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 •  Resources for Holocaust-Era Provenance Research
Technological Analyses of Art
Provenance Research   Suggest a Link
Provenance Research Project (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Works of Art: Provenance Research Project (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Getty Provenance Research (introduction and links to resources and research on provenance at the Getty Research Institute)
Getty Provenance Index Databases (search archival documents, sale catalogues and public collections databases) (Getty Research Institute)
Resources for Holocaust-Era Provenance Research
Provenance in the World War II Era, 1933-1945 (provenance information for objects in the museum's collection, site includes object database, provenance education and other research tools) (Smithsonian)
The Nazi-Era Provenance Internet Portal ("a searchable registry of objects in U.S. Museum collections that changed hands in Continental Europe during the Nazi era, 1933-1945") (American Association of Museums)
Guidelines Concerning the Unlawful Appropriation of Objects During the Nazi Era (American Association of Museums)
Museums with Online Nazi-Era Provenance Information (extensive links to museums that list "Nazi-Era provenance information for works in their collections") (American Association of Museums)
Getty Guide to Holocaust-Era Research Resources (extensive information on "resources that bear on Holocaust-Era looting and postwar dissemination of stolen art") (Getty Research Institute)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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