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General Resources
The Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub (links to articles on Anglo-Norman language and culture, as well as description of on-line dictionary project) (U. of Wales, Aberystwyth, and U. of Wales, Swansea)
Bibliothèque nationale de France 
French Middle Ages (comprehensive set of links, by David A. Gatwood) (Globe-Gate Project, TennesseeBob Peckham, U. of Tennessee at Martin)
French Medieval Literature & Civilization (The Labyrinth)
Cristian-Ioan Pânzaru (U. of Bucharest) Introduction à l'étude de la littéerature médiévale française (links to numerous study guides for aspects of medieval French literature, in French)
Old French on the Web (site with numerous links to Old French texts, to linguistic aids, and to cultural background information) (Joseph E. Price, Indiana U.)
Le théâtre médiévale (homepage linking to some 19 e-texts of plays in Old French, with an emphasis on mystery plays) (Rennes U.)
Authors and Anonymous Works (anonymous works alphabetized by standard title; some works are arranged by common subject or provenance)
Adam de la Halle
Adam de la Halle bibliography (Jesse Hurlbut, Brigham Young U.)
Li gieus de Robin et Marion (in Old French, with full scholarly apparatus for the edition) (Olivier Bettens)
Li jus Adan ou De la feuilee (Old French edition from the Monmerqué and Michel 1842 edition) (Jeffrey Grav, Indiana U.)
Albéric de Pisançon ou de Briançon Roman d'Alexandre (author bio and link to full e-text; also includes e-texts of two other literary renditions of the Alexander legend) (Bibliotheca Augustana)
Aucassin et Nicolette
C'est d'Aucasin et de Nicolette: A Medieval Chant-Fable (web essay including facing Old French and English translation of entire text, introductory essay, with numerous illuminations from a Picard manuscript contemporary with the poem) (Julia Bolton Holloway, U. of Colorado, Boulder)
Aucassin et Nicolette (translation into English by Eugene Mason) (Blackmask Online)
La chanson de Roland
La Chanson de Roland (short description, with link to full e-text in Old French) (Bibliotheca Augustana)
The Song of Roland (e-text of John O'Hagan's translation) (Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham U.)
The Song of Roland (text based on Moncrief's 1919 translation) (Online Medieval and Classical Library; Douglas B. Killings)
Charles d'Orléans
Charles, Duc d'Orléans (links to some 20 texts) (Emily Ezust, The Lied and Art Song Texts Page)
Charles d'Orléans (biography, plus texts of 7 poems)(La bibliothèque de la DGCID)
Chretien de Troyes
The Charrette Project (texts, background, and criticism of Chretien de Troyes' Le chevalier de la charrette; "a scholarly, multi-media electronic archive")(Princeton U.)
Chevalier au lion (transcriptions in Old French from a number of manuscripts) (Laboratoire de français ancien, U. of Ottawa)
Chevalier au lion: Transcription synoptique des manuscrits et fragments  (manuscript description and transcription into Old French, as part of the LAF hosted by U. of Ottawa) (Kajsa Meyer, U. of Copenhagen)
Cliges (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley)
Le Conte du Graal (Perceval) (in Old French;transcription of ms BN fr 794)(Pierre Kunstman, U. of Ottawa)
Erec et Enide (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley)
Erec et Enide (in Old French) (Rennes U.)
Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley)
Yvain, or the Knight with the Lion (modern English,W.W.Comfort, trans.)(Online Medieval and Classical Library; U. California, Berkeley)
Perceval: Continuations and Supplements
Perceval: The Elucidation ("Translated from the Perceval B.N. 12576; it is an anonymous1 prologue appended to Chretien de Troyes' Perceval, and was translated by Sebastian Evans.") (Celtic Literature Collective)
Sir Gawain and the Grail ("The Gawain episode from the First Continuation of Perceval.Trans. by Jessie L. Weston") (Celtic Literature Collective)
Sir Gawain and The Lady of Lys ("Perceval Continuation One: the Pseudo-Wauchier trans. by Jessie L. Weston") (Celtic Literature Collective)
Christine de Pizan
Christine de Pizan (biography and bibliography) (Sunshine for Women)
The Christine de Pizan Database (description of project, concordances, and wordlists) (James Laidlaw, U. of Edinburgh)
Christine de Pizan Le Dit de la Rose (e-text of the 1891 Maurice Roy edition) (Miranda Beaven Remnek, U. of Minnesota)
Christine de Pisan Early Modern French Women Writers Collection (links to e-texts of 5 of Christine's works) (Electronic Text Research Center, U. of Minnesota)
Eustache Deschamps
Eustache Deschamps (short bio and texts of 3 poems, in French) (Florilège de la poésie française)
François Villon
François Villon (e-texts of some 30 poems) (Thierry Schwab, Webnet)
Société François Villon (numerous links to e-texts of Villon's poetry, including links to music files) (Robert D. Peckham, U. of Tennessee-Martin)
Jean Froissart
Jean Froissart The Chronicles of Froissart, Translated by Lord Berners (full text in English, from Macaulay's 1910 edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (manuscript illuminations from BNF FR 2643) (Bibliothèque Nationale Française)
Jean Froissart, Tales from Froissart (excerpts from Thomas Johnes's English translation of Froissart's Chronicles) (Steve Muhlberger, Nipissing U., Canada)
The Jean Froissart Project (description of project, links to a bibliography with numerous Froissart resources)(Peter Ainsworth, U. of Liverpool)
Guillaime de Machaut
Machaut on the Web (numerous links, plus link to the International Machaut Society homepage) (Alice Clark, Loyola U., and Cynthia Cyrus, Vanderbilt U.))
Guillaume de Machaut: Discography, Biography, and Lyrics (Pierre-F. Roberge and Todd M. McComb)
Guillaume de Machaut Le livre du voir dit (in the Old French) (U. of Limoges)
Guillaume le Clerc De la male honte 
Jean Bodel Le jeu de Saint Nicholas (intro and e-text in Old French) Mihaela Voicu, U. of Bucharest)
Marie de France
General Resources
Paul Brians (Washington State U.) The Lais of Marie de France Study Guide 
Dorothy Disse Marie de France (includes a comprehensive set of links to primary and secondary sources, excerpts in translation, and annotated bibliography, as part of the Other Women's Voices site)
International Marie de France Society (Chantal A. Maréchal, Virginia Commonwealth U.)
Marie de France Les Lais de Marie de France (e-texts of all Marie's lais in Old French) (U. of Manitoba)
Marie de France The Lays of Marie de France: A Verse Translation (Judy Shoaf, U. of Florida)
Romances from the Lays of Marie de France (e-text of Eugene Mason's 1911 introduction and translations) (Project Gutenberg EBook)
Secondary Criticism
Kinoshita, Sharon (U. California, Santa Cruz) Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's Equitan 
Philippe de Thaon The Bestiary of Philippe de Thaon (intro and links to 3 e-text versions, including the original Anglo-Norman of the Livre des creatures, edited by Thomas Wright) (David Badke, The Medieval Bestiary)
Le roman de Renart
The History of Reynard the Fox (intro and link to 2 versions of William Caxton's 1481 translation, as edited by Henry Morley)(David Badke)
Roman de Renart (extended extracts from Renart texts in Old French) (Hiroshima U.)
Mihaela Voicu (U. of Bucharest) Le Roman de Renart (introduction to the history of Renart composition, as well as discussion of specific incidents, in French)
Le roman de la rose (Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun)
Roman de la Rose: Digital Surrogates of Medieval Manuscripts (ongoing project of the Morgan S. Eisenhower and Pierpont Morgan Libraries, aimed at reproducing 6 Rose manuscripts; requires password) (Johns Hopkins U.)
Roman de la Rose: Hunterian Bw.3.6 (includes introudction, as well as manuscript images and description) (Glasgow U. Library)
Thomas d'Angleterre (short bio of author, with links to e-texts of fragments of Tristan in Anglo-Norman (Bibliotheca Augustana)
Troubadours, Trouveres, and Trobaritz
John Jinright (Long Island School of Music) "The Troubadours of France, 1100-1300" (1998) (survey essay, plus bibliography)
(Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni, U. Concordia) "Les écrits des trobairitz" (discussion of women troubadours, along with a bibliography)
Troubadours and Jongleurs (links to biographical data of known troubadours, as well as to discography data for selected sources) (Pierre-F. Roberge)
La Vengeance Raguidel (complete e-text) (May Plouzeau, U. of Provence)
Wace Arthur dans le Roman de Brut de Wace (transcriptions of Arthurian portions) (Laboratoire de Francais Ancien, U. of Ottowa)
Wace The "Arthurian" Portion of the Roman de Brut (text of Eugene Mason's translation) (In parentheses Publications)
Roman de Rou (links to discussions of Wace's biography, his language, an e-text of the prologue to Rou, and more) (La Société Jersiaise)
Council of Remiremont (12th-C. Latin verse mock-account of a church council on Love; with English introduction and annotations by Paul Pascal, U. Washington)
Cultural and Historical Contexts
Chantez-vous français?  (discussion of music in medieval and Baroque France, in French; has full treatment of linguistic aspects) (Olivier Bettens)
The Crusades
Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095, Five versions of the Speech (English translations; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Albert of Aix Historia Hierosolymita (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Anna Comnena The Alexiad (full English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
The Siege and Capture of Antioch: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Bernard of Clairvaux Apologia for the Second Crusade (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France  (manuscript illuminations from the Crusades) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
Paul Crawford Crusading (Articles, with links to primary sources, within the ORB online encyclopedia)
La deuxième croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the Second Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris)
La quatrième croisade (links to chronicle sources concerning the Fourth Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris)
The Crusades (full electronic course) (E. L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.)
Crusades: A Guide to Online Resources (annotated links, within the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies) (Paul Crawford)
Denmark and the Crusading Movement (project description, articles, links, and more) (U. Southern Denmark)
The First Crusade (overview, lecture transcript) (Lynn Harry Nelson, U. Kansas)
Fulcher of Chartres History of the Expedition to Jerusalem (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Geoffrey de Villehardouin Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople  (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Gesta francorum (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Guibert de Nogent On the First Crusade (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Internet Medieval Sourcebook: The Crusades (links to primary sources, arranged by subject and period) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
The Siege and Capture of Jerusalem: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
William Urban "An Historical Overview of the Crusade to Livonia" (article within the ORB online encyclopedia)
Thomas Madden "The Impact of the Crusades" (1999) (article, within the ORB online encyclopedia)
Paul Magadalino "The Byzantine Background to the First Crusade" (article) (1996)
Solomon bar Samson The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096 (translation into English, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Order of Malta: History of the order 1099-1999 (overview) (Order of Malta, Rome)
The Siege and Capture of Nicea: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Odo of Deuis The Crusade of Louis VII (English translation of selections, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Osbernus De expugnatione Lyxbonensi, 1147 [The Capture of Lisbon] (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Peter the Hermit and the Popular Crusade: Collected Accounts (English translations, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
La première croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the First Crusade, in French) (Yves Gravelle, U. of Sherbrooke)
Raymond d'Aguiliers Historia francorum qui ceperint Jerusalem (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Cairo History: The Age of Saladin (article, within larger site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida)
Kenneth M. Setton, ed. A History of the Crusades (online texts) (U. Wisconsin, Madison Libraries)
Third Crusade (within larger online course) (E.L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.)
William of Tyre History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Jean Froissart
Jean Froissart The Chronicles of Froissart, Translated by Lord Berners (full text in English, from Macaulay's 1910 edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (manuscript illuminations from BNF FR 2643) (Bibliothèque Nationale Française)
Jean Froissart, Tales from Froissart (excerpts from Thomas Johnes's English translation of Froissart's Chronicles) (Steve Muhlberger, Nipissing U., Canada)
The Jean Froissart Project (description of project, links to a bibliography with numerous Froissart resources)(Peter Ainsworth, U. of Liverpool)
Musée national du Moyen Âge (homepage for Paris museum, with links to descriptions of exhibitions and collections; in French)
Le Moyen Âge en lumière (numerous manuscript images used to highlight aspects of medieval culture, in French)(moyenageenlumiere.com)
Musée national du Moyen Âge (homepage for Paris museum, with links to descriptions of exhibitions and collections; in French)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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