exhibits, with primary documents, maps, and more; sections on Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, and France) (National Archives, London, UK) |
Chronicles |
The Crusades |
Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095, Five versions of the Speech (English translations; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Albert of Aix Historia Hierosolymita (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Anna Comnena The Alexiad (full English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
The Siege and Capture of Antioch: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Bernard of Clairvaux Apologia for the Second Crusade (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Bibliothèque Nationale de France (manuscript illuminations from the Crusades) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) |
Paul Crawford Crusading (Articles, with links to primary sources, within the ORB online encyclopedia) |
La deuxième croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the Second Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris) |
La quatrième croisade (links to chronicle sources concerning the Fourth Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris) |
The Crusades (full electronic course) (E. L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.) |
Crusades: A Guide to Online Resources (annotated links, within the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies) (Paul Crawford) |
Denmark and the Crusading Movement (project description, articles, links, and more) (U. Southern Denmark) |
The First Crusade (overview, lecture transcript) (Lynn Harry Nelson, U. Kansas) |
Fulcher of Chartres History of the Expedition to Jerusalem (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Geoffrey de Villehardouin Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Gesta francorum (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Guibert de Nogent On the First Crusade (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Internet Medieval Sourcebook: The Crusades (links to primary sources, arranged by subject and period) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
The Siege and Capture of Jerusalem: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
William Urban "An Historical Overview of the Crusade to Livonia" (article within the ORB online encyclopedia) |
Thomas Madden "The Impact of the Crusades" (1999) (article, within the ORB online encyclopedia) |
Paul Magadalino "The Byzantine Background to the First Crusade" (article) (1996) |
Solomon bar Samson The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096 (translation into English, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Order of Malta: History of the order 1099-1999 (overview) (Order of Malta, Rome) |
The Siege and Capture of Nicea: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Odo of Deuis The Crusade of Louis VII (English translation of selections, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Osbernus De expugnatione Lyxbonensi, 1147 [The Capture of Lisbon] (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Peter the Hermit and the Popular Crusade: Collected Accounts (English translations, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
La première croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the First Crusade, in French) (Yves Gravelle, U. of Sherbrooke) |
Raymond d'Aguiliers Historia francorum qui ceperint Jerusalem (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Cairo History: The Age of Saladin (article, within larger site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida) |
Kenneth M. Setton, ed. A History of the Crusades (online texts) (U. Wisconsin, Madison Libraries) |
Third Crusade (within larger online course) (E.L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.) |
William of Tyre History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.) |
Jean Froissart |
Jean Froissart The Chronicles of Froissart, Translated by Lord Berners (full text in English, from Macaulay's 1910 edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia) |
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (manuscript illuminations from BNF FR 2643) (Bibliothèque Nationale Française) |
Jean Froissart, Tales from Froissart (excerpts from Thomas Johnes's English translation of Froissart's Chronicles) (Steve Muhlberger, Nipissing U., Canada) |
The Jean Froissart Project (description of project, links to a bibliography with numerous Froissart resources)(Peter Ainsworth, U. of Liverpool) |
Musée national du Moyen Âge (homepage for Paris museum, with links to descriptions of exhibitions and collections; in French) |
The Hundred Years' War |
The Hundred Years' War Resources (annotated links) (Steven Kreis, Wake Technical Community C., Raleigh, NC) |
The Hundred Years' War (manuscript images depicting various battles) (Bibliothèque Nationale Française |
Maps of France During the 100 Year's War (gifs) |
Lynn Harry Nelson (U. of Kansas) The Hundred Years' War (1336-1565) (overview in essay form) |
The Norman Conquest of England (1066) |
The Battle of Hastings: A Brief History and Virtual Tour (virtual exhibit, with articles, images, and links) (Deborah Vess, Georgia C. and State U.) |
The Battle of Hastings 1066 (extensive site, with background info, maps, images, and more) (Glen Ray Crack, Battle1066.com) |
The Full Bayeux Tapestry (thumbnail images) (Glen Ray Crack) |
Invasion of England, 1066 (historical overview, with illustrations from the Bayeux Tapestry) (eyewitnesstohistory.com) |
William Malmesbury The Battle of Hastings, 1066 (English translation of excerpt from chronicle, within Fordham U.'s Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, U. North Florida) |
Statutes of William the Conqueror (English translation, within the Avalon Project site) (Yale U.) |