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Provenance Research
Resources for Holocaust-Era Provenance Research   Suggest a Link
Provenance in the World War II Era, 1933-1945 (provenance information for objects in the museum's collection, site includes object database, provenance education and other research tools) (Smithsonian)
The Nazi-Era Provenance Internet Portal ("a searchable registry of objects in U.S. Museum collections that changed hands in Continental Europe during the Nazi era, 1933-1945") (American Association of Museums)
Guidelines Concerning the Unlawful Appropriation of Objects During the Nazi Era (American Association of Museums)
Museums with Online Nazi-Era Provenance Information (extensive links to museums that list "Nazi-Era provenance information for works in their collections") (American Association of Museums)
Getty Guide to Holocaust-Era Research Resources (extensive information on "resources that bear on Holocaust-Era looting and postwar dissemination of stolen art") (Getty Research Institute)

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