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 •  General Resources
 •  Women's Studies & Feminist Theory
 •  Queer Studies
 •  Men's Movements & Men's/Masculinity Studies
 •  Cybergender & Techgender
 •  Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Abuse
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General Resources
Always Causing Legal Unrest (an organization "parodying" the American Civil Liberties Union)
Border Crossings: Gender (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Deaf Queer Resource Center 
eminism.org ("web site for Emi Koyama, the activist/author/academic working on intersex, sex workers' rights, [queer] domestic violence, genderqueer, anti-racism, and other issues")
Equity Online / WEEA Equity Resource Center ("national project that promotes bias-free education" and "gender equity"; site is no longer active but still provides some good resources)
GABRIELA Network ("Philippine-US women's solidarity organization, which addresses issues affecting women and children"; General Assembly Binding women for Reform, Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Action)
Gender and Sexuality ("page publishes texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a particular focus upon discussions of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices")
Gender Education and Advocacy - Gender.org 
Gender Issues Page (Patrick Macartney, U. Leeds)
Gender-ID.com (Jennifer O.)
Gender Issues Home (Division of Student Affairs, Carnegie Mellon U.)
Gender Public Advocacy Coalition (GenderPAC) ("works to end discrimination and violence caused by gender stereotypes by changing public attitudes, educating elected officials and expanding legal rights")
Gender, Race and Ethnicity in Media: Cyberspace Links (Karla Tonella, Department of Communication Studies, U. Iowa)
Gender-Related Electronic Forums (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Gender, Sex and the Web ("links to on-line articles") (Marj Kibby, U. Newcastle, Australia)
Myra Sadker Advocates for Gender Equity ("non-profit organization dedicated to promoting equity in and beyond schools")
The AIDS Memorial Quilt (The NAMES Project Foundation)
Society for Human Sexuality ("social and educational organization whose purpose is to promote understanding and appreciation for the many forms of adult intimate relationships and consensual sexual expression")
Christy R. Stevens (San Diego State U.), "Imagining Deregulated Desire: Written on the Body's Revolutionary Reconstruction of Gender and Sexuality" (1997) 
Tolerance.org (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Urban Desires ("interactive webzine of metropolitan passions")
Writing on the Body (Paul Quigley, John Pruitt, and Christina Parsons, Ohio U.)
WSSLinks: Women and Gender Studies Web Sites (Women's Studies Section of the Association of College & Research Libraries)
Women's Studies & Feminist Theory
General Resources
100 Years of Women at the University in Bonn, 1896-1996 (online exhibition site in German) (Women's History, U. Bonn)
4000 Years of Women in Science (Department of Physics & Astronomy, U. Alabama)
Contraception and Abortion Rights Web (Laurie Mann)
Andrea Dworkin Web Site (Nikki Craft, Always Causing Legal Unrest)
Ruth Bordin, Alice Freeman Palmer: Evolution of a New Woman (full text available online) (U. Michigan)
Tracy Quan, "The Prostitute, the Comedian -- and Me" (interview with Camille Paglia)
Women in Canadian History (Susan Merritt and Cam Williams)
Robert Cavalier (Carnegie Mellon U.), "A Dialogical Perspective of Feminism and Pornography" (1996) (CMC Magazine)
A Celebration of Women Writers (Mary Mark Ockerbloom, U. Pennsylvania)
Center for American Women and Politics (State U. of New Jersey, Rutgers)
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women ("non-governmental organization that promotes women's human rights"; "works internationally to combat sexual exploitation in all its forms")
Digital Sisters: Technology Education with Women in Mind ("non-profit organization created to promote and provide technology education and enrichment for young girls and women of color")
Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World (Ross Scaife, Stoa Consortium)
Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement ("on-line archival collection documents various aspects of the Women's Liberation Movement in the US, and focuses specifically on the radical origins of this movement during the late 1960s and early 1970s") (Special Collections Library, Duke U.)
Domestic Goddesses: AKA Scribbling Women ("moderated e-journal, devoted to women writers, beginning in the 19th century, who wrote domestic fiction")
William C. Dowling, "The Gender Fallacy" (1995) (Rutgers U.)
Emory Women Writers Resource Project ("collection of edited and unedited texts by women writing in English from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century") (Sheila Cavanagh, Emory U.)
Femina Web Search for Women ("sites for, by, and about women")
Swirl: Feminism (SWIRL, Southern Oregon U.)
Feminism at Feminist Utopia ("site that offers various feminism and activism resources") (Colleen McEneany)
Feminist Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford U.)
Feminist Majority Foundation
Homepage for Feminist Majority Foundation 
911 for Women (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Arts, Entertainment & Literature (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Breast Cancer Information Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Domestic Violence Information Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Career Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
FeministCampus.org (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Court Watch (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Internet Gateway (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist News and Events (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Research Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminists Against Sweatshops (Feminist Majority Foundation)
George W. Bush Administration Feminist Appointment Watch (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Get Out Her Vote (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Global Feminism (Feminist Majority Foundation)
HelpAfghanWomen.com (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Million4Roe (Feminist Majority Foundation)
National Center for Women and Policing (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Reproductive Rights (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Take Action with the Feminist Majority! (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Volunteer! Put Your Feminism to Work! (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Women in Sports (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Women's History Month (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Pedagogy Resources and Tools (Women's Studies 702, Ohio State U.)
FEMISA at CSF (discussion archives of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies) (U. Colorado, Boulder)
Feminist Theory Website (Kristin Switala, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.)
Women's Studies Database: Film Reviews (film reviews from a feminist perspective) (U. Maryland)
French Feminism List Information (U. Virginia)
gender Inn (bilingual German and English site; "searchable database providing access to over 8,300 records pertaining to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature")
Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World (Liz and Tom Kent, Sweet Briar C.)
Global Fund for Women ("international network of women and men committed to a world of equality and social justice, advocates for and defends women's human rights by making grants to support women's groups around the world")
Guerrilla Girls: Fighting Discrimination with Facts, Humor, and Fake Fur ("over 100 posters, stickers, books, printed projects, and actions that expose sexism and racism in politics, the art world, film and the culture at large")
H-Women Internet Links (HNet Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
ifeminists.com ("the home for individualist feminism on the net") (Wendy McElroy)
Independent Women's Forum 
Women's Studies Resource Guide (Susan Goodwin and Elaine Watson, U. Alberta)
Patricia Klindienst, "The Voice of the Shuttle Is Ours" (Voice of the Shuttle)
Kathryn Jean Lopez, "Women Who Lie" (2002) (article on the "miseducation" of Women's Studies) (National Review Online)
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index (Margaret Schaus, Haverford C.)
Sara Mills and Christine A. White, "Discursive Categories and Desire" (1997) (from Language and Desire, Keith Harvey and Celia Shalom, ed.) (Sheffield Hallam U.)
NARA: ALIC: Pathfinder for Women's History Research (US National Archives and Records Administration)
National Center on Women & Aging Research (Brandeis U.)
National Center for Curriculum Transformation Resources on Women (Towson U.)
National Organization for Women 
National Women's History Project 
National Women's Studies Association (U. Maryland)
Literary Resources — Feminism and Women's Literature (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
The Orlando Project: An Integrated History of Women's Writing in the British Isles (U. Alberta)
PlanetGrrl (UK site for and by women and girls)
Prostitution Research & Education (Melissa Farley, Nitecat Media)
Reading Women's Lives Electronic Bookshelf ("database of over 300 articles, essays, and poems that instructors can select from to create their own, customized reader for introductory Women's Studies courses, specialized courses like Women and Literature, or as a supplemental reader to courses where gender is one of the topics addressed")
Reproductive Technologies Web: RT21 (Harvard School of Public Health)
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Gender Studies (U. Waterloo)
Scary Women (U. California, Los Angeles Film and Television Archive)
Schlesinger Library ("Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America collects manuscripts, books, and other materials essential for understanding women's lives and activities in the US") (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard U.)
Site Index for Feminism Web at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base (Danne Polk, Villanova U. and Erratic Impact)
Stanford Women in Computer Science (Stanford U.)
Christine Stolba, Lying in a Room of One's Own: How Women's Studies Textbooks Miseducate Students (PDF file) (Independent Women's Forum)
Jon Stratton, "Man-Made Women" (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
Susan B. Anthony (Jody Litt, U. Rochester)
Taxonomy of Feminist Intellectual Traditions (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
Terry Threadgold, "Cultural Studies, Feminist Values: Strange Bedfellows or Sisters in Crime?" (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
Vedams Books from India (list of Women's Studies books published in India)
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's Studies Journals (info on materials in English, French, German, and Dutch) (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
Voxygen (personal site devoted to feminist cultural studies; includes teaching resources and syllabi and a page on Donna Haraway) (Laura Sells, Louisiana State U.)
Suzanna Danuta Walters, "From Here to Queer: Radical Feminism, Postmodernism, and the Lesbian Menace (or, Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Fag?)" (1996) (Signs, U. Louisville)
What Is Feminism? (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
WMST-L File Collection (large collection of files from WMST-L, an international Women's Studies listserv) (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
W O M E N H O U S E ("collaborative, multi-authored site that explores the politics of domesticity and gender relations through virtual 'rooms' and conceptual domestic 'spaces' by 24 artists, architects, poets, art historians, and cultural theorists") (California Museum of Photography, U. California, Riverside)
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 ("52 document projects with over 1250 primary documents") (Thomas Dublin and Kathryn Kish Sklar, Binghamton U.)
Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive ("broad documentation both on women's issues and Marxism"; organized by authors, works, and subjects)
Women Artists of the American West: Past and Present ("internet course and interdisciplinary resource featuring the vital contributions that women have made to the art and history of the American West") (Purdue U.)
Women in American History (Encyclopædia Britannica)
Women in Management (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Women in Science and Engineering (Brown U.)
Women in World History Curriculum (teaching resources) (Lyn Reese)
Women Leaders Online and Women Organizing for Change ("first and largest women's activist group on the internet -- empowering women in politics, media, society, the economy and cyberspace")
Women Make Movies ("multicultural, multiracial, non-profit media arts organization which facilitates the production, promotion, distribution and exhibition of independent films and videotapes by and about women"; includes film and video catalog and links to other websites on women and media)
Female Nobel Prize Laureates (Nobel Prize Internet Archive)
Women of Color Web (writings and links on feminisms, sexualities, reproductive rights, also teaching tools, organizations, discussions, and other resources)
Women on the Net (WON) ("provides resources for women of color, particularly women of African descent"; covers "such topics as women in business; feminism; careers; sexuality; health and beauty; and racial issues as they exist in the U.S. and abroad")
Women's Suffrage (Meredith Goldstein-LeVande, U. Rochester)
Women's Freedom Network 
Women's Intellectual Contributions to the Study of Mind and Society (Linda M. Woolf, Webster U.)
Women's Net: An IGC Progressive Community 
Womenspace ("online activism for women's rights and civic participation")
The Women's Review of Books: A Feminist Guide to Good Reading (Wellesley C.)
Women's Studies Resources (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Women's Studies EuroMap (women's studies resources with emphasis on Europe) (Centre of Women's Studies of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture (Duke U. Libraries)
Women's Studies Database (resources in gender studies, feminist film and literature, pedagogy, etc.) (U. Maryland)
Women's Studies Librarian's Office (U. Wisconsin)
Women's Studies Online Resources (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Women's Studies: French Feminist Theory (links to resources on Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, Rosi Braidotti, Simone de Beauvoir, Monique Wittig, and Catherine Clement) (U. Iowa)
Women Writers Project ("long-term research project devoted to early modern women's writing and electronic text encoding") (Brown U.)
Womynlynks! ("links to sites lauding the lives and accomplishments of notable women in the fields of music, literature, television, activism, painting, and the performance arts")
WSSLinks: Women and Gender Studies Web Sites (Women's Studies Section of the Association of College & Research Libraries)
WWWomen! The Premier Search Directory for Women Online! 
Courses & Syllabi
FS101: Introduction to Feminist Studies (Estelle B. Freedman, Stanford U.)
Farah Griggin (U. Penn)
Meditations on History: Black Women, Writing, and Slavery 
Venus Rising: Fiction, Criticism, and Theory by Black Women 
Heather Hathaway (Marquette U.)
The Art and Politics of Black Women Writers (course)
Black Women's Narrative from Slavery to the Harlem Renaissance (course)
Syllabi on the Web for Women- and Gender-Related Courses (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland)
Yahoo! Directory Ecofeminism Courses 
Departments, Programs & Centers
Center for Feminist Research (U. Southern California)
Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Center for Women and Information Technology (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Centre for Women's Studies (U. York)
Department of Women's and Gender Studies (Rutgers, State U. of New Jersey)
Department of Women's Studies (Flinders U., Adelaide, Australia)
Department of Women Studies (San Francisco State U.)
FemOne: Network for Women (U. California, Los Angeles)
Gender & Women's Studies Program (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Gender Studies (Indiana U., Bloomington)
Gender Studies Program (U. Southern California)
Harvard U. Committee on Degrees in Women's Studies 
Institute for Research on Women and Gender (Stanford U.)
IWSGS: Institute for Women's Studies and Gender Studies (U. Toronto)
MIT Program in Women's Studies (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
OSU Department of Women's Studies (Ohio State U.)
Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women (Brown U.)
Program in Feminist Studies (Stanford U.)
SDSU Women's Studies (San Diego State U.)
WMST: Women's Studies Program (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Women's Studies (Duke U.)
Women's Studies (Simon Fraser U., Canada)
Women's Studies at UM: Bridging (U. Maryland)
Women's Studies Department (George Washington U.)
Women's Studies Department (U. Arizona)
Women's Studies Department (U. California, Berkeley)
Women's Studies / Gender, Sexuality & Culture (Australian National U.)
Women's Studies Home Page (U. South Florida)
Women's Studies Program (U. Massachusetts, Amherst)
Women's Studies Programs, Departments & Research Centers ("links to more than 700 women's studies programs") (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Women Studies (U. Washington)
WOST: Women's Studies (U. Minnesota)
Journals & Zines
EM - Expository Magazine ("feminist thought and expression")
Feminista! The Journal of Feminist Construction 
Feminist Studies (U. Maryland)
Feminist Weekly News (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Genders OnLine Journal ("essays about gender and sexuality in relation to social, political, artistic, and economic concerns") (Ann Kibbey, U. Colorado, Boulder)
good girl magazine 
Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation (U. Queensland)
Journal of the History of Sexuality (U. Texas Press)
Journal of Women's History (Indiana U. Press)
LOLApress (international feminist magazine)
Ms. Magazine Online ("first national magazine to make feminist voices audible, feminist journalism tenable, and a feminist worldview available to the public")
National NOW Times Index (National Organization for Women)
off our backs: the feminist newsjournal home page ("longest surviving feminist newspaper in the US")
Quiet Mountain: New Feminist Essays (monthly online journal of original women's writing) (Suzanne Sunshower)
Resources for Feminist Research / Documentation sur la recherche féministe (bilingual English and French Canadian scholarly journal) (U. Toronto)
Said It: Feminist News, Culture & Politics 
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (U. Chicago Press)
Womanist Theory and Research (U. Georgia)
Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory 
Women in Higher Education ("only national monthly practitioner's news journal to enlighten, encourage, empower, and enrage")
Womenspeak Magazine ("forum for previously unrecognized works of poetry, fiction, art and non-fiction addressing a variety of issues of interest to women") (Stanford U.)
Women Writers: A Zine (Kim Wells)
Simone de Beauvoir
The Ethics of Ambiguity, Simone de Beauvoir (online text of her out-of-print work) (Bob Corbett, Webster U.)
Existentialism and Simone de Beauvoir (Katharena Eiermann)
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Volume 14 - Table of Contents (special issue on the work of Simone de Beauvoir) (Project MUSE)
LookSmart - Simone de Beauvoir (extensive list of links)
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir (online text and interview on its 25th anniversary) (Marxists.org Internet Archive)
Simone de Beauvoir (extensive resources in French) (Suzanne Roy)
Simone de Beauvoir (links to other relevant sites and other philosophy topics) (Bob Corbett, Webster U.)
Simone de Beauvoir - Activist, Existentialist, and Feminist (Audun Solli, Macalester C.)
Simone de Beauvoir - The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Shannon Mussett, Villanova U., and U. Tennessee, Martin)
Simone de Beauvoir - Philosophy Pages (Garth Kemerling)
Simone de Beauvoir Resources at Erratic Impact's Feminism Web (Danne Polk, Villanova U.)
Simone de Beauvoir Society (in French and English) (Suzanne Roy)
Simone de Beauvoir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Judith Butler
Gender Trouble, Judith Butler (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Interview with Judith Butler by Regina Michalik (LOLApress)
Judith Butler (QueerTheory.com)
Judith Butler (PDF file, notes) (Kelly Cole Innes)
Judith Butler: A Bibliography (Critical Theory Institute, U. California, Irvine)
Judith Butler - Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy (Butler's faculty page at European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland)
Judith Butler Page (Southern Oregon U.)
Judith Butler Page (student page)
Judith Butler -- Postmodern, Queer, Feminist Theorist (Philosophy Research Base, Erratic Impact)
Judith Butler - Theory.org.uk Trading Cards 
Judith Butler Unofficial Page 
Judith Butler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
London Review of Books: Judith Butler (articles available online)
Rhetoric Department - Faculty - Judith Butler (U. California, Berkeley)
Theory.org.uk Resources: Judith Butler 
Hélène Cixous
Cixous, Hélène (The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism)
glbtq >> literature >> Cixous, Hélène (Claude J. Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth, U. Michigan-Dearborn)
Hélène Cixous (Northwestern U.)
Hélène Cixous: A Bibliography (Critical Theory Institute, U. California, Irvine)
Hélène Cixous Resources at Erratic Impact's Feminism Web (Philosophy Research Base, Erratic Impact)
Hélène Cixous, "The Laugh of the Medusa" (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Hélène Cixous's "The Laugh of the Medusa" Resource Page (Vanderbilt U.)
Hélène Cixous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Julie Jasken, "Introduction to Hélène Cixous" (Northern Illinois U.)
Kathleen O'Grady (U. Cambridge), "Guardian of Language: An Interview with Hélène Cixous (March 1996)" (translated by Eric Prenowitz and includes excerpts from the original French) (Voice of the Shuttle)
Presidential Lectures: Hélène Cixous (Stanford U.)
Boston Ecofeminist Action 
Emily Bounds, "World Wide Web Review: Ecofeminism on the Internet" (2002) (U. Wisconsin)
Leila R. Brammer, "Ecofeminism, the Environment, and Social Movements" (1998) (Gustavus Adolphus C.)
Colorado College Women's Studies 215 - Ecofeminism (Alex Vargo and Barbara Whitten, Colorado C.)
Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism (Genesis of Eden Diversity Encyclopedia)
Ecofeminism (Adrian Harris, the green fuse)
Ecofeminism ("features thousands of annotated links and text resources for students and teachers with interests in Ecofeminism, Gender Studies and Environmental philosophy") (Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base)
Ecofeminism (Gloria Orenstein, U. Southern California)
Ecofeminism (Michelle Bemis)
Ecofeminism and Earth-Based Spirituality (The Maa Batakali Cultural Mission, Inc.)
Ecofeminism Now! (info on documentary produced by Greta Gaard, Western Washington U.) (Center for Environmental Philosophy, U. North Texas)
Ecofeminist and Ecology Resources 
ecofem.org ~ activist-educative hub for ecofeminism ~ race-class-nature-gender 
EVE Online: Ecofeminism Visions Merging (Cathleen McGuire)
Stephen Hui, "De/colonizing Nature: Postcolonialist and Ecofeminist Perspectives on Human-Environment Relations" (2001) 
Marlene Longenecker (Ohio State U.), "Women, Ecology, and the Environment: An Introduction" (NWSA Journal, Indiana U. Press)
Rosemary Radford Reuther, "Ecofeminism" (Spunk Library)
Charlene Spretnak, "Critical and Constructive Contributions of Ecofeminism" (1993) (Larry R. Ridener, Pfeiffer U.)
Studies in Women and the Environment (ecofem mailing list archive) (Stefanie Rixecker, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Karen J. Warren, "Introduction to Ecofeminism" (from Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology [1993]) (Larry R. Ridener, Pfeiffer U.)
WEDO: Women's Environment and Development Organization 
Women's Voices for the Earth 
Yahoo! Groups: EcoFeminism 
Donna Haraway and Cyborgs
Border Crossings: Cyborgs (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Carolyn Keen on Haraway, "Cyborg Manifesto" (Jim English, U. Pennsylvania)
John R. R. Christie (U. Leeds), "A Tragedy for Cyborgs" (1993) (Configurations)
Communication Studies: Digital Media: Cyborgs (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Donna Haraway, Avenali Professor for 2003-2004 (includes a link to the webcast of her Avenali lecture ) (U. California, Berkeley)
Donna Haraway Biblio (Elisa Kay Sparks, Clemson U.)
Donna Haraway Bibliography (Laura Sells, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.)
Donna Haraway - Professor of Feminist Theory and Technoscience - Biography (faculty page) (European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland)
Donna Haraway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Donna J. Haraway Resources at Erratic Impact's Feminism Web (Philosophy Research Base, Erratic Impact)
William Grassie (Temple U.), "Cyborgs, Trickster, and Hermes: Donna Haraway's Metatheory of Science and Religion" (1996) 
Donna Haraway, "Chapter 9: Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective" (1991) (from Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: the Reinvention of Nature) (Reproductive Technologies Web: RT21, Harvard U.)
Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" (1991) (Stanford U.)
Donna Haraway, "The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others" (1992) (Stanford U.)
P. K. Jamison (Indiana U.), "Contradictory Spaces: Pleasure and the Seduction of the Cyborg Discourse" (1994) (Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture)
Hari Kunzru, "You Are Cyborg" (1997) (Wired News)
Language Visualization and Multilayer Text Analysis ("prototype tool that can study language/discourse phenomena in three-dimensional space") (Cornell U.)
Notes on Donna Haraway (Krista Scott-Dixon)
Ode to Donna Haraway -- Voxygen (Laura Sells, Louisiana State U.)
Gary A. Olson, "Writing, Literacy and Technology: Toward a Cyborg Writing" (1996) (JAC, Georgia State U.)
PopCultures.com: Theorists and Critics: Donna Haraway (Sarah J. Zupko)
Reverse Transcript - Hyperlink to Donna Haraway (Tsuyoshi Toyofuku)
Swirl: Donna Haraway (Southern Oregon U.)
Robert M. Young, "Science, Ideology, and Donna Haraway" (1992) (U. Sheffield)
Linda Hutcheon
Canadian Writers, Linda Hutcheon (includes brief biography, bibliography, several essays, and links) (J. Pivato and Y. Stewart, Athabasca U.)
Linda Hutcheon, "Both/And: The Alternative of Relational Thinking" (1992) (ADE Bulletin)
Linda Hutcheon, "Irony, Nostalgia, and the Postmodern" (UTEL: U. Toronto English Library)
Introduction to Linda Hutcheon, Module on Postmodernity - I: on postmodernity (includes link to second page on Hutcheon and parody) (Dino Felluga, Purdue U.)
Kathleen O'Grady (U. Cambridge), "Theorizing -- Feminism and Postmodernity: A Conversation with Linda Hutcheon (1997)" (Voice of the Shuttle)
Joseph Pivato (Athabasca U.), "Theories of Culture, Ethnicity, and Postmodernism" (interview with Linda Hutcheon) (Aurora Online)
Luce Irigaray
Luce Irigaray (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Swirl: Luce Irigaray (Southern Oregon U.)
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva Page (Campus Community, Southern Oregon U.)
Queer Studies This subcategory includes selected resources on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, intersexed, and other antinormative sexual identities, practices, performances, discourses, representations, and communities. In general, as an emerging interdisciplinary field, Queer Studies seeks to critique identity politics and destabilize notions of normative or essentialized sexuality and gender.
General Resources
Queer Studies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Answers to Your Questions about Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality (American Psychological Association)
Butch Dyke Boy: Intersection of Boston's Queer and Transgender/Gender Queer Communities 
eminism.org ("web site for Emi Koyama, the activist/author/academic working on intersex, sex workers' rights, [queer] domestic violence, genderqueer, anti-racism, and other issues")
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (personal site of prominent queer theorist/critic; includes links to recent talks and published works, poetry, and teaching resources) (Duke U.)
Frameline Home ("mission is to support, develop, and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer visibility through media arts")
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Health (Public Health, Seattle & King County)
The Gender Centre (Sydney, Australia)
Gender Education and Advocacy - Gender.org 
Gender-Neutral Pronoun Frequently Asked Questions (GNP FAQ) (John Williams)
GenderTalk: Web Radio and Transgender Resources 
Gerber/Hart Library: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Information Resource and Archives 
glbtq >> gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & queer encyclopedia 
GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network ("working to ensure safe and effective schools for all students")
Healthy Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Project (American Psychological Association)
Human Rights Campaign ("working for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equal rights")
Indigenous Literature with a Queer/LGBT/Two-Spirit Sensibility (David Eberly, Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, U. Richmond)
Jonathan Ned Katz, The Invention of Heterosexuality (1995) (excerpt from his book)
LGBT Health Channel 
National Coalition for LGBT Health 
Outgroups.com: LGBTI Discussion Community 
OutProud - Be Yourself ("wide range of resources available for youth and educators") (OutProud, The National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth)
The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project Home Page ("informal, national network of organizations and individuals working to ensure that fair, accurate, and unbiased information regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and about the nature and diversity of sexual orientation is presented to America's youth as part of public school education") (Jean Richter, U. California, Berkeley)
PFLAG - Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons 
PlanetOut gay lesbian queer community 
Queer Cultural Center ("multidisciplinary arts presenting organization that conducts artistic and interpretive programs exploring queer identity issues")
QueerAmerica - Find Your Way ("over 5,000 entries, the largest collection of queer resources in the nation, and includes information on community centers, support organizations, PFLAG [Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians And Gays] chapters, queer youth groups, and more") (OutProud)
Queer by Choice dot com (Gayle Madwin)
Queer Horror ("site devoted to exploring the horror genre and its inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and the transgendered") (Dave "QVamp")
Queer Resources Directory 
QWorld (interactive Queer community)
Rainbow Icon Archive 
Edward Stein, The Mismeaure of Desire: The Science, Theory, and Ethics of Sexual Orientation (introductory chapter from his latest book and other info on the author and his work) (New York U.)
Steven J. Schochet Center for GLBT Studies (U. Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Twice Blessed: The Jewish GLBT Archives Online (Johnny Abush, U. Southern California)
Welcome to Pink Triangle Press (Canadian gay and lesbian media group's publication for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals covering politics, news, HIV and AIDS issues, and entertainment)
Youth Suicide Problems: Gay/Bisexual Male Focus (Pierre Tremblay)
Anything That Moves: The Bisexual Magazine for the FABGLITTER 
bi all means: the bisexual person's guide to the internet 
BiGi: A Bi Men's Community ("mailing list for discussions and community-building between bisexual men")
BiNet Los Angeles (includes extensive list of links to other resources for bisexuals)
BiNet USA ("oldest national bisexual entity in the US")
bi.org: Serving the world bisexual community 
Bisexual.org, the Official Web Site of the Bisexual Foundation 
Bisexual Resource Center 
Bi the Way... Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, and Trans Resources 
Bi Websites: Web Resources for Bisexual and Bi Curious Women 
Color Bi Numbers ("social network of bisexual men, women and couples of all races coming together to celebrate diversity while networking and socializing")
Seattle Bisexual Women's Network 
South Bay Bisexual Organizers and Activists (SoBOA) 
tcBOP - Bisexual Organizing Project 
Gay and Lesbian
10 Questions about Lesbians (International Lesbian Information Service, Sappho)
American Civil Liberties Union - Lesbian & Gay Rights 
Assault on Gay America: The Life and Death of Billy Jack Gaither (PBS Online)
Bibliography of 20th-Century Queer Chicana Fictions (Catriona Esquibel, Ohio State U.)
Committee on Lesbian and Gay History (CLGH) - American Historical Association (Craig Loftin, U. Southern California)
Dyke TV (site for the "cable access TV show by, for, and about lesbians")
Kerry Fried, "Lesbian Fictions: Straight or Narrow?" (1995) (Boston Review: A Political and Literary Forum)
Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists 
Gay and Lesbian Bookstores in Canada and the USA (Lee Anne Phillips)
Gay & Lesbian Hotline Welcome ("non-profit organization which provides a vital service to our community by providing nationwide toll-free peer-counseling, information and referrals")
Gay Gene ("forum for the discussion of the scientific, social, political, and religious implications of research into the origins of sexual identity") (Chandler Burr)
GayHistory.com (Andrew Wikholm)
Gay/Lesbian Politics and Law: WWW and Internet Resources (Steve Sanders, U. Michigan Law School, and Indiana U.)
GayNet Listserv (Queer Resources Directory)
GayWired.com - The Leading Gay & Lesbian Online Entertainment Community 
gfn.com, the Gay Financial Network 
GLAAD: Fair, Accurate and Inclusive Representation ("dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation") (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)
GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network ("working to ensure safe and effective schools for all students")
Stacey Hart (U. Southern California), "(Re)searching Lesbian Health Care: Methodological Considerations and Future Directions" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
IGRA - International Gay Rodeo Association 
LA Gay & Lesbian Center 
Lesbian History Project - Lesbians of Color (links to relevant sites and documents) (Yolanda Retter Vargas, U. Southern California)
The Lesbian Legacy Collection (Yolanda Retter Vargas, U. Southern California)
Homepage for Lesbian.org: Promoting Lesbian Visibility on the Internet (includes info on politics and activism, arts and culture, etc.) (Amy Goodloe)
Amy Goodloe, "Choice, Biology, and the Causes of Homosexuality: Towards A Radical Theory of Queer Identity" (1994) 
Amy Goodloe, "Lesbian Feminism and Queer Theory: Another 'Battle of the Sexes'?" (1994) (Lesbian.org)
Amy Goodloe, "Lesbian Identity and the Politics of Butch-Femme Roles" (1993) 
Lesbian Avengers, Chicago Chapter 
Lesbian Avengers, SF Chapter 
The Lesbian History Project (Yolanda Retter, U. Southern California)
Lesbian Identity and the Politics of Butch Femme: An Annotated Bibliography (Amy Goodloe, Lesbian.org)
Lesbian Mailing Lists ("listing of women-only, sapphic, lesbian centred, or similarly defined mailing lists") (Amy Goodloe, Lesbian.org)
Matrices: A Lesbian and Lesbian Feminist Research and Network Newsletter (U. Minnesota, Ellen Greenblatt)
Sapphic Ink: a lesbian literary journal (Lesbian.org)
Voices Lesbian Choral Ensemble ("all-lesbian singing ensemble that promotes both lesbian visibility and musical excellence") (Lesbian.org)
WWWomen Search Directory: lesbians 
Sara Mills and Christine A. White, "Discursive Categories and Desire" (1997) (from Language and Desire, Keith Harvey and Celia Shalom, ed.) (Sheffield Hallam U.)
National Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Centers (NALGBTCC) 
National Center for Lesbian Rights ("national legal resource center with a primary commitment to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families through a program of litigation, public policy advocacy, free legal advice and counseling, and public education")
NGLTF - National Gay and Lesbian Task Force ("national progressive organization working for the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people")
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives 
Publications: Women in Cult Film & TV (links to texts online, including Women Watching Women: Lesbian Subcultures and Popular Cinema, "Girls Camp: The Politics of Parody," and "Warrior Women and the Horror of Feminism") (Paula Graham)
Queer Theory Explained: Identity-Based Gay & Lesbian Criticism (late 70s-late 80s) (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
Radicalesbians, "The Woman-Identified Woman" (1970) (documents from the Women's Liberation Movement, Special Collections Library, Duke U.)
Janice G. Raymond, "Putting the Politics Back into Lesbianism" (1989) (Women's Studies International Forum, W.I.S.E. - Women's Issues and Social Empowerment)
Yolanda Retter (U. New Mexico), "Lesbian (Feminist) Los Angeles, 1970-1990: An Exploratory Ethnohistory" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Adrienne Rich, "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence" (1987) (Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander, U. Georgia)
Sex and Revolution: A Video Project about 1970s Lesbian Feminism (Valerie Rake, Ohio State U.)
SOLGA Online (C. Todd White, U. Southern California, and the Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists, American Anthropological Association)
Stonewall 25 / Stonewall and Beyond: Lesbian and Gay Culture (1994) (Columbia U. Libraries Exhibition)
Suzanna Danuta Walters, "From Here to Queer: Radical Feminism, Postmodernism, and the Lesbian Menace (or, Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Fag?)" (1996) (Signs, U. Louisville)
Yahoo! Groups: dykefeminism 
Young Gay America - Gay and Lesbian Youth Resource ("long-term research project/road trip adventure dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ youth")
AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) Support Group 
AIS Support Group Australia, Inc. 
Bodies Like Ours ("seeks to end the shame and secrecy that surrounds people born intersexed and/or with atypical genitals through community and peer support")
M. Morgan Holmes (Concordia U.), "Queer Cut Bodies: Intersexuality & Homophobia in Medical Practice" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Inside Intersexuality (Berdache Jordan)
Intersex Awareness Day 
Intersex Bibliography (James Park, U. Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Intersex Children Links (Bilinda Straight, Western Michigan U.)
Intersex Community at Temenos 
Intersex Initiative (IPDX) 
Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) 
Intersex Support Group International 
ITPeople.org: Intersex and Transgender People 
Simon LeVay, "Male, Female, Other" (Nerve.com)
NOVA Online - Sex: Unknown (PBS Online)
P O S T G E N D E R (German intersex site)
Transsexual, Transgender, and Intersex History (Kay Brown)
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States 
United Kingdom Intersex Society (UKIS) 
Yahoo! Groups: intersex 
Journals & Zines
The Advocate ("award-winning national gay & lesbian newsmagazine Web site")
Blithe House Quarterly ("queer fiction lives here"; "online literary magazine featuring a diversity of new short stories by emerging and established lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered authors")
The Church-Wellesley Review (quarterly review of lesbian and gay writing)
Curve Magazine: The Bestselling Lesbian Magazine 
Electronic Gay Community Magazine 
IHRSINN - eine radikalfeministische Lesbenzeitschrift (German feminist lesbian journal)
International Gay & Lesbian Review (C. Todd White, et al., U. Southern California)
The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law (ibiblio)
Oasis Magazine ("first and largest writing community by and for queer youth everywhere")
OutNow Newsmagazine (gay & lesbian newsmagazine for the Peninsula & Silicon Valley)
Whosoever: An Online Magazine for GLBT Christians 
Queer Theory and Criticism
Jon Adams (U. Montana), "Critiquing the Cartoon Caricature: Disney, Drag and the Proliferation and Commdification of Queer Negativity" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Jonathan Alexander (U. Southern Colorado), "Hypertext and Queer Theory" (1997) (Texas Tech U.)
Margot Backus, "How Teaching at a Catholic Liberal Arts College Turned Me Queer" (1997) (U. Houston)
Glenn Burger (U. Alberta), "Queer Performativity and the Natural in Chaucer's Physician's and Pardoner's Tales" (Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart, Georgetown U.)
Robert L. A. Clark and Claire M. Sponsler, "Queer Play: The Cultural Work of Crossdressing in Medieval Drama" (1995)  (Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart, Georgetown U.)
Luke David, "Sexuality in Chasing Amy" 
Bob Nowlan, "Marxist Theory of Homosexuality: Past, Present and Future" (1992) (The Alternative Orange, The Etext Archives)
Nancy Plooster (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Silent Partners: Lost Lovers in American Drama" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Queer Theory (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
QueerTheory.com ("online resources integrated with...visual and textual resources in Queer Culture, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Gender Studies and related fields")
Queer Theory -- LGBT Philosophy at Erratic Impact (Philosophy Research Base, Erratic Impact)
Stephen Shapiro (Yale U.), "Restless Beds: Charles Brockden Brown's Other United States" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Carol Siegel, "The Madness Outside Gender: Travels with Don Quixote and Saint Foucault" (2002) (Rhizomes)
Swirl: Queer Theory (Southern Oregon U.)
Theory.org.uk Resources: Queer Theory 
Adrian Wagner (Princeton U.), "About Face: Drag and Self in Andy Warhol's Portrait Prints" (1995) (Queer Frontiers Conference, U. Southern California)
Transgender and Transsexual
ABGender.com - America's Most Popular Transgender Resource & Shopping Directory 
The Androygny RAQ (Rarely Asked Questions) (Raphael Carter)
Shannon Bell, "Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias" (1994) (CTHEORY.net)
Butch Dyke Boy: Intersection of Boston's Queer and Transgender/Gender Queer Communities 
Center for Gender Sanity 
The Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition 
FTM International 
The Gender Identity Clinic (resources on transgender, diagnosis and care, transition and transformation, support services, reassignment surgery, etc.)
GenderTalk: Web Radio and Transgender Resources 
The Gender Trust 
GLADD: Trans Issues (Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists)
EJ Graff, "My Trans Problem: And How a Feminist Learned to Overcome It" (2001) Village Voice
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc. 
ITPeople.org: Intersex and Transgender People 
It's Time, America!
It's Time, America! Political Action for the Transgendered and Gender Variant Community 
It's Time, Florida! 
It's Time, Massachusetts! 
It's Time, Oregon! 
It's Time, The Carolinas! 
Karla Mantilla, "Men in Ewes' Clothing: The Stealth Politics of the Transgender Movement" (2000) (Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter)
Mermaids: Family Support Group for Children and Teenagers with Gender Identity Issues 
More Husbands Who Became Women (Oprah.com)
National Transgender Advocacy Coalition - NTAC 
Press for Change 
Salon Entertainment: Trans America (Salon.com)
Dean Spade, "Mutilating Gender" (2000) (Make, Craig and Dean)
Suggested Rules for Non-Transsexuals Writing about Transsexuals, Transsexuality, Transsexualism, or Trans ____ (Jacob Hale)
Susan's Place: Transgender Resources (Susan Larson)
TGNN - Transgendered Network News 
Transgender (Sandy Stone)
Transgender Forum (e-zine, resources, online community)
Transgender Law and Policy Institute 
Transgender Care 
Transgender at Work 
Trans-Health.com - The Online Magazine of Health and Fitness for Transsexual and Transgendered People 
TransProud - Be Yourself ("site for transgender youth"; "wide range of resources available for youth and educators")
Transsexualism [Part I] (Lynn Conway, U. Michigan)
Transsexual, Transgender, and Intersex History (Kay Brown)
Transsexuality (Jennifer Diane Reitz)
UK FTM Network 
Virginia Vitzthum, "Gender Warriors" (2000) (Salon.com)
Men's Movements & Men's/Masculinity Studies
ACFC (American Coalition for Fathers and Children) (dedicated "to the creation of a family law system, legislative system, and public awareness which promotes equal rights for ALL parties affected by divorce, and the breakup of a family or establishment of paternity")
The CIRCLE Brotherhood Association ("group of African American men practicing, and dedicated to, the quality of life, successful manhood and parenting, economic growth and development, and the pursuit of excellence and spiritual development") (Scott Williams)
R.W. Connell, "Politics of Changing Men" ("presents a pro-feminist analysis of masculinity politics") (Australian Humanities Review)
Michael Flood, "Homophobia and Masculinities among Young Men (Lessons in Becoming a Straight Man)" (1997) (XY Online)
GlennSacks.com (site for this "men's and fathers' issues columnist and nationally-syndicated radio talk show host")
MensActivism.org: The Men's Activism News Network 
MensNet - Men's Network for Change ("network for pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, male positive men")
MensNet.ca - Men leading healthy lives ("working to bring men's organizations together to improve the provision of men's health information and the overall health of men in Canada")
MensNet - Public Access Cable Television Program dealing with men's issues (Roy Barreca and Anthony Nazzaro)
MenWeb - Men's Issues: Men's Voices Magazine (includes links to resources on battered men, male sex abuse survivors, men's health, men's groups, etc.)
New Zealand Equality Education Foundation ("international resources on Men's Rights, Fathers' Rights, and Racial Equality")
David Sadker, "A Readers Guide to the Boy Book Bonanza" (Myra Sadker Advocates for Gender Equity)
Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (American Psychological Association)
Masculinity Syllabi on the Web (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Taxonomy of Men's Studies Discourses (Warren Hedges, SWIRL, Southern Oregon U.)
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Mens Movement Organizations (David R. Throop, MenWeb)
XY: men, masculinities and gender politics ("features over 80 articles on key 'men's issues'"; includes links and bibliography)
Cybergender & Techgender
ACM-W - ACM's Committee on Women in Computing ("celebrates, informs and supports women in computing, and works with the ACM-W community of computer scientists, educators, employers and policy makers to improve working and learning environments for women")
TAP: The Ada Project ("tapping internet resources for women in computer science")
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology ("nationally recognized organization that provides platforms allowing women's voices, ideas and spirits to influence technology")
Shannon Bell, "Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias" (CTHEORY)
Systers Online Community ("informal organization for technical women in computing") (Institute for Women and Technology)
Rosi Braidotti (U. Utrecht)
"Cyberfeminism with a Difference" (1996) 
Kathleen O'Grady (Cambridge U.), "Nomadic Philosopher: A Conversation with Rosi Braidotti" (1995) (Women's Education des femmes), U. Iowa Libraries)
Amy Bruckman (Georgia Tech)
Amy Bruckman (Georgia Tech), "Cyberspace is not Disneyland: The Role of the Artist in a Networked World" (1995)  
"Gender Swapping on the Internet" (1993) 
Amy Bruckman and Michael Resnick "The MediaMOO Project: Constructionism and Professional Community" (1995) 
"The Turing Game: Exploring Identity in an Online Environment" (2001) ( Convergences)
Lynn Cherny (Stanford U.), "Gender Differences in Text-Based Virtual Reality" (1994) (U. Sydney, Australia)
Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W) ("action oriented organization dedicated to increasing the number of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering [CSE] research and education at all levels")
Composing Cyberspace Chapter 2: Gender Online (Rich Holeton, McGraw Hill Higher Education)
Cybergrrl ("Informing, Inspiring and Celebrating Women")
Cyberpsychology at NTU (includes links to several articles dealing with cyberspace and gender and other resources) (Hugh Miller and Jill Arnold, Nottingham Trent U.)
Amelia DeLoach, "Grrrls Exude Attitude" (1996) (special issue on gender and women online) (CMC Magazine)
Julian Dibbell, "A Rape in Cyberspace, or How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database into a Society" (1993) (Village Voice, McGraw-Hill Higher Education)
Steve Dixon (U. Salford, United Kingdom), "Metal Gender" (CTHEORY.NET)
Fragment.nl: Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources (Frank Schaap)
Gender, Race and Ethnicity in Media: Cyberspace Links (Karla Tonella, Department of Communication Studies, U. Iowa)
Gender and Postmodern Communication ("current Monist Interactive Issue discussion on Gender and Postmodern Communication") (Fiona Steinkamp, U. Edinburgh)
GENTECH Home Page ("'gender-inclusive pedagogy and technology' research project whose mandate is to create conditions within which girls and women have maximum access to, and confidence in, a wide range of new information technologies")
G R R L G A M E R ! (Last Resort Media and Blue Agate)
GHC - Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2004 (Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and the Association for Computing Machinery)
Donna Haraway and Cyborgs
Border Crossings: Cyborgs (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Carolyn Keen on Haraway, "Cyborg Manifesto" (Jim English, U. Pennsylvania)
John R. R. Christie (U. Leeds), "A Tragedy for Cyborgs" (1993) (Configurations)
Communication Studies: Digital Media: Cyborgs (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Donna Haraway, Avenali Professor for 2003-2004 (includes a link to the webcast of her Avenali lecture ) (U. California, Berkeley)
Donna Haraway Biblio (Elisa Kay Sparks, Clemson U.)
Donna Haraway Bibliography (Laura Sells, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.)
Donna Haraway - Professor of Feminist Theory and Technoscience - Biography (faculty page) (European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland)
Donna Haraway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Donna J. Haraway Resources at Erratic Impact's Feminism Web (Philosophy Research Base, Erratic Impact)
William Grassie (Temple U.), "Cyborgs, Trickster, and Hermes: Donna Haraway's Metatheory of Science and Religion" (1996) 
Donna Haraway, "Chapter 9: Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective" (1991) (from Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: the Reinvention of Nature) (Reproductive Technologies Web: RT21, Harvard U.)
Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" (1991) (Stanford U.)
Donna Haraway, "The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others" (1992) (Stanford U.)
P. K. Jamison (Indiana U.), "Contradictory Spaces: Pleasure and the Seduction of the Cyborg Discourse" (1994) (Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture)
Hari Kunzru, "You Are Cyborg" (1997) (Wired News)
Language Visualization and Multilayer Text Analysis ("prototype tool that can study language/discourse phenomena in three-dimensional space") (Cornell U.)
Notes on Donna Haraway (Krista Scott-Dixon)
Ode to Donna Haraway -- Voxygen (Laura Sells, Louisiana State U.)
Gary A. Olson, "Writing, Literacy and Technology: Toward a Cyborg Writing" (1996) (JAC, Georgia State U.)
PopCultures.com: Theorists and Critics: Donna Haraway (Sarah J. Zupko)
Reverse Transcript - Hyperlink to Donna Haraway (Tsuyoshi Toyofuku)
Swirl: Donna Haraway (Southern Oregon U.)
Robert M. Young, "Science, Ideology, and Donna Haraway" (1992) (U. Sheffield)
Institute for Women and Technology: Home ("advanced research, development, advocacy and action organization")
Elizabeth Lane Lawley (Rochester Institute of Technology), "Computers and the Communication of Gender" (1993) (ITCS: Internet Training & Consulting Services)
mary flanagan web ("VRML online artwork, links to cyberculture and gender + technology syllabi, papers on feminist uses of virtual space, knowledge representation and computer games") (Mary Flanagan, Concordia U.)
Mindy McAdams, "Gender Without Bodies" (1996) (special issue on gender and women online) (CMC Magazine)
Past Notable Women in Computing (Yale U.)
Leslie Regan Shade (McGill U.), "Review Essay: The Gendered Mystique" (1996) (special issue on gender and women online) (CMC Magazine)
Jaimie Smith-Windsor (U. Victoria, Canada), "The Cyborg Mother: A Breached Boundary" (CTHEORY.NET)
Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy Stone (U. Texas, Austin)
Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy Stone Homepage 
A Conversation with Sandy Stone (SPEED, U. California, Irvine)
Sandy Stone, "The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto" (1988) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone Interview for MONDO 2000 (1993) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone, "Violation and Virtuality: Two Cases of Physical and Psychological Boundary Transgressions and Their Implications" (1993) 
Allucquere Rosanne Stone, "What Vampires Know: Transsubjection and Transgender in Cyberspace" (1993)  
Subrosa (theoretical articles and documentation of practices critiquing the effects of the interconnections of technology, gender, and difference; feminism and global capital; new bio and medical technologies and women's health; and globalized labor and reproduction) "subRosa is a reproducible cyberfeminist cell of cultural researchers committed to combining art, activism, and politics to explore and critique the effects of the intersections of the new information and biotechnologies on women's bodies, lives, and work.") (subRosa)
Hoai-An Truong Gender Issues in Online Communications (essay by Bay Areas Women in Telecommunications)
Gender, Technology, and Computer Culture Syllabus (Sherry Turkle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Webgrrls International ("the women's tech knowledge connection")
Shawn P. Wilbur (Bowling Green State U.), "'Cyberpunks' to Synners: Toward a Feminist Posthumanism?" (Shawn P. Wilbur, Black Swamp Infozone and Archive)
WITI - Women in Technology International ("to help women advance by providing access to - and support from - other professional women working in all sectors of technology")
Women and Computer Science (Ellen Spertus, Mills C.)
Women and Computing (Julie Albright, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
Women- and Gender-Related Science, Math & Technology Syllabi on the Web (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
WWWomen Search Directory: Computers (WWWomen)
Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Abuse
Domestic and Relationship Violence
Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse (U. New South Wales)
AVP: The New York City Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project 
Battered Men (MenWeb)
BC Institute Against Family Violence 
Raquel Kennedy Bergen (St. Joseph's U.), "Marital Rape" (1999) (U. Minnesota)
Break the Cycle - Empowering Youth to End Domestic Violence 
BWJP - Battered Women's Justice Project 
California Secretary of State - Safe at Home 
CARDV - Center Against Rape & Domestic Violence 
Commission on Domestic Violence (American Bar Association)
Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence 
Domestic Violence Information Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Domestic Violence Handbook (Oakland County Coordinating Council Against Domestic Violence)
Domestic Violence in Gay Couples (Richard Niolon)
Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre 
Education Wife Assault 
Family Violence Prevention Fund 
Female Domestic Violence Against Men (Daniel Benjamin Holzman)
Gay Partner Abuse Project 
Hidden Hurt: Domestic Abuse Information 
Kids Helping Kids - Break the Silence of Sexual Abuse 
Life on Brian's Beat: Gay-on-Gay Violence (John A. Harnick)
Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women 
Men Stopping Violence 
MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse (Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse)
National Domestic Violence Hotline Website 
National Sexual Violence Resource Center 
NLA-I Canadian Domestic Violence Project 
No Safe Place: Violence Against Women (PBS Online)
Office on Violence Against Women (US Department of Justice)
Safe Horizon: Home Page ("mission is to provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families, and communities")
The Safety Zone: Domestic Violence Resources 
See It and Stop It! (site geared towards youth to prevent relationship violence/abuse) (Teen Action Campaign)
Stop Abuse for Everyone ("provides services, publications, and training to serve those who typically fall between the cracks of domestic violence services," including "straight men, gays and lesbians, teens, the elderly, and immigrants")
Stop It Now! The Campaign to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse 
STOP Partner Abuse/Domestic Violence Program (LA Gay & Lesbian Center)
Violence at Home (year-long series on domestic violence) (The Sacramento Bee)
VIOLET: Law & Abused Women (Legal Studies Program, U. Alberta)
VOICES in Action 
Women Against Domestic Violence 
WomensLaw.org ("easy-to-understand legal information to women living with or escaping domestic violence")
Womenspace: Domestic Violence Services 
Rape/Sexual Assault and Abuse
Arizona Rape Prevention and Education Program 
Campus Outreach Services, Inc. 
CARDV - Center Against Rape & Domestic Violence 
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault 
Date Rape Drugs (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women 
Men Against Sexual Assault (MASA) (U. Rochester)
Men Can Stop Rape 
MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse (Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse)
MS - MaleSurvivor 
No Escape: Male Rape in US Prisons (Human Rights Watch)
No Safe Place: Violence Against Women (PBS Online)
Office on Violence Against Women (US Department of Justice)
Prison Rape and Sex (Barbara Kestler, Prisoners.com)
Rainbow Male Survivors Network 
Rape101.com - Resources and Education for Stopping Rape 
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network / National Sexual Assault Hotline 
The Rape Crisis Center 
Rape Recovery Center 
Safe Horizon: Home Page ("mission is to provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families, and communities")
Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center 
Sexual Assault and Trauma Resource Center of RI 
Sexual Assault Resources: The Zero 5.0laf (includes links to resources on acquaintance/date rape, drug-facilitated rape, and prison rape) (Andrew Vachss)
SFWAR: San Francisco Women Against Rape 
SOAR: Speaking Out About Rape 
Stop Prisoner Rape - SPR 
Survivors UK 
Truth About Rape (UK site)
Tulane Men Against Rape (Tulane U.)
Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter 
Welcome to Barbados ("a Tori Amos inspired site for rape and sexual abuse survivors") (Shannon)
xris.com: Male Survivor Issues and Resources (Chris Kreussling)
Sexual Harassment
911 for Women: Sexual Harassment (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Department of Defense 1995 Sexual Harassment Survey 
Employers Publications: Sexual Harassment Resource 
Facts About Sexual Harassment (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Feminist News Stories on Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Discrimination in the Military (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Information on Sexual Harassment (Nancy Wyatt, Pennsylvania State U., Delaware County)
Military Woman Issues 
NOW's Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign (National Organization for Women)
Online NewsHour: Sexual Harassment in the Military (PBS)
Preventing Sexual Harassment (online training session on sexual harassment) (New Media Learning)
"Senate Panel Holds Hearing on Military Sexual Harassment" (1997) (CNN)
Sexual Harassment Issues: Men's Issues Page (David R. Throop, MenWeb, World Wide Web Virtual Library)
Sexual Harassment Law: Free Legal Information (FreeAdvice)
Sexual Harassment Resources (U. North Carolina, Greensboro)
Sexual Harassment: Women's Studies Database: Gender Issues (U. Maryland)
Diana Simpson, "Sexual Harassment in the Military" (1997) (Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Air U.)
The Street Harassment Project 
Topics in US Employee Law: Sexual Harassment (Carter McNamara, Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits)
Women's Rights at Work (Citizen Action of New York)
Yahoo! Directory Human Resources > Sexual Harassment Educational Companies 

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