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Contemporary British Authors, Works, Projects
J.G. Ballard   Suggest a Link
General Resources
Crash Movie (Official Site) (Fine Line Features)
The Electronic Labyrinth: J.G. Ballard (The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, U. Virginia)
J.G. Ballard Page (Craig Sauer, Simon's Rock C.)
J.G. Ballard (bibliography) (Alpha Ralpha Boulevard)
www.jgballard.com (Spike Magazine - unofficial site with discussion forum and good list of links)
"No False Prophet": J.G. Ballard in Profile (The Good Book Guide) (Brief bio and partial bibliography of novels)
Lukas Barr, "Don't Crash Psychosis, Euthanasia, Apocalypse and Other Fun Ideas: An Interview with J.G. Ballard" (1995) (KGB Media, Inc.)
Evans, Gareth Interview with Ballard and Review of the Collected Short Stories (Independent Newspaper, UK)
Hoffman, Martin 45-minute Streaming Video Interview following publication of Empire of The Sun (The Roland Collection of Films and Videos on Art: A great resource with over 300 hours of streaming video available for free viewing)
Sturton, Edward Streaming Audio Interview on the "English Identity Crisis" (08/2001) (BBC Radio 4 - Today Program (see link to audio under "Search Results" on the right-hand side))
Sutcliffe, Thomas The Shopping Mall Psychopath: Interview (Independent Newspaper, UK)
Sutherland, John "Scanning the Empty Road with Binoculars":  (The Good Book Guide)
Primary Texts
Ballard, J.G. Super-Cannes - First Chapter (Guardian Unlimited)
Ballard, J.G. "What I Believe" 
Lalumiere, Claude Review of Super-Cannes (January Magazine)
McGucken, Dennis M. (Millsaps College) Review of Brigg's J.G. Ballard (Science Fiction Studies #51: Volume 17, Part 2, July 1990 (middle of page))
Moss, Stephen Review of Super-Cannes, and the trouble with fiction reviewing (Guardian Unlimited)
Index of NYT Reviews of Ballard's work (New York Times)
Ruddick, Nicholas Review of Luckhurst's The Angle Between Two Walls (Science Fiction Studies #73: Volume 24, Part 3, November, 1997)
Rugoff, Ralph Review of Super-Cannes (LA Weekly)
Wagar, W. Warren (SUNY Binghamton) Review of Stephenson's Out of the Night and Into the Dream (Science Fiction Studies #57: Volume 19, Part 2, July 1992 (scroll to middle of page)
Wolfe, Gary K. (Roosevelt University) Review of Pringle's J. G. Ballard: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Science Fiction Studies #35: Volume 12, Part 1, March, 1985 (middle of page))

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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